Friday, January 10, 2014

1/9/14 Pull-ups, waiters walk, weighted lunge, farmers carry, straight leg flutter kick, rope climb, prowler push

4 Rounds for time of:
With weight vest
10 Pull-ups kipping
60lb waiters walk, rt arm down, Lt arm back.
10 weighted lunges 35lbs each arm
60lb Farmers carry rt arm down, Lt arm back
20 straight leg flutter kicks
1 rope climb - had to do laying down to a standing position climb.  I could not muster the grip strength today.
1 down and back prowler push 180lbs
2 min rest
1 - 3:17
2 - 3:19
3 - 3:42
4 - 3:28
Total time w/ rest - 19:47
Today was the first time I felt even partially recovered from the burpees.  My back is pretty sore from all the time on my feet is my only guess.

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