Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Complete three rounds for time of: 32:39.16
95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps AtoG on these.  Worked hard to get that done.
30 Pull-ups, Not strict but pretty dang close.  Tried straight legs, feet hooked together, pulled to collarbones.
Run 800 meters = biked 1200+ meters started inside the weight room 3/4 the way in.

1 - 9:21.58
2 - 11:37.14
3 - 11:40.44
Total Time = 32:39.16

Did this today because I was not in the mood for Deadlift.  This was from last Saturday.  Daniel warned me it was a tough one.  It did not dissapoint.  I broke the end of my left pinky last night at my daughters softball game it is black and blue and swolen pretty bad.  3 fingered pullups are harder than you might think ; - ).  I used the straps for squat clean and pull-ups for round 2 and 3.  This helped a bunch with not being able to grip.  Having Daniels time helped me a ton.  I had a goal in mind and splits to work toward.  I know I would have slowed down if I had not had them.  Thanks Daniel.  Pleased with the effort.  I know I could have gone faster maybe by 2 min because I was not racing and broke up the sets quite a bit.  Pullups were 10,10,10; 15,15 this set was front grip I screwed up putting the straps on and did not realize until I was ready to go what I had done.  Surprisingly it went well.; 15,15. Squat Cleans were 10,10,10; 15,15; 15,15.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kettelbell Swings, Double Unders, Wallball 2-fer1's

Three rounds for time of:

Added 8 2 pood KB swings
50 Double-unders
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball

Missed this one yesterday and todays was muscle ups and hand stand push ups.  With my sholder issues this spring not a great idea.  I tried the big med ball and sucked at the 2-fers.  I was even forgeting to drop for a second squat and had to keep repeating.  I could barely string together 5.  I switched to the old 20lb basketball and got back in the grove and strung together 10 once.  I added the KB swings because that was part of todays and I just felt like it.  Below is the last time I did this WOD but with out the KB swings.  They obviously made a time difference.  I should have put the swings at the end of each round and taken seperate splits on everything.  Oh well.  I am still happy with the effort.  I have had a deal with a muscle on my left side back in the center.  Pulled it again this am.  I want the dead lifts but not sure they are a good idea.  I might do them after my WOD tomorrow.  I am thinking about doing "BADGER" which I missed while I was on vacation. 

1 - 3:31.75
2 - 4:42.98
3 - 4:52.77
Total Time = 13.07.50

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Three rounds for time of: 8:20
50 Double-unders = modified doubled the number for singles.
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball
Holy cow I love how much these short ones burn. I think I over heated last night on the 400/burpee workout. My insides are tearing me up tonight. The 2-fer-1's were tough but wall ball is one of my stronger exercises. I did struggle going deep enough on the second squat to be up in time. Several times the ball was at my hips when I caught it. I used the b-ball goal at the house for the target. I just had to throw higher and I was in better position. The jump ropes I did my usual doubling the number of jumps for singles. My back has been giving me trouble, more in my legs and foot pain. My right shoulder is giving me fits again. Hurts pretty bad. Took two rounds last night to warm up enough to not be killing me on each push up of the burpees.
1 - 2:33
2 - 2:38
3 - 3:09
TOTAL = 8:20
no splits
TOTAL = 10:52

Monday, June 27, 2011

Canoe with wife and kids

Today we canoed the Buffalo River.  Took the girls on a 4.5 mile float.  Lots of swimming and jumping off rocks.  Periods of pretty hard paddling to keep us moving so we could get home at a decent hour.  Good fun.

Saturday 6/25/2011

Vacation WOD
Did this with the whole family at the camp site at 9pm.

50 Kettelbell Swings 55lbs, Jen 25lbs, Girls 10lbs
25 Push-ups
50 SumoDeadlift High Pulls 55lbs, Ladies same as above
100 Crunches

1 - 5:10.94
2 - 6:25.39
3 - 6:25.62
Total Time = 18:01.95

Did this at 9pm Saturday night after dinner.  Had wanted to do sets of 100 earlier in the day.  By after dinner I cut it in half.  SDLHP rounds 2 and 3 were broken 30/20.  KB swings were unbroken.  For a vacation WOD this was not to bad.  Got my blood up pretty decent by the end of round 1.  Conditions were pretty humid and warm even at 9+pm.  I had sweat rolling off of me for quite a while.

Tomorrow is a day off.  There will be lots of hiking and swimming in the river.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Today was a total wash.  Morning run I biked the Granny Hills 4 times and my legs are shot.  Just not mentaly in it today.  Have not felt good the last 24 hours with some stomach issues.  The guys think it is my system getting used to the new diet.  I sure hope so.  I have dropped from a steady 192 down to 186 this morning over the last 2 weeks.

135 x 1
135 x 1
155 x 1
165 x 1
175 x 1
185 fail
185 fail got both of these almost all the way up and could not lock out.
135 x 1

Back was not happy with these today and I am exhausted.  Just not a good day.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run = Subbed in 600 meter bike
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps  Subbed in 45lbs, shoulders are still not right

1 - 2:15.61
2 - 2:32.19
3 - 2:23.42
4 - 2:22.19
5 - 2:12.06
Total Time = 11:45.47

I guess I have not done this one before.  Shoulders are still not happy with the overhead stuff.  Just got this one in.  Legs were on fire by rep 8 on all sets so I got some work done.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster = All Unbroken
Pull-ups = All Unbroken

21 Thrusters = 38.20
21 Pull-ups = 30.20
Round Split = 1:08.40
15 Thrusters = 41.56 = Running clock 1:41.76
15 Pull-ups = 29.06
Round Split = 1:10.72, Total running time = 2:18.82
9 Thrusters = 36.85 = Running clock 2:55.67
9 Pull-ups = 18.36
Round Split = 55.21
Total Time = 3:14.03 PR by 50 seconds!

Wow a big day for sure.  I took an ice bath last night waist deep to have my legs ready.  I have not felt recovered because I have not had a day off this last two cycles.  We did the adventure race Saturday and the huge workout Sunday with 150 burpees and 150 box jump and 300 SDLHP and 1200 meter bike x 3.  Squats yesterday.  My legs were very shakey all day.  I think the ice bath helped for sure.  I also iced my shoulder last night.  **DID NOT WEAR A BELT FOR THE FIRST TIME WHILE DOING THIS ONE.**  Thrusters were way better than last time.  Parallel or just under to start.  As I got rolling I got full range of motion.  Pull-ups were wide grip I need to get better here.  I need to get my shoulder healthy so I can do a real butterfly kip.  I really struggle to get full extension with reverse grip on these.  All pull-ups were to my neck or dang close.  All sets were unbroken.  I don't know if I could have gone faster today but my transitions stunk.  Took to much time I am pretty sure I would have been close to 3:00 if I could just flow from exercise to exercise and round to round.  I am sure I had 15 seconds of walk and stand before going.  Daniel said I turned green at the end so I guess I pushed close to the limit.  Ashley timed today and Coach was there for motivation.  Thanks Ashley and thanks Daniel.  Daniel flat threw down today with a 13 second pr dropping to 2:47.  Congrats and awesome job Coach!

Previous FRAN's
Monday, January 10, 2011

FRAN = 4:06
Friday, September 10, 2010

1 - 1:27
2 - 1:48
3 - 1:19
Total = 4:35

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"FRAN"  = 7:35

Monday, June 20, 2011

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps

I screwed this one up thinking it was five rounds of two.  AHHHH!  Oh well still crossfit pr'ed and could have gone considerably higher.

Warm up 135 AtoG X 5
1 - 205 AtoG
2 - 225 AtoG
3 - 235 AtoG
4 - 245 below parallel
5 - 255 below parallel

Almost went for a round or two higher just to see how high but I found out I screwed up any way so I stopped.  FRAN tomorrow so I will get paid back for my ignorance today in less than 24 hours.
These all went up pretty easy with a little push but no serious stress.  I wish I had done it right!  This is more than my one rep max from Crossfit Total a few months back.

Did this March 2, 2011 after a pretty solid WOD. 
Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3

Rounds = Very Deep All Rounds Below Parallel
1 - 135 x 3
2 - 175 x 3
3 - 195 x 3
4 - 215 x 3
5 - 225 x 3
Would have liked to do this fresh but holy cow I have to be happy. A year ago this was not even a possibility and I did this 20 minutes after a tough workout. I had Coach in my ear "just get it in a live to lift another day". Thanks for hanging around the last few minutes Daniel.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Three rounds for time of:  Row 1000 meters = 100 45lb SDLHP = unbroken
50 Burpees = broke in half roughly
50 Box jumps, 24" box = not really broken but  a few pauses
Run 800 meters =  Bike 1200meters

1 - 18:04.35
2 - 19:21.76
3 - 18:57.18
Total Time = 56:23.29

Holy cow!  Has been a while since we have had a long one like this.  Yesterday we did the Family Scramble with the kids.  Anna and I got 10th out of 30 something teams they said.  Either way I was beat yesterday and today.  I did not weigh myself but I am sure I lost at least 5 lbs of sweat during the workout.  The sweat was pouring out of me the whole time and for 20 minutes after.  I stripped down to my skimps by middle of round 2.  Got pretty dizzy in Burpees of round 3 when I wanted to be pushing.  Got a bit nervous but kept going.  Stopped for 4 or 5 seconds took a deep breath and got back to it.  Seemed to be better.  Took 10 to 15 second water breaks durning the Burpees and 30 seconds after the bike transitioning from bike to SDLHP.  SDLHP's were all unbroken, I think splits on these were 2:40, 4:50 and 3:20. I think if I was fresh I could have gone faster but not much.  I was beat.  Interesting news.  I told Clayton I had a dream this week that I was on a run.  That has not happened in a long time.  Yesterday I probably ran 3 miles broken with hard walking.  I have some discomfort in my legs, feet and low back with numbness and occasionaly pain but nothing like I used to have with any kind of running.  I am sure this is an isolated insodent but I am still fired up.  Still doubt I could run straight for a few miles but even breaking it up is awesome compared to 3 years ago.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Deadlift, Squats, Push press

For time:

225 pound Deadlift, 21 reps
50 Squats
135 pound Push press, 21 reps
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
50 Squats
135 pound Push press, 15 reps
225 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
50 Squats
135 pound Push press, 9 reps

1 - 6:19.50
2 - 4:57.25
3 - 2:58.45
Total Time = 14:15.20

I was very much not focused on this one.  The 21 deadlifts made the body squats miserable.  I did better on every set of body squats after the first round.  Not happy witht the time but it is what it is.  Racing with the wife and kids tomorrow.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rope Climb, Ring Dips, Wall Ball

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
10 Ring dips
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

1 - 1:15.16
2 - 1:35.99
3 - 1:39.00
4 - 1:51.92
5 - 2:05.19
6 - 2:07.53
7 - 2:11.90
8 - 2:02.47  = 14:49.16
Panzied out here.  I know I could have hit the rope and got it done.  Just was mentaly weak.  Good WOD.  Still frustrated with the dips.  My shoulders are still killing me.  I worked them for 15 minutes and tried a dip and they were on fire.  Again did dips with bench behind me legs fully extended out in front. This really frustrates me because dips are usually one of my strong points and I can't even do them.
16 hour fast today.  Did have protein drink at 6am and one after WOD.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Push Jerk

Push Jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps
1 - 95
2 - 105
3 - 115
4 - 125
5 - 135
6 - 145
7 - 155
8 - 165
9 - 175 Fail
10 - 175 Fail

First time doing these.  Just wanted to get a base line.  I think I progressed this one right.  I did think I could or should have gotten 175 at least 1 time.  Shoulders are bothering me today.  Bringing the bar back down was rough for the second rep.  Yesterday I went 21 hours on a fast since it was a day off.  I am hoping I have flushed the system and getting a fresh start.  Yesterday I felt really weak.  Not as bad today.  17 hours on fast today.  I did have a protein drink at 6am to give me a start and have some fule in my system for the WOD.  Feeling much better today than yesterday fasting.  I am sure the protein this am helped. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dumbell Squat Cleans

Supposed to be Snatch Balance today but those have torn my back up in the past.  I fasted today for the first time in a while for real.  Went 19 hours just drinking water.  Ate dinner at 6pm ate a big dinner and then had something at 8pm.  Tomorrow is an off day, I will try and fast until 5pm tomorrow.  Time to make a dang decision.  I have not been under 190 in the last 3 weeks as far as I can remember. 

40's x 5
50's x 5
60's x 5
70's x 5

Once racked to shoulders I dropped into a full deep squat AtoG.  Did these after dinner so there was fuel in my system.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Row, Burpees, Ground to overhead, Toes to bar, Lunge, sprint

2011 CrossFit Games Regional Workout 6

For time:
Row 20 calories subbed in 45lb SDLHP
30 Burpees
45 pound Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead, 40 reps
50 Toes to bar = did this on a thick tree branch, grip suffered
100 foot Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead =  did on a slight up grade in yard from tree where I did the Toes to bar.
150 foot Sprint
Splits per skill
1 - 23.09
2 - 2:56.36
3 - 5:16.62
4 - 5:38.65
5 - 1:44.17
6 - 15.68
TOTAL = 16:14.57

Did this when we got home.  Jen the girls and I did this together in the drive way.  Toes to bar were done in a tree on a thick branch.  This effected grip.  Jen got to this when I had 20 left so I took a longer break as she did a few.  Lunges were up hill from this tree 100 feet from tree to start of 150 foot sprint.  The girls did all the rows and half the burpees and over heads.  Probably 40 feet of lunge, and did 50 situps.  They did the full sprint but went down and back so covered 300 feet.  Great time with the family.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pull-ups, Kettelbell swings, Double unders, Overhead squat

2011 CrossFit Games Regional Workout 4

For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Kettlebell swings, 24kg = 55 lbs
100 Double-unders = 200 singles
95 pound Overhead squat, 100 reps = scaled to 45lbs

Set, Splits
1 - 5:31.28 = pull-ups
2 - 5:19.23 = KB swings
3 - 3:24.64 = 200 single jumps
4 - 10:14.09 = 45lb overhead squats
Total Time = 24.29.24

Good solid all around WOD.  Splits were consistant except for the stinking Overhead squats.  My shoulders and back just won't let me do them.  I scaled and did with just the 45lb bar.  This still took me forever.  I should have been done in 19 minutes.  Pull-ups went ok,  Kettlebell swings went I think pretty solid.  I did the first 50 unbroken nice and deep and high over head.  Then 30 then 20.  As usual subbed in singles for double unders.  Did 200.  Thanks for coming in early Daniel.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Seven rounds for time of: 40 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Right arm
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
40 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Left arm
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Alternate feet in the split snatch sets.

1 - 2:27.50
2 - 2:19.77
3 - 3:00.74
4 - 4:27.63
5 - 3:38.85
6 - 4:04.87
7 - 2:47.13
Total Time = 22:46.49
Did not want to be in tonight.  By the end of round 1 I kept thinking I will go to round 3 then it was just make it to round 5 and quit.  Not sure how I got to 7.  I kept taking splits and got in the zone and just muddled through.  When I hit for 5 I just moved into 6 with out thinking about it.   Thank goodness.  Rope was smooth tonight taped left shin and wrapped the rope around it.  Really flowed well, hands are pretty sore with a few blisters.  Split snatches sucked, back hurt during each set I am guessing the instability of doing only one side or just fatigue from the last two workouts.  These were really sub par efforts.  Every set should have been low 2's.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Warm up 5 x 135 deep squat cleans AtoG
1 - 165
2 - 175
3 - 185
4 - 195
5 - 205 new cross fit pr
6 - 215 new cross fit pr
7 - 225 failed 2 times never even got under it.  Did not even give my self a chance.
Cool Down = 5 x 135 deep squat cleans AtoG

After 150 pull-ups and 150 burpees yesterday I did not have any fire.  I felt drug out from the moment I started.  I still have to be happy with the overall finish.  Ben, thank you for the encouragment.  On my first try at 225 Clayton said it looked like I psyched myself out.  I have to agree.  215 went up way to easy.  Ben even commented that it looked like I had a ton left.  I waited to long in front of the bar.  I hoped to have this done before the second set of weights got in.  To many kids around.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

burpees and pull-ups

For time:  27:30.97
50 Pull-ups = broke up 20,20,10
10 Burpees = 2:44.62
40 Pull-ups = 10,10,10,10
20 Burpees = 4:50.54
30 Pull-ups = 10,10,10
30 Burpees = 5:58.94
20 Pull-ups = 10,10
40 Burpees = 7:23.06
10 Pull-ups = 10
50 Burpees = 6:33.77
TOTAL = 27:30.97

Saw Daniel do this one first.  I probably gamed it a little to much.  Probably could have gone a little faster but I was just wanting to get this one done and under my belt.  Either way I hate burpees and they are the great equalizer.  No matter how good I am at pull-ups the burpees will get you.  At 150 of each exercise there was no hiding from this.  I was on dead sticks after this.  Great WOD I sure know I did something today, not that there was a doubt.  Goal was under 5:40+ a round.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pull-ups, Sit ups with Med Ball, Kettelbell Swings

Adaptation again.  We were supposed to do 3 sets 9-7-5 reps of muscle ups, 135 lb squat snatch.

I did:
2 full rounds of this.
9 pull ups
9 Bayless sit ups
9 2 pood KB swings
7 pull ups
7 Bayless sit ups
7 2 pood KB swings
5 pull ups
5 Bayless sit ups
5 2 pood KB swings

1 - 2:22.63 sets of  9
2 - 3:00.23 sets of 7
3 - 2:04.55 sets of 5
4 - 2:36. 28 sets of 9
5 - 2:32.91 sets of 7
6 - 1:42.29 sets of 5
Total = 14:18.89

Little confusion today on how to do this WOD.  Either way with my shoulders being fried and trying to avoid snatch because of back I did something a bit different.  Daniel came up with a good med ball sit up as a sub in.  Sit up position with arms over head reaching for ball.  Pull ball to chest, do sit up and throw ball to wall about 5 to 6 feet up.  Feet are ancored.  Catch ball to chest rotate to left touching ball to ground then rotate to right touching the ball to ground.  Pull ball to chest and finish sit-up to floor placing ball over head on the floor and then repeat.  I was just going to do one round but Danile did the real workout and it took him 13 min so I did this set again. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

double unders, tire slams, toes to bar, 400meters

3 Rounds
40 double unders = subbed in 80 singles
20 RT side tire slams
20 LT side tire slams
10 Toes to bar
Run 400m = Biked 800m

1 - 4:42
2 - 5:50
3 - 5:24
TOTAL = 15:38

Made this one up for today to get one in.  Todays was supposed to be 7 rounds 30 double unders and 1 snatch.  The snatch I am not good at and it hammers my back.  So Daniel and I opted out and did this.  Not a bad WOD.  My grip is fried from Fridays workout with the deadlifts.  It was all I could do to stay on the bar for the toes to bar.  My hands are pretty sore too.  45 x 315lb dead lifts did a number on me.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Deadlift, Box jump

2011 CrossFit Games Regional Workout 3

21-15-9 reps for time of:
315 pound Deadlift
30" Box jump

1 - 9:57.42
2 - 13:51.43
3 - 8:45.95
Total time = 32:34.80

This one was rough.  I did it as RX'd.  I am sure I will pay for my stuborness for the next few days.  It just facinated me to try to do this considering my history with my back.  The back is talking to me now but not to bad.  I know I could have gone faster.  Andrew stayed and did this one with me.  I talked to him a bit during my reps on DL.  These were slow going and tough.  Last 15 reps of the workout I struggled to get the bar moving.  Once the bar got going I was fine.  Very tough workout.  Probably paced a little to much but holy cow 45 reps of 315lbs on Dead Lift.  Big day! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Did this Wednesday 6/1/11 Run 1000m, Hand Stand P-U, SDLHP

2011 Cross Fit Games Regional Workout 1
For time:
Run 1000 meters  = Biked 2653 meters
30 Handstand push-ups = These were terrible
Row 1000 meters = 100 SDLHP
Splits per exercise
Bike =
Total Time =

Blew this one on the bike.  Should have biked 2000 meters.  Set the watch to metric and thought it was still on miles.  Just kept pedaling as I tried to figure out what was going on.  Just plain screwed this up.  Shoulders are still shredded so the handstand push ups were terrible as usual.  Rows were good but since my time was toast I did not go near as fast as I should.