Friday, January 24, 2014

Wall-ball, weighted step-ups, wall-slams, box jumps, sled push

For time:
21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3

Wall Ball 20lbs ball
Weighted step ups - 35lb dumbbells
Wall Slams 20lbs ball
Box jumps 31"
Sled push high push down low push back 90lbs on the sled
1 min rest
1 - 4:15
2 - 3:52
3 - 3:44
4 - 2:49
5 - 2:28
6 - 1:42
7 - 57.30
Total time w/ rest - 25:49

Great burn.  All legs.  I need to hit abbs and pull-ups tomorrow.  The step ups put the hurt on me.

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