Tuesday, May 11, 2010

7 rounds for time, 10 HSPU, 10 x 45lbs Dumbbell SQ Clean, 10 L pull ups

Seven rounds for time of:


10 Handstand push-ups

45lb dumbbells Squat clean

10 reps 10 L-pull-ups

This one killed me not sure why. I have been exhausted for the last week plus. Maybe it is catching up with me. It was all I could do to finish. I flew through the first round done in about a minute after that the gorilla jumped on my back. I got 20 of the L pullups then I degraded to regular pull ups trying to keep my knees up. With the squat cleans I had to use the 40 lbs because Danile had the 45's. Probably a good thing. Hand stands went smooth I kept the same routein with the high safety bar and hooked toes over. Barely used toes at all. Getting better.

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