Tuesday, February 4, 2014

2/3/14 - Russian KB Swings, GHD'S, Walking push-ups, Burpees, Single arm SDLHP's

4 rounds for time of:
10 Russian KB swings
10 GHD'S
10 walking push ups 35lbs
10 Burpees
20 Single arm SDLHP 10 each side
90 seconds rest
1 - 2:47
2 - 3:04
3 - 2:40
4 - 2:38
Total time with rest - 15:40

I was having a hard time getting motivated today.  Austin came in after school and announced he was ready to hit a good one.  I finally got motivated.  Thanks Austin.   Daniel did this one a few weeks ago.  Another good one.  Different set up.  I pushed hard to blast the last two rounds.  Like with my day I was having a hard time getting rolling in this.  Once I got into the movement I was able to drop the hammer.

Did things a bit backward today.  Wanting to get going with the kids I did the workout first and did heavy bench after.  It was fun because I went and got Anna.  She tried bench for the first time.  She was wobbly but was able to do the bar 3 or so times.  Anna wanted to feel some of the heavier weights so she would get in there and I would lift it so she could feel.  Good time.

10 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 205
3 x 225 fell apart here I should have been able to hit at least 6.
10 x 135

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