Complete three rounds for time of: 32:39.16
95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps AtoG on these. Worked hard to get that done.
30 Pull-ups, Not strict but pretty dang close. Tried straight legs, feet hooked together, pulled to collarbones.
Run 800 meters = biked 1200+ meters started inside the weight room 3/4 the way in.
1 - 9:21.58
2 - 11:37.14
3 - 11:40.44
Total Time = 32:39.16
Did this today because I was not in the mood for Deadlift. This was from last Saturday. Daniel warned me it was a tough one. It did not dissapoint. I broke the end of my left pinky last night at my daughters softball game it is black and blue and swolen pretty bad. 3 fingered pullups are harder than you might think ; - ). I used the straps for squat clean and pull-ups for round 2 and 3. This helped a bunch with not being able to grip. Having Daniels time helped me a ton. I had a goal in mind and splits to work toward. I know I would have slowed down if I had not had them. Thanks Daniel. Pleased with the effort. I know I could have gone faster maybe by 2 min because I was not racing and broke up the sets quite a bit. Pullups were 10,10,10; 15,15 this set was front grip I screwed up putting the straps on and did not realize until I was ready to go what I had done. Surprisingly it went well.; 15,15. Squat Cleans were 10,10,10; 15,15; 15,15.
Monday 5/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 57
4 years ago