Monday, May 31, 2010

"The Seven"

"The Seven"

Seven rounds for time of:


7 Handstand push-ups

135 pound Thruster, 7 reps As RX'd

7 Knees to elbows

245 pound Deadlift, 7 reps Dropped weight today did not want to push my luck 215lbs

7 Burpees

7 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood, Dropped weight here to just to be safe, 55lbs

7 Pull-ups all unbroken Pullups are getting stronger and stronger. Did one set over hand.

Met Daniel and Jenni again today. Jen went with the girls and Robin and Abbie to Steal your dollar city. They did the Andy Love WOD.

This workout was awesome. Two hard ones in a row. This one had me gassed by round 2 with sweat dripping off. Daniel and I were neck and neck through 5 rounds and then he got about a minute or so ahead of me. He was doing everything prescribed though and I scaled to be careful with my back. I did dead lifts as RX'd yesterday and with the volume today I wanted to error on the side of caution. Still got one heck of a workout in. The thrusters got a little sloppy by the end not going to parallel but doing them as RX'd was a nice feeling. They were the part of the wokout that I dreded getting to. For some reason they were in my head. Still fired through them though pretty solid. In the later sets when form was bad my form did get better as I went through the set. I think I am still just aprenhensive about my back. Which is a good thing.

I did get home and pushed a huge bolder up the hill in the wheel barrel. This torked my back so I am in a little pain now. I will hang several times tonight and tomorrow and keep the alieve pumping in me.

Sunday, May 30, 2010



For time: 31:47.6

10 Handstand push-ups still did verticle but did not use feet at all. Blew through these.

250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps Did 235 quite an improvement. Still worried about the back.

25 Box jumps, 30 inch box This was awesome, teamed with Daniel. He jumped then I jumped.

50 Pull-ups Sets, I did 25, 15, 10

100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10' , Sets of 25 would have liked a split on this.

200 Double-unders Scaled and did 400 singles

Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate. Was going to do stair steps with weight and got torked after 10 and walked the 400 meters with the weight. I ended up walking to far. I wanted to be out there to push Daniel. We both were hurting. We finished together.

This was a rough one. Jennifer and I met Daniel and Jenni, This was a great time with everyone in the gym at once flying around. My wonderful daughter popped Daniel in the head while swing on the rope while he was doing his double unders. We were both ready to puke at the time. I got so mad at her for not following directions and hitting him I was able to finish the jump rope section pretty solid. As I stated above I finished with Daniel. We were both hurting but this one had put it on Daniel. He has stuck with me several times in the past when I was toast. The least I could do was stick with him and talk him threw the end of this one.

It was great having my wife with me today. I hope with the help of Jenni we can get my Jen in the game.

5/29/10 State Track

State Track

Went out side today 21 - 15 - 9 for time of.


Lunges, Knees to Chest, Hand stand push ups

Lunges were 21 per leg so 42 total same for each set.

5/28/10 State Track

State Track meet posts

Friday morning I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike.

Then 4 sets of 100 crunches
and 4 sets of 25 push ups

Thursday, May 27, 2010

L-Sits, Good Mornings, Abmat sit ups, Back Extensions

Three rounds for time of:


60 seconds L-sit

45 pound barbell Good mornings, 30 reps

60 Abmat sit-ups

25 pound plate Back Extensions, 30 reps

1 = 6:02
2 = 6:37
3 = 5:26
total 18:06.59

Met Jenny and Daniel at 8:45 this morning. Workout went well. I was a little concerned about back on the Goodmornings but I felt nothing. First round I was getting in the grove and then second round I went to the wrong station after the L's, cost me the extra time. I just did not seem to be very focused the first two rounds. When I hit the sit-ups in round two I got the rythm going and dropped the hammer on round three. The L-sits sucked. Barely kept legs up for any amount of time. Several times just went to knees bent at 90deg angle. Have to work on these. Heading to Jefferson City today for State Track.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010



Three rounds,

21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:

95 pound Thruster



This one is awesome! I screwed it up though. Daniel were going to go this afternoon because I had a dentist appointment. And Danile had an appointment after practice. I decided to skip breakfast and eat after the dentist and practice. Daniels appointment got canceled and we did this after practice. Jen brought me something to eat but my body did not have enough time to process with 15 minutes from consumption to work load. I wore out in the first round. Good of the workout is that I did do it precribed. The pull ups were unbroken for all sets. I also used a belt today for back stability. We shall see in the next few hours if it paid off. I had to take the belt on and off which cost me time. Goal for next time is 6 min or under.

LESSON FOR DAY = NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday May 25th 2010

Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Did this Tuesday and went light because back was feeling pretty decent. I knew what we had the next day and did not want to blow the opportunity. Just went 5 sets of 135, going A to G as deep as I could go. Felt good.

Sunday, May 23, 2010



For Time: 13:39.98

21-15-9 reps of:

Handstand push-ups

Ring dips


Met Daniel at 8am this morning "Sunday after Sectionals" Workout went well. Hand stand push ups are as good as last workout but still using toes to get through when fatigue sets in. This one was a burner!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Run 400, 50 Squats

Four rounds for time of:

13:16 I think. I let Emily time something today and she cleared my watch.

Run 400 meters = Subbed in 800 meter bike.

50 Body Squats

This was a great one. Danile, Clayton and Amanda and I hit the track for this one. After todays I am thinking doubling the distance is a little on the long side to even things out. Either way it was a tough one. I hit the bike hard and my legs were fried for the first round of squats.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

185lb shoulder to over head 20 reps, 40 burpees

For Time:


185 pound barbell, Shoulder to overhead, 20 reps Scaled back to 95lbs for just shoulder press.

40 Burpees

Scaled back huge on the shoulder to over the head. My back was killing me yesterday after the rope climb work out. Not sure if it was the RX'ed Thrusters or the few times I came down hard from the rope. Either way I was and am sore. Daniel suggested scaling way back and just doing a shoulder press with no hop. He thinks and I agree that any time I pop the hips on something I am putting too much pressure on the disks. We shall see. Over all not a bad work out. I needed yesterdays and todays. I keep getting new parts that hurt like crazy from the workout Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010



For Time:


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:



Nice break from yesterday. Felt great to just cut loose and go. Still can't do doubble unders for squat! Subbed in regular jumps but doubbled number of jumps. 50 = 100 etc.

Back really hurt bad today from the work out yesterday. Not sure what did it the Thrusters or coming down hard a few times from the rope climb.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tommy V

"Tommy V"

For time:

Total : 49:25

115 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 12 ascents
115 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 9 ascents
115 pound Thruster, 9 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 6 ascents

Round times:
1 - 21:18
2 - 15:13
3 - 12:54

Daniel did this in 20 something minutes. I don't know if it is just that I started or I am fatigued. The rope climb killed me. I flew through the Thrusters and did with prescribed weight. The Rope climb tore me up. I took Daniels advice and wore sweat pants and taped my ankles. I used leather work gloves and taped my wrists. The time suffered due to having to tape fingers and palms of gloves. The rope was burning through the leather. Some boys came into workout and asked about what I was doing. I visited a bit with them. I might have gone a little faster not having talked to them but the opperative word there is MIGHT.

Reguardless I finshed this sucker. When I finally finished I was on the floor for 12 minutes with sweat burning off me. This one was brutal on me. I have no idea how Danile did bench press after this thing.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Did this at 10:30 at night. With track banquet and CC meeting this morning trying to get paper work together I was worn thin. Back hurts but has been manageable. I just went through the motions on this one to get the reps in. I started with 95lbs and finished at 160lbs. I failed at a 165 lb attempt.

1 - 95lbs
2 - 95lbs
3 - 115
4 - 135
5 - 145
6 - 155
7 - 165 fail, got about 1/2 extended over my head and could not seem to finish
8 - 160 this went up easy. I think I was just to worried about hurting my back on these sets.

Sunday, May 16, 2010



Five rounds for time of:


Run 800 meters = Subbed in 1 mile bike Clocked this am and it was 1.2 miles on the bike

2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps = Scaled down to 50

30 Pull-ups

Round Times:
1 = 7:29
2 = 8:24
3 = 8:51
4 = 9:50
5 = 10:12

This was a rough one as I expected. Of course bike was unbroken. The Kettlebell was unbroken as well. Need to do 60 plus lbs next time or even work for the 70's. I did feel a twinge two or three times mid back so it was a good idea I scaled down. The pull ups were broken into sets. First set was 15 and 15. next four sets were 3 sets of 10. For those of you counting I puked after this one too. That makes two workouts in the last two weeks. I have to get tougher 7:30 to 10:12 sucks.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Did this 5/13/10


For time:


150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball

Broke it up like this:

Daniel and I started in the BMS gym on the backbord but the foam rubber bumper on the bottom of the goal would catch the ball sometimes and pop it back in my face so after the first 50 we moved over to the wall and finnished. That probably cost us a little time. Next time, I would like to stay in one spot and break it up 50, 50, 50. Daniel wrote this but it summed it up well.

five rounds for time 5 muscle ups, 135 lb PC, Run 220 meters

Did this 5/12/10

Five rounds for time of:


5 Muscle-ups = Set these up so rings were just at shoulder level still working on form.

135 pound Power clean, 10 reps did 6 of 135 back is killing me from day before dropped to 125 then last two round to 115 lbs.

Run 220 meters = Biked 440 meters

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

7 rounds for time, 10 HSPU, 10 x 45lbs Dumbbell SQ Clean, 10 L pull ups

Seven rounds for time of:


10 Handstand push-ups

45lb dumbbells Squat clean

10 reps 10 L-pull-ups

This one killed me not sure why. I have been exhausted for the last week plus. Maybe it is catching up with me. It was all I could do to finish. I flew through the first round done in about a minute after that the gorilla jumped on my back. I got 20 of the L pullups then I degraded to regular pull ups trying to keep my knees up. With the squat cleans I had to use the 40 lbs because Danile had the 45's. Probably a good thing. Hand stands went smooth I kept the same routein with the high safety bar and hooked toes over. Barely used toes at all. Getting better.

Monday, May 10, 2010

95lb squat clean, 20 sit ups.

Complete as many rounds in seven minutes as you can of:

95 pound Squat clean, 10 reps

20 Sit-ups

I was at camp at Millers ranch for this one. I had to use a 100 year old fence post for the squat cleans. It probably weighed 70 lbs. The one I thought weighed 95 lbs was to big to get my hands around. I got through 6 + rounds. I also did not have an anchor for my feet on the sit ups. Ithink this effected my sit ups.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dumbell Dead Lifts, Hang Cleans, Push Press and Squats

Five rounds of:

5 Dumbbell deadlifts
5 Dumbbell hang cleans
5 Dumbbell push presses
5 Dumbbell squats

Increase the load each round. Rest as necessary between rounds.

Round 1= 30lbs
Round 2= 35lbs
Round 3= 40lbs
Round 4 = 45lbs
Round 5 = 50lbs

Nice to have a decent one where I could focus on lift instead of blocking out pain. Danile and I did this after the meet. Pretty decent. I could have gone heavier but after last night and with the low back stuff I stayed light this time. Squats were good and deep tail to ground just about. Those felt good.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Five rounds, each for time of:

20 Pull-ups All rounds unbroken. First time.

30 Push-ups

40 Sit-ups All unbroken

50 Body Squats All unbroken

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

1 = 2:55
2 = 3:12
3 = 3:04
4 = 4:09
5 = 3:53

Total time = 16:33

This one was awesome. First time I think I have done pull ups as prescribed. The only part of work out that was not unbroken was the push ups. Great day! Most of this was unbroken. The push ups were the only thing that broke me. I was so exhausted after droping the hammer on round 3 that I failed out on the push ups. I was hurting bad. Collapsed on the recovery. Seemed to get back in the grove on round 5 but 5 was still to dang slow. If daniel had not been finished and cheering me on I would have taken longer I think. This one broke me down. You boys will love this I was dry heaving out the truck window on the way home after this one. I think the late hours of this week took their toll. By the way we won Conference on both sides guys and girls last night.

Monday, May 3, 2010

21 - 15 - 9 reps for time 95lb barbell squat snatch, Chest to bar pullups.

21-15-9 reps for time of:

12:00 I think aparently my watch did not stop when I looked it was 12:10 but it did not stop. Might have been a little faster or slower than 12:00.

95 pound barbell Squat snatch

Chest to bar pull-ups

Not bad today. Shoulder still pretty sore as usual in the spring. Little trouble going to wide on Snatch with grip plus the closer I keep hands in the better on my back. Back is pretty dang sore tonight after this work out. Stomach hurting because of that. I will hang upside down and do crunches and stretches to get ahead of it. I have to admit I loved this one the snatches were awesome. Did not go parallel as prescribed still pretty nervous about hurting the back.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Run 5K = Doubled bike 6.2 mile bike on hills

Run 5K = Doubled distance and biked 6.2 on hills about as hard as I could go.

I can tell it has been a while since I have been on the bike. Jen drove the route so that I knew when I hit the distance.

Time was 25:23 this sucked. Pretty much a world class 10k running time but my reer is on a bike. Need to hit the bike more often this summer for hard routes. Being on a broken down mountain bike does not help.

Biked from high school to house

Subed in 1000 crunches and 200 push ups.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

HSPU, PU, KB swing, Situps, Burpees

For time: 18:01

70 Burpees = 4:45 unbroken

60 Sit-ups = 2:07 unbroken

50 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 poods = 55lbs; = 2:31 unbroken other than Danile throwing the 55 at me so I did not have to hold the 50 and a 5lb hand weight.

40 Pull-ups = 4:29 10,12,10, 8

30 Handstand push-ups = 4:07 10, 15, 5 pretty much to failure each time. Tried to keep one minute recovery roughly. Daniel helped to get feet hooked this helped a ton. Thanks Bayless.

Push ups same as last time but set safety bar higher so only toes were over on the downward stroke. I used my toes to assist on push back up. These were way better than last time but still not doing them totally correct.

35 seconds faster this time but the order was backward. The hand stand push ups were murder at the end. Overall a better effort than last time though I had been sick and back hurt. This one goes to Clayton. 1 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts kicked my tail I was feeling them all day burning through my system. I have not been this physically spent for a few weeks at the end. Awesome. I had sweat rolling off for 20 minutes. Heart rate was 130 after 90seconds being done. The ticker seems to be getting into shape too. We shall see. Took splits this time on rounds trying to break the system down for more goals.