Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thrusters/weighted pullups

For time:
135 pound Thruster, 15 reps
35 pound weighted Pull-up, 15 reps
95 pound Thruster, 21 reps
20 pound weighted Pull-up, 21 reps
65 pound Thruster, 36 reps
36 Pull-ups

1 = 4:30.27
2 = 4:05.47
3 = 5:24.19
TOTAL = 13:59.93

This one hurt as bad as I thought it was going to. The 135lb Thrusters were rough. All reps were good and deep. I had struggled with that a few weeks back on "FRAN" so I got good and warm and practiced starting with some deep body squats and then some low weight over head squats to be sure I was ready to go deep on the down stroke. We just have not done any over the last few weeks / months. I got my rythm down by the second and third rounds. The weight getting lower helped obviously. Really moved well I just needed somone there to push me or yelling at me to keep moving. I know I could have gone a ton faster early on and mid way through this one. I really fell appart on the last round of pull ups. Not really the pull-ups but the grip strength just left. The last 15 reps. Recovery afterward was crazy. Just after was general fatigue and hurting all over. At roughly 3 minutes my forearms and bicepts just went numb and hurt like crazy. I have had this before but it was imediate not delayed by a few minutes. That took a few minutes to pass. Wow a good one today. Missed having Danile around on this one I know I could have been in the 12 minute range with someone to push with. My low back is still killing me not sure the catalyst here but I am struggling.

Crunches 500 after 7 minutes of finishing, another 500 a few hours later.


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