Friday, June 28, 2013

Cardo-Crossfit - Run 800 forward 400 Backward, Abdominals and dips

2 Rounds
800 meter run forward
400 meter run backward

When done Abdominals, dips and push-ups
4 rounds
50 Jack Hammers
20 Dips
50 Butterfly Situps
20 Dips
50 Situps with a twist
20 Dips
50 GHD's
20 Push-ups

Very surprised at how my back held up.  I was a bit sore and have been all day but happy with results.  The kids did 4 rounds I stopped after 2 rounds of the runs.  I did not want to push my back to far.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bench Press, Pull-ups

Opened day with Bench
10 x 135
8 x 170
5 x 195
3 x 210
1 x 235
1 x 235
1 x 235
5 x 200
10 x 135

I don't know what was wrong a week or so ago.  This just ate me up.  I blew threw it today.  I think I might try the next level up next time.

For time:
100 Pull-ups

1 -  44.16 seconds - First 30 were unbroken.
2 - 7:29 for the next 70, broken into mostly sets of 10
Total time - 8:14

My hands held up till the last 15 or so I even think that the last 2 were the ones that tore me up.  My hands ae on fire.  Daniel ripped open one and had two coming.  I felt one rip deep on my right hand and another under a callus.  Thought that was it until my hands got feeling back.  I then found a total of 5.  With my bicep injury I have not done much in the pull-up category.  This one ate me up.  I am almost positive with a kipping pull up before the injury I was doing 50 plus or so unbroken.  This was prescribed for a kip.  I think my dead hang pull-ups were a help for sure.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sprints - 50meter Down and 50 meters back, goblet squats, split jumps, KB swings, Double pump body squats, 400meter run, hollow rocks, hand release push-ups, windshield wipers, bench dips, walking push-ups


PART 1 (soccer field)
50 meter Down and 50 meter back
30 x 55lb Goblet Squats
Sprint Down and Back
30 x Split Jumps
Sprint Down and Back
30 x KB Swings
Sprint Down and Back
15 x Double pump body squats

PART 2 (weigth room)
400 meter run
50 Hollow rocks
10 hand release push-ups
400 meter run
50 windshield wipers
20 bench dips
400 meter run
30 walking push-ups

Part 1 - The first sprint was solid and by number 12 on the gobblet squats my legs were toast.  The rest of the sprints were horrible. 

Part 2 - I had to help several people and ran with a few of the little ones that were there. 

Took splits but they were worthless.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Back Squat, Weighted overhead lunge, GHD's

Back Squat  Power Matrix for 240-245
5 x 135
8 x 165
5 x 190
3 x 200
1 x 225
1 x 225
1 x 225
5 x 195
5 x 135

Did this very easily.  I have just been very cautious with anything putting pressure on my back.  My strength seems to be coming back since hurting my back in November.  I am still just being super cautious.  I will try moving up to the next level next time.  All squats are parallel or below.  The 225 were below parallel.

For time:
45lb Overhead Walking Lunge
1 - 1:28
2 - 1:33
3 - 1:29
4 - 1:17
5 - 1:08
6 - 1:00
7 - :40.13
Total time - 8:38

Had a good time with this one.  I am pretty worn down.  This is my 7th day in a row.  I had a hard nap for 2 hours after the workout yesterday.  This one was fun because Daniel is faster at the lunges and I am faster at the GHD's.  Daniel would pull away on the Lunges and I would catch him on the GHD's, so we were finishing the first few rounds together.  He pulled away at the 9.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Pull-ups, burpees, ball slams

Weighted Pull-ups x 5
5 x 15lbs
5 x 20lbs
5 x 25lbs
5 x 30lbs
5 x 35lbs
Weighted pull-ups, all were done full extension dead hang.  Last rep last set something pulled between my shoulder blades feels like the right side.

Death by ball slams
2 Burpee buy in each min.
First min 1 slam
Second min 2 slams and progressing.
Ron - 40 rounds
Daniel - 41 rounds

Daniel counted these up.  I did 80 burpees and 820 ball slams.  I am shot right now.  I am typing this about 3 hours after we finished.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bench Press, Tire Slams, Ring Dips, GHD's, Heavy Rope, KB Swings

Bench Press
10 x 135
8 x 170
5 x 195
3 x 210
1 x 230
1 x 230
1 x 230
5 x 205
10 x 135
Solid day of Bench.

3 Rounds
20 Tire Slams - 10 Right / 10 Left Side
10 Ring Dips
10 GHD's
10 Heavy Rope
10 KB Swings
1 - 2:07
2 - 2:10
3 - 2:06
Total time - 6:24

Nice solid progression.  Good fast burn.  Both Daniel and I are pretty tired.

Friday, June 21, 2013

AM WOD Campus Crossfit

All start from the weight room.

For Time:
Run to Intermediate Playground

1 pass of monkey bars, 5 pull-ups
Weight room - 20 KB swings, 50 crunches, 20 SDLHP

Run to - Primary Playgound - Basketball goal
100 Lunges
Weight room - 20 KB swings, 50 crunches, 20 SDLHP

Run to far soccer goal
20 Jump and touch top of goal
Weight room - 20 KB swings, 50 crunches, 20 SDLHP

Run to High School flag pole
10 wide push ups, 10 narrow push ups, 10 wide, 10 narrow
Weight room - 20 KB Swings, 50 crunches, 20 SDLHP

1 - 10:10
2 and 3 - 22:07
4 - 7:13
Total time - 39:31

I ran all loops but the primary and I biked that loop and a bit extra.

6/20/13 Health Demo Day

Took the kids to the weight room for health class and ran them through 50 or so body weight and dumbell exercises ranging full body even tire slams and flips.  I was rolling with sweat by the end. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Back Squat, SDLHP, Push Jerk

Back Squats all parallel or below
5 x 135
8 x 160
5 x 190
3 x 205
1 x 215
1 x 215
1 x 215
5 - 185

For time:
21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Sumo-deadlift High Pull
Push Jerk
I jacked the splits up.  I combined a set or two and I am not sure which is which.  This is my best guess
21/18 - Combined - 1:07 this seems crazy fast but I am almost positive I did not hit it.  Daniel and I were moving.
15 - 1:02
12 - 1:08
9 - :55
6 - 1:16
3 - 13.06

To look at the splits again makes me think something is really messed up.  Oh well I was just thinking the other day that Daniel and I had not done one side by side tp push each other.  This definetly fit the bill.  He finished 20 seconds up on me, but we were rep for rep on and off during the WOD.  My grip was fried after this one.  My forearms were on fire for quite a while.

Squats actually felt pretty good considering we have not squated for a while.  We also did some tall box jumps after each set of squats this was suprisingly sold feeling.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

PM WOD - Dumbell Thrusters, Ring Pull-ups, Dips

For Time:
15 - 12 - 9
45lb Dumbell Thrusters

1 - 3:14
2 - 3:36
3 - 2:58
Total time - 9:50

Pretty tired from this am.  My bicept injury is still pretty prominant.  I can not do overhand pull ups.  They light that thing on fire.  I seem to be able to exist if I stick to curl type pull ups.  This in turn has caused my pull ups to suck since I can not do them very often.  


3 Rounds
400 meter run
50 Butterfly sit-ups
15 Dips
50 Sit-ups with a twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall Climb
20 Right side Tire Slams
20 Left side Tire Slams
20 Toes to bar

1 - 8:47
2 - 10:38 Had to get my bike out of the truck for Jordan and adjust the seat.
3 - 10:55 Ha, no excuse here just sucked it up.
Total time - 31:21

This was designed to rip the abbs and it got that done.  I am typing this a day later and feeling it.  I actually felt good first and second round.  Third round it was all I could do just to throw my torso up and complete the reps.  What fires me up the most is my lady runners asked for an abb ripping workout.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Bench Press, Then BARBARA - Jump rope, butterfly sit-ups

Power Matrix - I went up because I (as they say) mastered the weight last time.  I am exhausted for some reason and really struggled with my 1 rep sets today.  Not sure why other than the fatigue.  Everything was smooth till the 3 sets of single reps.
8 x 135
8 x 170
6 x 195
3 x 210
1 x 235 stalled but got it.  Butt stayed on bench.
1 x 235 failed
1 x 235 both Daniel and I were nervous because of the last set.  I got fired up and when I stalled Daniel put a bit of pressure on the bar.  I fired through the finish.  So I did it with help.  A few months back I was doing 230, 3 times.  Chalk up to bad day.
5 x 200

For time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Double unders - I did singles as usual and doubled the number.  Heavy plastic rope as usual.
butterfly sit-ups
1 - 1:59
2 - 1:38
3 - 1:13
4 - 49.62
5 - 26.97
Total time - 6:08

I did get a few double unders.  I have to do these when fresh or I come down to hard and my back gives me fits.  Nice fast burn.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Run, SDLHP, Push-ups, Kettelbell Swings, Burpees, Toes to Bar

For Time: 18:33
Round 1
Big loop soccer field - roughly 600m
50 SDLHP @ 55lbs
Round 2
Big Loop
50 Push-ups
Round 3
Big Loop
50 KB Swings @ 55lbs
Round 4
Big Loop
25 Burpees

At completion of all rounds 1 set of 25 toes to bar

1 - 3:54
2 - 3:38
3 - 4:51
4 - 6:08
Total time - 18:33

Did not time toes to bar but they were unbroken and smooth. 

Did this with kids in the AM.  Sweat like crazy.  Great workout and fun to be out with the kids.  Ran in my Vibrams.  My pace was slow today.  I think the amount of running I have been doing is taking its toll.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dumbell Push Press, Weighted Pull-ups, SDLHP, Burpees

7 minutes left, down by 6
Complete 2 rounds

1 minute - max reps 50lbs Dumbell Push Press
Rest 1 minute
1 minute - max reps 50lbs Weighted Pull-ups
Rest 1 minute
1 minute - SDLHP
Rest 1 minute
1 minute - Max Rep Burpees
*Rest 1 minute between rounds

Round 1         Round 2
PP - 35          PP - 35
PU - 5           PU - 5
SDLHP - 45  SDLHP - 44
Burpees - 17  Burpees - 18

Pull-ups hammered me.  I am so far out of shape here because of my bicep injury.  Push press were solid.  Great WOD side by side with Danile.  We don't get to do this very often so that was nice. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bench Press, Back Squat, Pull-ups, Push-ups

Started with bench press Power Matrix
10 x 135
8 x 165
5 x 190
3 x 200
1 x 225
1 x 225
1 x 225
5 x 190

AMRAP in 9 min
3 x Back Squat 135lbs
6 x Pull-ups
9 x Push-ups
1 - 37.36
2 - 47.62
3 - 44.56
4 - 48.93
5 - 51.94
6 - 47.51
7 - 53.42
8 - 56.76
9 - 52.78
10 - 52.38
11 - 38.89
Finished at  - 8:52
I racked the squat on my back and the time expired.

Not a bad evening workout considering this morning hammered me.  The AMRAP squat was supposed to be 225 but both Daniel and I are on back saving mode.  We both lowered.  I went 135 and he was 185 I believe.  Over all I am pretty fired up.  Two WOD's today and I feel pretty decent.  Back has been a little sore I think from the running element this AM.

Run, Body Squats, Push-ups, Lever-pulls, Iron Cross, Lunges

AM WOD with Cardo kids in the morning
For Time:
4 Rounds
Big Loop Soccer Field = 600 meter run
40 - Body Squats
20 - Push-ups
30 - Lever-pulls, like a butterfly but only one arm swing up and over crossing the body and touching the floor by the feet.
20 - Iron Cross
40 - Lunges

Total time - 30:42
First split was - 7:49 I forgot to hit it the other rounds.

This one put the hurt on me.  I can only guess the running is what did the trick.  By round 2, I was hurting.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Back Squat, single arm hang, turkish get-ups, L-sit

Started day with light back squat, all were below parallel
5 x 135
5 x 155
5 x 165
3 x 185
1 x 205

Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
Single arm hang, right arm, 15 seconds
45lb barbell Turkish Get-up, left arm, 5 reps
Single arm hang left arm, 15 seconds
45lb barbell Turkish Get-up, left arm 5 reps
30 second L-sit hold
1 - 6:39
2 - 8:52
3 - 8:46
Total time: 24:18 

Third day in a row and workout number 4 in 3 days.  Pooped out!  My L-sits sucked.  I am worn slick.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

PM WOD, Ring Supline Rows, Single arm Ring AB rotation row and reach, KB swings, Toes to Bar, Heavy plate push

Started with
Ring Supine Rows, feet up on bench and weighted.  used power matrix. Interesting.
I think this is the progression
8 x 25lbs
6 x 30lbs
3 x 35lbs
1 x 40lbs
1 x 40lbs
1 x 40lbs
5 x 35lbs

Moved to Single arm ABB rotation row and reach (something very new)
Very technique oriented.
5 sets of 5 reps each arm

5 Rounds For time:
1 x 15ft rope assent
10 x KB swings 55lbs
10 x Toes to bar
1 x Heavy plate push down and back 50 yards total 90lbs
1 min rest
1 - 1:38
2 - 1:37
3 - 1:53
4 - 2:06
5 - 2:13
Total time with rest - 13:27

Daniel came up with this one and both of us thought this would not be very bad.  Boy were we wrong.  Round 3 smacked us both in the face.  Total survival from round 3 on.  We both were struggling with the plate push.  This is usually one of my strong points.  Not today.  For WOD number 2 of the day and the fact that I am in horrible shape I guess I should be happy.  My back barked at me during round 4 after the KB's. During the 1 min rest which felt like 15 seconds I did the spinal twist both sides got a high low back pop and felt better.  Just stayed very tight for round 5.  My legs are on fire but I am happy to be on again.  My right arm is still hurt.  There has been no improvement.  I guess I am going to have to live with this or get a new Dr..  I still have yet to do the PRP because I had to take Alieve this spring for my back pain that I was having.  I do and do not want to try this at $500 a shot I am leary and to boot nothing else that the Dr. has tried or suggested has had any effect.  We shall see.

AM WOD, Run 400, KB Swings, Situps, Push-ups

did this with the Cross Country kids this morning.  They had 5 rounds.  I wanted to be around encouraging so I did part of it and encouraged at the same time.

I did this
4 Rounds
Run 400 meters
20 hand release push ups
30 Kettlebell swings - 55lbs
40 Butterfly sit-ups

Monday, June 3, 2013

Omar, bench press

Bench Press
135lbs - 8 reps
160lbs - 8 reps
180lbs - 6 reps
190lbs - 3 reps
215lbs - 1 rep
215lbs - 1 rep
215lbs - 1 rep
185lbs - 5 reps

For Time:
10 - 95lb Thrusters
15 - Bar facing Burpees
20 - 95lb Thrusters
25 - Bar facing Burpees
30 - 95lb Thrusters
35 - Bar facing Burpees

1 - 1:52
2 - 5:25
3 - 8:38
Total Time - 15:57


My abbs are pretty sore from the 60 GHD's on Saturday.  First Thrusters I have done in several months.  Good burn my tail end cramped up pretty severly after this was over.  

Saturday, June 1, 2013

KB Swings, Shoulder Press, Body Squats, GHD's, Jump Rope

4 Rounds for time:
20 KB Swings - 45lbs
10 Shoulder Press - 95lbs
30 Body Squats
15 GHD's
40 Jump Rope Singles

1 - 4:05
2 - 4:24
3 - 4:52
4 - 4:36
Total Time - 17:58

Jen and the girls came in with the mutts.  Jen did the WOD above and the girls did another one I will list below.  I am pretty stiff today.  Back is not great but better than it has been all spring.  Last night my right elbow on the bottom toward the fore arm hurt from something yesterday.  I also forgot to post yesterday that some how I strained my neck during bench and I really did not bench that heavy nor hard.  These last few months have sucked.

Girls WOD
4 Rounds
15 KB Swings
25 Sit-ups/Crunches
20 Lunges 10 each leg
1 Rope Climb
1 Sled Push Down and back roughly 50 yards