Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bench press, ring pull-ups, bicycles, toes to rings

5 Rounds for time
10 x Bench Press @ 135lbs
50 x Bicycle abbs
10 x Ring Pull-ups
10 x Bench Press @ 135lbs
10 x Toes to Rings
2 Min Rest

1 - 2:13
2 - 2:59
3 - 3:27
4 - 3:52
5 - 4:01
Total time w/ rest - 24:35

Back is very sore today I think I made it a bit sore yesterday but I tweaked it this am picking up a stick out by the chicken coop.  Just wanted to keep my streak alive.  100 x 135lb bench press was an interesting twist.  The pull ups were pretty rough.  Toes to rings were pretty smooth.

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