Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kettelbell Swings, Double Unders, Wallball 2-fer1's

Three rounds for time of:

Added 8 2 pood KB swings
50 Double-unders
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

Missed this one yesterday and todays was muscle ups and hand stand push ups.  With my sholder issues this spring not a great idea.  I tried the big med ball and sucked at the 2-fers.  I was even forgeting to drop for a second squat and had to keep repeating.  I could barely string together 5.  I switched to the old 20lb basketball and got back in the grove and strung together 10 once.  I added the KB swings because that was part of todays and I just felt like it.  Below is the last time I did this WOD but with out the KB swings.  They obviously made a time difference.  I should have put the swings at the end of each round and taken seperate splits on everything.  Oh well.  I am still happy with the effort.  I have had a deal with a muscle on my left side back in the center.  Pulled it again this am.  I want the dead lifts but not sure they are a good idea.  I might do them after my WOD tomorrow.  I am thinking about doing "BADGER" which I missed while I was on vacation. 

1 - 3:31.75
2 - 4:42.98
3 - 4:52.77
Total Time = 13.07.50

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Three rounds for time of: 8:20
50 Double-unders = modified doubled the number for singles.
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball
Holy cow I love how much these short ones burn. I think I over heated last night on the 400/burpee workout. My insides are tearing me up tonight. The 2-fer-1's were tough but wall ball is one of my stronger exercises. I did struggle going deep enough on the second squat to be up in time. Several times the ball was at my hips when I caught it. I used the b-ball goal at the house for the target. I just had to throw higher and I was in better position. The jump ropes I did my usual doubling the number of jumps for singles. My back has been giving me trouble, more in my legs and foot pain. My right shoulder is giving me fits again. Hurts pretty bad. Took two rounds last night to warm up enough to not be killing me on each push up of the burpees.
1 - 2:33
2 - 2:38
3 - 3:09
TOTAL = 8:20
no splits
TOTAL = 10:52

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