Saturday, February 1, 2014

Push-ups, Sit-ups, Body squats

10 Min AMRAP
10 Push-ups
10 Butterfly sit-ups
10 Body squats
Finished 15 rounds
1 - 37.79
2 - 43.47
3 - 40.92
4 - 40.99
5 - 40.29
6 - 39.87
7 - 37.82
8 - 38.86
9 - 38.15
10 - 39.62
11 - 40.11
12 - 39.88
13 - 40.86
14 - 40.06
15 - 36.75
Total time for 15 full rounds - 9:55.44

1st of the month.  I wanted to start the month off right.  Not necessarily with a great workout but just to start the month off with a workout.

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