Thursday, June 14, 2012

6/13/12 Hammer Gone Bad

3 Rounds
Sledge Hammer Right Side 1 min
Box Jumps 20in 1 min
Sledge Hammer Left Side 1 min
Dumbell Hang Clean 45lb Dumbells 1 min
1 minute rest
WOD is constructed exactly like Fight Gone Bad.  4 rounds counting max number of reps per exercise.  Your score is your total number of reps completed.
Exercise                        Reps R1      Reps R2    Reps R3
Sledge Hammer RS   -----34------------34----------36
Box Jumps                 -----30------------30----------30
Sledge Hammer LS    ----34------------34----------36
Dumbell Hang Clean  ---20------------20-----------25
Total number of reps = 118-----------118----------127 = 363

Short Rest
Mat slams - We alternated for 1 minute slamming the same direction facing each other.  As many reps as possible in 1 min.  We did 4 rounds.  We did 2 rounds slamming with right arm and 2 rounds slamming with left arm.

My right arm is messed up again.  I can barely move it today.  Not sure which exercise did it but my guess is the mat slams.  My favorite part of yesterday.  I need to take care of this.  Not sure of a plan yet.  I am going on 3 plus weeks of this.

1 comment:

  1. This one looked like a good one...and dude...let your arm heal!
