Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Deadlift, Overhead Squats

21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
135 pound Overhead squat

21 - 2:31
15 - 3:48
9 - 2:04
Total time = 8:25

I am so bad at over head squats I just get frustrated. Today was nice and a bit different. Daniel got a weight vest for his birthday. He let me wear it for my rounds. Thanks brother! This allowed me to be able to do 95 lbs for the over head squat total weight with the 20lb vest. Dead lifts I powered through. Not a problem. I think my back is going to be sore but I was moving through these.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Med ball Cleans, Wall Ball Shots

Five rounds for time of: 6:58.94
15 Medicine ball cleans, 20 pound ball
15 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Rounds 1 = 1:07.29
2 = 1:21.00
3 = 1:29.51
4 = 1:40.29
5 = 1:20.85
Total time = 6:58.94

Had to do this one after the track meet tonight. So I started at 9:30pm. Whooped from the day and the meet. Stomach not feeling good at all. It was nice to get my blood up though. I love both of these exercises so I wish I could have been a bit more with it. I know I could have gone faster. Bogged down on round 4 but came back decent on round 5. 1000 crunches yesterday 14,925/100,000

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Burpees, Sit-ups, KB swings, Pull-ups, HS push ups

For time: 15:23.44
70 Burpees
60 Sit-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods
40 Pull-ups
30 Handstand push-ups
Splits 1 = 5:18.52 killed this last time not sure what happened
2 = 1:50.99
3 = 1:59.22
4 = 3:15.38
5 = 2:59.33
Total Time = 15:23.44

This was a tough one. We went camping at Millers ranch in the new camper. Froze our hineys off. Caught a bunch of fish though. Had a good time. I am beat today and not feeling great. I had to have Daniel tell me he was coming in to even get myself to come in. I pr'ed by 2:38.26 but this one tore me up. My insides are shook up. And, man I still stink at hand stand push ups. Last time we did this we did it a few days before in reverse order and then in this order.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Burpees, Situps, KB swings, Pull Ups, HSPU For time: 18:01.70
Burpees = 4:45 unbroken60 Sit-ups = 2:07 unbroken50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods = 55lbs; = 2:31 unbroken other than Danile throwing the 55 at me so I did not have to hold the 50 and a 5lb hand weight.40 Pull-ups = 4:29 10,12,10, 830 Handstand push-ups = 4:07 10, 15, 5 pretty much to failure each time. Tried to keep one minute recovery roughly. Daniel helped to get feet hooked this helped a ton. Thanks Bayless.Push ups same as last time but set safety bar higher so only toes were over on the downward stroke. I used my toes to assist on push back up. These were way better than last time but still not doing them totally correct.35 seconds faster this time but the order was backward. The hand stand push ups were murder at the end. Overall a better effort than last time though I had been sick and back hurt. This one goes to Clayton. 1 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts kicked my tail I was feeling them all day burning through my system. I have not been this physically spent for a few weeks at the end. Awesome. I had sweat rolling off for 20 minutes. Heart rate was 130 after 90seconds being done. The ticker seems to be getting into shape too. We shall see. Took splits this time on rounds trying to break the system down for more goals.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
HSPU/Pull ups/KB swing/Sit-ups/Burpees For time:18:36
30 Handstand push-ups, Adapted a little today here did almost inverted push ups. Just less than full hand stand push ups.40 Pull-ups Broke into 3 sets 20, 15, 550 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods = 55lbs60 Sit-ups70 Burpees Yea these sucked as bad as it sounded.Just a few disappointments today. Wish I was on with the full hand stand push up. Because of being sick for a few days and being sick Monday night I did not push as hard as I think I could have. I rested a little more than usual. I was just a touch apprensive to get tossed backward again. Back has been hurting but yesterday no worse than usual and tonight seems to be no worse either. We shall see after tomorrows squats. Improvement over a few weeks back I no longer reach failure with the pull ups like I used to. I have my kip down pretty solid but either way no more failure and assists with bench or jumps.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Squat and Rope climb

For time:
135 pound Front squat, 10 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 32.82
135 pound Front squat, 9 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 40.84
135 pound Front squat, 8 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 42.75
135 pound Front squat, 7 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 48.97
135 pound Front squat, 6 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 47.35
135 pound Front squat, 5 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 49.33
135 pound Front squat, 4 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 48.83
135 pound Front squat, 3 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 42.73
135 pound Front squat, 2 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 38.91
135 pound Front squat, 1 rep
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent = 44.93 = 7:17.46

Aparently I did an extra round some where? NOT A CLUE WHEN! I think it was around the 7 or 6 rep round I know I lost track and thought I guessed right aparrently not. I had my split on my last round at 36.64 = with a total of 7:54.10 This make it even worse. Not only did I do it wrong I did an extra round! FART!

1 - 32.86
2 -40.84
3 - 42.75
4 - 48.97
5 - 47.35
6 - 49.33
7 - 48.83
8 - 42.73
9 - 38.91
10 - 44.93 = 7:17.46
11 - 36.64 = 7:54.10
TIME TOTAL = 7:54.10 with an extra round

AHHH! Every time I don't write these down or check before I start I screw this up. I did back squat and not front squat. This was a great workout and would have been even better if done right! I am so frustrated I can hardly type this. I am still paying for Wednesdays workout. Abbs and upper body are sore.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Four rounds for time of:
10 L-pull-ups
15 Push-ups
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
20 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups

1 - 2:19.00
2 - 4:35.41
3 - 6:26.03
4 - 5:46.40
TOTAL TIME = 19:06.84

Both Daniel and I were having a hard time getting our minds around this one to start. We both knew how bad it was going to hurt. We also had never done it before so there was no idea as to how to attack it. We both flew on the first round and it came back to bite us. Great workout.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ovarhead Squat, Front Squat, Back Squat

Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets.

Overhead Squat
1 - 95
2 - 105
3 - 115
4 - 125
5 - 135 Fail x 2

Front Squat = all reps at or below parallel
1 - 185 no belt
2 - 195 no belt
3 - 205 no belt
4 - 215 belt
5 - 225 belt and PR

Back Squat = all reps at or below parallel
1 - 225 no belt
2 - 235 no belt
3 - 245 no belt
4 - 255 belt and PR
5 - 265 belt and PR

Today was a great day. Overhead squat sucked. I know I can do more. Just in my head today. Tied PR as far as I could find. Though I thought I had done 135 before. Oh well. Front and Back squats are PR's for being a old man. I really don't rember exact PR's but I know they are or were better than where I am now. However for having 2 herniated disks in my back and being in cronic pain 3 years ago I was stoked after this one. Could not help but smile as I was leaving today. Thanks for sticking around Daniel. I know I could have gone higher but no reason too.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Wall Ball, pull ups10 Wall ball

For Time
7 rounds
10 Wall Ball Shots 20lb ball
10 Pull- ups

1 - 33.46
2 - 43.53
3 - 46.32
4 - 47.56
5 - 50.87
6 - 55.86
7 - 49.91
TOTAL = 5:27.51

This was a great one. I like these. A solid full body workout with a fast burn and sustained burn. Reading it Daniel and I thought no big deal. Then it hit me as the week went by 70 pull ups. I think it hit when finished the pull up workout Wednesday. I did some figuring my time would/should be 1 minute faster. I added up my extra time and added up Daniels transition time and subtracted from my total on my transet. I am guessing roughly 4:27 to 4:30+. I took the next rack down. It took Daniel 2 seconds to get to his station changes and took me 6 to 7 seconds to change stations. Over 7 rounds this added up. I was rolling but Coach pulled ahead early. This had to be why because I did not bog down. Daniel came in a 5:15 for morning practice and we got this done. Thanks for coming in Daniel. I am surprised as to how much time I lost in this transet. Interesting. Either way I am happy with this workout. Just was able to find the last time. Still can't find yesterday. I have to really be stoked. I had to break up the pull ups last time and the time was a big pr. Having trouble cutting and pasting I will have to get it at home.

Last time
October 23rd

Time 7:52

Thursday, March 17, 2011

1 mile / sit ups / back extensions / 1 mile

For time: 22:22.45
Run 1 mile = subbed in bike 2 miles actually went 2.15
100 Sit-ups
100 Back extensions
Run 1 mile = subbed in bike 2 miles actually went 2.15

Mix and match back extensions and sit-ups as needed.

Biked 2.15 miles each round for the mile. Bike is about to blow up on me so I had no breaks and had to be careful on the turns when I normaly would have cranked the whole time and breaked at the turn. Oh well. Back extensions killed my hamstrings. Tweeked my back between my shoulder blades today at track practice (Levi). In some pain. I also ran a bit doing hand offs. It felt good at the time but I am paying for it now. My dang legs are numb. I know I have done this workout before but I can't find it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pull-ups per minute

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

PR Today Exactly one round + more

16 Rounds + 12
Equals = 160 pull-ups

I felt awesome through 12 rounds then like usual with CF I just fell off the cliff. Round 13 started to hurt then down hill fast. It took all I had to get to 16 plus the 12. By round 15 I was having to do sets to get them all in with minimal recovery.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pull ups per minute
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.Use as many sets each minute as needed.

15 rounds plus 12Total number of pull-ups 132

Crunches/Abbs =

Monday, March 14, 2011

185 lb Bench, 225lb Back Squat

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of :
3 reps = 185 lb, Bench Press
5 reps = 225 lb, Back Squat

1 = 44.08
2 = 1:21.70
3 = 1:58.55
4 = 1:52.56
5 = 2:13.94
6 = 2:26.50
7 = 1:23.50 = 12:00 headed to bench but did not make it.

I did this one this AM and struggled to get going. Bench was terrible and squats were not much better . Oh well got it done though. With parent teacher conferences the next two days I was sure I would miss one.

AM Crunches/ABB work = 300


Sunday, March 13, 2011

1 hour plus stationary bike

First session interval setting 90 rpm's

Second session steady hard pace 90 to 100+ rpm's

Friday, March 11, 2011

Muscle ups, Deadlift, walking lunge

Four rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
Walking Lunge, 30 steps

1 - 1:52.88
2 - 2:49.84
3 - 3:17.33
4 - 3:40.54
Total time = 11:40.59

This was a nice solid workout. I wish I could do muscle ups for real. I rocked the dead lifts and lunges. My legs are still killing me from the 100 reps of 135 lb back squats two days ago. Very sore now and my back is barking a bit too. I think I could have gone a tone faster today.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stationary Bike Practice Bike Rides

Missed Cross Fit today but tons of activity

AM = Biked 5m
300 Crunches/ Push-ups

PM = Biked 8 miles Practice and Stationary
500 Crunches

Total Crunches 800


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back Squat, Handstand walk

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Back squat, 20 reps
Handstand walk 20 yards

1 - 1:57.22
2 - 2:40.23
3 - 2:43.53
4 - 3:21.52
5 - 3:07.20
TOTAL = 13:49.70

I felt like I had no steam today. I have been getting so much better at my squats and for the amount of pr I had today I should be happy. I just did not feel like I had any grove today. I should be happy considering 100 135lb squats. I did not have this posted in my last post about this workout but it was in april when I first started. I guarantee the squats then were poor. Todays were all parallel or below with a narrow stance and solid knees. In April I had a very wide stance and knees in poor position and there is no way I went parallel on them all. My back had been in bad shape from Mondays workout. Today it was talking to me the whole time. Still got it done though. Man I suck at handstand walks.

Last Time
Back squat handstand walk
Did this on April 11th

Five rounds for time of: 17:47135 pound Back squat, 20 repsHandstand walk 20 yardsDid each set of squats all in a row with little break never re-racked weight.20 yard hand stand walk first set got 2 to 3 walks. By the 4th and 5th sets I as making it 3 to 5 steps. Was so tired I forgot which set I was on and stopped after round 4 for about 30 seconds then Daniel asked if I was done and I remembered I was two sets behind him. Hit parallel 80 % of the sets. Last two sets were all at parallel.

AM = 225 Ab exercises @ practice
PM = 500 crunches after workout

Monday, March 7, 2011

400m run,Squat snatch, Hand stand push-ups

Three rounds for time of: 17:43.04
Run 400 meters
75 pound Squat snatch, 15 reps
9 Handstand push-ups

This one killed me. I was trying to do the squat snatch fast and I could not get it done. I just slowed down and got it done. I am typing this 4 hours later and my low back is killing me and my legs are numb and tingly. I hope this passes by tomorrow. Pretty disappointed in this one. I wish I had had time to do the one Daniel did Saturday. I just don't feel like I have had a productive workout this last 3 days. Sunday was tough but 1 out of 3 is not what I want right now.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


AM = Stationary Bike Fat Burn Mode

PM = Cross Fit
3 Rounds of
9 Muscle Ups
15 Burpee Pull-ups
21 Pull-ups
800 meter Run = Subbed in 1200m + bike

1 = 7:06.16
2 = 9:17.47
3 = 8:40.16
TOTAL = 25:03.79

Just a solid one. It was burning pretty good by the Burpee pull-ups finish on round 1. Round 2 was rough. The Burpees got me. Round 3 I pressed hard on the Burpee p-u and it paid off. All pull-ups were broken today, round 1 = 15 & 6; round 2 = 15 & 6; round 3 = 10 - 7 - 4

Crunches 1100

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Not very good at theses. Just practiced them today. I was really off on these. Knees were flying out on the squat. Looked like I did when I first started Cross Fitting. Just bad squat form on these. Caused my left knee to just hurt. Daniel suggested just working with 55lbs and getting it down. Form got much better. My heaviest I got was 115.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Overhead squats, SDLHP

Today was crap!

Had to buy bananas for relay tomorrow. 2 parent phone calls and forgeting to buy winner rewards got me behind. Anna's concert was at 7. I did not get to the weight room until 6:30. I was fired up and ready to go until I started the squats. The wheels came off I was thinking about getting to the concert and that I was running late. I finished all the rows and a few squats and just walked out!

21-15-9 reps of:
95 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull
95 pound Overhead squat

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Row/SDLHP, Dumbbell Snatches / Back Squats

For time: 12:58
Row 1K = subbed in 100 SDLHP = unbroken
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 50 reps = unbroken
Row 750m = subbed in 75 SDLHP = unbroken
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 35 reps = unbroken
Row 500m = subbed in 50 SDLHP = unbroken
40 pound Dumbbell snatch, 20 reps = unbroken
These are one-arm squat snatches, alternating arms.

Round Splits
1 - 5:10.90
2 - 4:51.34
3 - 2:56.19
TOTAL TIME = 12:58.43

Missed this one yesterday because of a procedure at the Dr. . I was not feeling right today. Just was a bad day all around. Coaching staff got delbt a heavy blow today. I went in thinking I was just going to try and finish and I was planning on doing the todays squats today as well. All rounds were unbroken (can't believe it). I just kept plugging thinking I was not going very fast but at least I was moving. Ended up with a decent time.


Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3

Rounds = Very Deep All Rounds Below Parallel
1 - 135 x 3
2 - 175 x 3
3 - 195 x 3
4 - 215 x 3
5 - 225 x 3

Would have liked to do this fresh but holy cow I have to be happy. A year ago this was not even a possibility and I did this 20 minutes after a tough workout. I had Coach in my ear "just get it in a live to lift another day". Thanks for hanging around the last few minutes Daniel.


March 22nd Day 6 Cross Fit
100 standing high pulls (SDHP) with 45lb bar. Bar rows50 dumbell Snatches (Snatch) 20 lb dumbell too light need more weight next time75 SDHP35 SNACH50 SDHP20 SNACH20 lb dumbel was to light. SDHP first set did from waist , last 2 sets did from shins, back warmed up and felt decent.