Thursday, January 2, 2014

Filthy Fifty

For time:
Filthy Fifty
50 x 24" box jumps
50 jumping pull-ups
50 KB swings @ 35 lbs
50 step walking lunge
50 knees to elbow
50 push press 45lbs
50 back extensions
50 wall ball 20 lb ball
50 burpees
50 jump rope double unders or 100 singles
BJ- 1:45
JPU- :47.07
LU- 3:33
K2E- 4:21
PP- :59.08
BE- 1:14
WB- 4:33
B- 6:30
JR- 1:03
Total time- 24:48

Today sucked.  Many of my exercises I was faster than my pr time.  I had to wonder trying to recover before Wall Ball I think I tried to recover for almost a minute before I started.  I did go straight into burpees but they were slow till the last 20 or so.  Over all not happy with today's performance.  I did puke a few times after, good thing my stomach was empty.  Met Jake Sanders, Veronica and Ashlee Hancock and Sierra Wells at 7:30 this morning for this thing.  Out if 6 times completing this workout ranks 3rd fastest. I guess I should be happy with that.

Previous times:
2/3/13 = 23:14
1/23/12 = 26:31
7/6/11 = 33:42
12/15/10 = 23:30
4/16/10 = 25:54

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