Monday, January 6, 2014



4 rounds for time of:
10 - burpees lateral bar jump
10 - Burpee pull-ups
10 - Burpee box jumps
10 - Burpee toes-to-bar
10 - Burpees standard
2 min rest
1 - 5:17
2 - 5:59
3 - 5:53
4 - 5:26
Total time w/ rest - 28:36

After round 2, I vowed to myself I would stay under 6 min.  I got lucky.

Daniel came up with this one about a week ago.  We both were looking forward to it.  But by the start of round 2 I was no longer looking forward to it.  It was awesome but brutal.  We were both glad we designed 2min rest.  1 would not have been enough and 3 would have been to long though it would have been appreciated.  Every piece of me is tired right now, and we finished this two hours ago.

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