Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Weighted overhead lunge, GHD'S, Turkish-get-ups, elevated high knee air sprints

4 rounds for time of:
45lb bar overhead lunge - ended up roughly 12 lunges in distance.
20 GHD'S
45lb bar overhead lunge back
10 - 45lb Turkish-get-ups
40 - hanging high knee air
1 minute rest
1 - 4:45
2 - 4:58
3 - 5:06
4 - 5:42
Total time w/ rest - 23:29

Good one today.  I am pretty tired.  I have gone from a year / fall of little exercise to 23 workouts this month alone.  After checking this is one of my highest number of workouts in one month ever.  I do not want to back down but I think I need to give my self a day, at least of just a good long stretch possibly an ice bath and try and schedule a massage.  This had been one of the worst years for my back with the injury in November of 2012.  I need to focus this year on crazy core strength and drop 15 lbs permanently.  No New Years resolution just a goal and stating facts.  I have had overall a good last 4 plus years from where I was in 08/09.  I want to keep things this way.  There have been points I have seriously considered going back to the surgeon.  Not something I am wanting to do.  Only time will tell.

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