Monday, August 30, 2010

Pull ups, hand stand push ups

For time:
21 Pull-ups = unbroken
21 Handstand Push-ups = broken
18 Pull-ups = Broken 12, 6
18 Handstand Push-ups Broken
15 Pull-ups = Broken 10, 5
15 Handstand Push-ups Broken
12 Pull-ups = Unbroken
12 Handstand Push-ups = broken
9 Pull-ups = Unbroken
9 Handstand Push-ups = Broken
6 Pull-ups = Unbroken
6 Handstand Push-ups = Broken
3 Pull-ups = Unbroken
3 Handstand Push-ups = Broken 2,1

Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.

Daniel was in the House! Having him in there was awesome. He hung around to drive me through. He pushed me through the hard stuff. It was stinking amazing. Definetly would not been near as fast. I have missed having him around. Hopefully we can get back to the routein. He got me back on the bar after my last set of six with no rest and I still can't believe I cranked out those three with no rest. Thanks Daniel.
I still suck at hand stand push ups. I would not say they were even as good as they have been in the past.

1 = forgot to hit the split
2 = 6:52
3 =4:06
4 = 3:39
5 = 2:26
6 = 1:52
7 = 1:12
Total Time: 20:11

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