Monday, February 14, 2011


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Parallette handstand push-ups
10 Toes through rings
15 reps, 20 pound Medicine ball cleans

Rounds splits =
1 = 1:25.94
2 = 1:47.54
3 = 1:49.02
4 = 1:53.12
5 = 2:10.38
6 = 2:00.98
7 = 2:02.58
8 = 1:58.41
9 = 2:15.61 - I started dry heaving before I began this set, got on rings and had to stop.
10 = 2:05.83 = 20:00min marker, + 5 HS push-ups
Finished 11 round in 22:18.38 really slowed down I was dead on my feet. Split was 2:48.97 for 10 toes in rings and 15 med ball cleans.

This one whooped me for some reason. I was moving well through it until I hit the 17min barrier and the wheels started coming off. Dry heaved starting round 9 as I jumped on the rings. Got moving again and finished well. Got 5 HS push-ups stood up to head to rings and time was up. I finished but was moving slow. I did get in a good grove on the kips for the toes in rings. I was down for a few minutes.

I wanted to do a bench workout. Laid down to try with 135 and it felt terrible. Daniel gave me a few options and I tried one. My strength was still there and I was very suprised. Funny thing was is that my strength left me all at once. The last set I did I got 10 of the supposed 14 reps and just fell of the cliff. The bar hit my chest and I just had nothing. I started to laugh and Daniel started laughing. We both had to gather ourselves to get the dang thing off of me. I am glad I did the extra work but holy cow when my body was done it was done.

Warmed up with 135 10 times
Reps Weight
2 ---- 225
4 ---- 215
6 ----205
8 ---- 195
10 ---185
11 ---175 was supposed to be 12 failed about 3/4 the way up
10 ---165 was supposed to be 14 not even close could not even get 11 off my chest

1,100 Crunches

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