Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cross fit by Bayless

Did this with 20lb weight vest on
Started day with 7 Log Chain Box Jumps, large black box

Did all this with the 20lb weight vest on
5 Rounds for time:
55lb Lunging Thrusters 15 yards
5 GHD's
1 Plate Push 45lbs 15 yards
10 Tire sledge slams 5 each arm
100 lb farmers carry 15 yards Right arm
5 dead hang pull-ups Daniel did these no kip I can't say the same.  I just could not get it done with out kipping but they were all dead hang.
100lb farmers carry 15 yards Left arm
10 Tire Sunrises 5 right 5 left
2 min rest, I took 1:30 all but 1 round

1 - 4:15.79
2 - 3:47.13
3 - 4:10.61
4 - 3:59.88
5 - 4:15.78
Total time -

Something differnt.  Daniel is good at coming up with these.  Great alternating movements.  Need to work on my torso rotation flexability from the Sunrises.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Run, Burpees, KB Swings, Sit-ups

3 Rounds for time:
Run around practice soccer field.  Probably about 600 meters total distance
20 Burpees
30 KB Swings 2 55lbs/1.5pood
40 Butterfly sit-ups
1 - 7:05.51
2 - 7:05.37
3 - 6:47.15
Total time - 20:58.03
Had the kids do this in summer shool a few days ago.  I did not think it was going to be that tough.  I have to admit now it was pretty rough.  I ran a bunch today probably a mile or so this am at practice and the running tonight.  We shall see how bad an idea it was.  I really focused on staying on my for foot to lessen the impact.  I am happy with running, just worried about my back.

Did 200 abb reps this am

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

SDLHP, Body weight bench press

For time:
50 SDLHP 45lbs
30 Body weight bench press 190lbs
100 SDLHP 45lbs
20 Body weight bench press 190lbs
200 SDLHP 45 lbs
10 Body weight bench press 190lbs
1 - 7:21.42
2 - 10:03.56
3 - 10:35.54
Total time: 28:52.52
Great WOD. Maybe could have gone a minute or so faster but I was dang close to failure on bench a few times. I probably could have pushed harder on the rows but they were stinging pretty good too.  I am beat.  Several hours after the workout and I am toast.  I did not think this was going to be this tough.  I am hoping most of this is because I have had a few late nights preparing for summer school.  Good thing is that I weighed exactly 190 lbs when I walked in the door after the WOD so I was right on with the weight.

Did 200 abb reps this am

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Push Press, Double-Unders

5 Rounds for time:
25 - 75lb Push-press
50 Double-unders - Subbed in 100 singles
1 - 1:18.81
2 - 1:25.16

3 - 1:24.97
4 - 1:28.82
5 - 1:26.46
Total Time - 7:04.22

Just wanted a quick one that was not to stressful.  Pretty hot and we had a long weekend and a solid leg workout yesterday.  I am also going to try and get one in every day for the rest of the month to try and get my totals back up but I need to be smart.

Did 200 abb reps after WOD.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Swim, Squats

Five rounds for time:
25 meter under water swim
50 squats
1 - 1:21.16 
2 - 1:54.92 
3 - 1:44.32 
4 - 2:02.75 
5 - 1:47.87 
Total Time - 8:51.82
10 meter pool at hotel so swim was not to bad. We just came up on turn and took a breath. The squats were pretty rough. Legs were on fire by round 3. Good WOD to compliment the swim from a day ago. Moving from upper body legs was good.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Short Jog
100 Crunches
100 Straight Leg Extensions above 90deg hanging from fence around dumpster broke into sets of 5.
100 Push-ups

Thursday, May 24, 2012

50 meter swim, push-ups

5 rounds for time
50 meter swim
25 Push-ups
1 - 1:03.49
2 - 1:52.51
3 - 1:56.96
4 - 2:06.05
5 - 1:56.89
Total time - 8:55.90
Huge pr. Daniel and I were way smarter today and went at a better pace to start. Paid off.

Last time
May 27, 2011

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"FRAN" unprepared

21 - 15 - 9
95lb Thrusters
1 - 1:14
2 - 1:32 Running time - 2:46
3 - 1:27
Total Time - 4:13.87
I was way not ready for this but Daniel rolled on it and I just wanted to give it a try knowing I would not do very well.  I had been trying to get everything done at school and had been eating chicken strips and chips.  I was just not ready.  I also worry about my back when I have to go to fast.  I was right, round 2 rep 4 or so my back pinched on the right side this time.  Took a bit of steam out of me.  The last time I did Fran I fell to pieces and just continued to go cutting down the reps per round.  I just have not been able to fire very hard on these type of WOD's for a while.  Decently happy with a time considering.  However my Thrusters were parallel but not as deep as I normally go witch is AtoG or close to it on this WOD.  I was also not super happy with how I did the pull-ups.  Way not as extended as I should have gone.

Last time and the times before
21-15-9-6-3-2-1 = 15:05, 8:44 at reps of 9

6/21/11 = 3:14
1/10/11 = 4:06
9/10/10 = 4:35
5/26/10 = 7:35

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Double-unders, sit-ups, med ball cleans, pull-ups, HSPU

Did this Monday May 21st
3 Rounds for time:
50 Double-unders - Subbed in 100 singles
40 sit-ups - Butterfly
30 med ball cleans 20lbs
20 Pull-ups
10 HSPU - Subbed in 10, 95lb shoulder press
1 - 4:26 
2 - 5:25
3 - 6:11
Total Time - 16:02

Jump-rope broke on rep three of the first round and I picked up my spare.  It had a knot in it.  I did not get going again until Daniel was on rep 25.  This seemed to get in my head.  I struggled the next two rounds.  Between the yesterdays 50 power cleans and 75 wall balls.  My legs were pretty shot.  The med-ball cleans are usually one of my stronger lifts but they ate me up today.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Power Clean, Wall Ball

5 rounds for time:
10 x 135lb Power Cleans
15 x 20lb Wall Ball

1 - 1:16.21
2 - 1:32.31
3 - 1:55.07
4 - 2:07.86
5 - 1:39.84
Total time - 8:31.29

Great fast one after graduation today.  Daniel and I scooted out when it was over and were going within 15 min.  My back bit a little on the left side in round two and I felt it the rest of the time.  I am going to hang several times tonight to hopefully prevent any other problems.  I had to drop the weight every rep on the power clean so I did not jar my back.  I could not touch and go.  Daniel pulled away from me big time because he could touch and go.  I have tweeked my back trying to touch and go so I have to put pride in the back seat and just let the weight fall and sacrifice time.  Happy with the WOD over all.  Good to be power cleaning again.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weighted Pull-ups

7 rounds of 2 reps for max effort
1 - 40lbs
2 - 45
3 - 50
4 - 55
5 - 65
6 - 70
7 - 80
                                         80lbs x 2 pull ups
Nice quick one after we got back from Sectionals.  Amazing day.  The kids stepped up yet again.  3 weeks in a row now.  4 x 800 girls on to state - Sierra split a 2:22 - 5 second pr, with out it we don't go on, difference between qualifying and not was roughly a 10th of a second. Ashley, Cora, Jessica.  Mile - Ashley ran one of the gutsiest last 200 of her career to go from 5th to 4th at the line to advance.  Sierra cracked off another amazing race with a 2 second open pr by running a 2:25.9 to advance to state.  Same situation again group of three and one does not go and she gets it done.  Most amazing finish of the day was Jessica in the 2 mile.  almost 60 meters back with 3 laps to go and on lap 7 she got within 15 meters of 3rd and 4th place.  At 200 she was stride for stride with them at full tilt.  The three fought all the way to the line with Jessica edging out the girl that was in 4th to qualify.  3, 4, 5th places times were as follows. 12:18.00, 12:18.12(Jes),12:18.13.  I was in tears at the end.  Amazing day!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sled Pulls, Dips, Toes to Bar

Complete one, 60 yard sprint every 30 seconds for 6 minutes for a total of 12
Did these with the sled with 90lbs on it.
For time:
50 Dips
100 Toes to bar
*Dips and Toes to bar can be broken into any number of sets or combinations.
I did 20 Toes to bar for every 10 dips.  First two rounds were unbroken then I went 10-6-4 on T2B.
Sprints - 6 min - 
33 seconds rest
Dips and Toes to bar - 15:45

Total workout time - 22:19

I was hammered after the sprints.  By number 8 I was struggling.  By 12 I could barely run pulling the sled.  I do need to shorten the rope on these.  I thought it was ok last time but I could tell today that it was to long.  When I hit the weight room I was totally fried.  I only took 33 seconds rest from the final sprint.  I finished pretty close to 6 on the last one.  This workout was amazing.  I wish I could have kept the pace blistering but my grip was failing badly on the toes to bar.  Great WOD Daniel.  Awesome buddy one yet again!  If you don't come out of this one feeling like one bad mamma-jamma something is wrong with you.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

L-Pull-up, Back Extension Weighted

21 - 15 - 9
L Pull-up
Weighted Back Extension - 25lbs
1 - 1:26
2 - 2:01
3 -1:24
Total Time - 4:51

Another great fast one.  Unfortunately this is what we need right now for our families.  Hope things start to slow down so we can get some good ones in.  My back seems to be holding steady.  I am pretty excited about how my progression is going.  I really would like to get back to squat cleaning and thrusters.  Forgot to post that the first round I was rocking on the L-'s then I slowly digressed.

Finished up today with 10 Toes to bar and 200 Bicycles

Monday, May 14, 2012


21 - 15 - 9
225lb Dead lift
HSPU - I subbed in 95lb shoulder press
1 - 3:23
2 - 3:16
3 - 2:50
Total time - 9:31

Nice quick one.  Went a bit slower that I would like on the dead-lifts but I am worried about my back.  Shoulder press sucked as usual.  I was pleased with my last rep of shoulder press.  I was stuck 3/4 the way up.  I was sure it would not go but I just kept pushing.  The stall finally broke and went all the way up.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Supine Ring Pull-ups, True Push-ups

Started with a little bench
10 x 135lbs
3 x 185
3 x 205
3 x 225

AMRAP in 15 minutes: 12 Rounds
10 - Supine Ring Pull-ups
10 - True Push-ups

12 Rounds

Crossfit Football WOD Daniel found.  The true push up is with body elevated on rubber weights.  Feet and hands gripping dumbbells elevated on rubber plates.  Dropping chest below hands.  Supine ring Pull-ups are feet elevated on a bench and rowing to chest.  Abbs are pretty sore from yesterday.  Butt and hammys are sore too from dead-lift two days ago.  Pretty good buddy workout.  Daniel went while I rested and vice versa.  We might have gone a round or two more but would have been fried.  This was a great set up.  Good idea Daniel.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Toes to bar, tire slams, tire flips, butterfly situps

4 Rounds for time: 10:23
10 toes to bar
20 tire slams
6 Massive Tire flips
20 butterfly sit-ups
1 - 2:53
2 - 2:57
3 - 2:33
4 - 2:28
Total time - 10:23

Butt and hammys sore from deadlift yesterday. We needed to roll so Daniel and I threw this together. Pretty solid.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tabata - Deadlift, Burpees

16 sets / 8 Rounds for total reps - 121 reps
20 seconds - Deadlift 275lbs I adapted to 225lbs
10 seconds - Rest
20 seconds - Burpees
10 seconds - Rest
Round 1
DL - 12
BP - 7
Round 2
DL - 10
BP - 7
Round 3
DL - 10
BP - 6
Round 4
DL - 10
BP - 5
Round 5
DL - 10
BP - 5
Round 6
DL - 8
BP - 5
Round 7
DL - 8
BP - 5
Round 8
DL - 8
BP - 5
Stuff going on at school and I am just not motivated.  This one hit me hard and I was worried about my back so I adapted by 50lbs on the Deadlift. Good movements though.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bench Press, Shoulder Press

15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3
Body Weight Bench Press - 185 because I had no spotter.  Would have used collars to make it 189.
Hand Stand Push Ups - With my back and how much I suck at HSPU I subbed in 95lb Shoulder Press

1 - 4:07.69
2 - 6:08.50
3 - 5:16.62
4 - 3:29.54
5 - 1:34.49
Total - 20:36.84

I had to break this up a bunch with no spotter on Bench.  I was a bit apprehensiveness with out Daniel there to pull this off me.  I suck at HSPU's and not much better over my head with Shoulder Press.  I decided to do Shoulder Press with 95lbs and add weight if I thought I could handle it.  I had to stick with 95 lbs the whole workout.  Like I said I had to break up the sets big time.  Reps of 3 and 4 the whole time except for the first round of bench press I got 10 in before I rested for the last 5.  Did this at 9pm after doing chores all day.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Chief

Max Rounds in 3 minutes:
3 - 135lb power clean
6 - Push-ups
9 - Squats

At Completion of 3 minutes rest 1 minute
Repeat 5 times
1 - 5
2 - 5
3 - 5
4 - 5
5 - 5

I know I could have gone faster.  I was very concerned about my back.  I did a power clean and felt nothing!  I mean NOTHING!  Wow as much as it sucked the two weeks paid off but it is still in the back of my mind.  135 lbs is just a great weight for me to work out with.  Not doing these as squat cleans I am sure helped too.  They were not prescribed but we usually do them just because.  Daniel and I both think this is a weight vest workout next time!  I slowed way down each round I did not want to get hurt.  My back never hurt but did get fatigued.  I am writing this just over an hour later and I am feeling nothing more than I have the last few days with some numbness and tingling.  Thanks Daniel this was perfect for tonight.  Daniel hit 6 rounds per round.  I know he could have done more too.  We have had a long week with Conference Tuesday and a midnight home arrival and JV conference tonight. We were done early just the activity was tiring.  GREAT WOD!