Friday, June 30, 2017

Long walk / Run

AM - Several mile Hike with Jen and the dogs.  Rain storm blew in when we were just over a mile out.  We had to run back to the camper.  So yes, I ran a mile plus.

6/29/17 Hiking / Kayaking

AM - Several mile hike around Echo Bluff camp ground.

AM/PM - 10 mile Kayak trip on the Current River with Jen, Anna, Emily, Dad, Kyle and Terry.  Had a great time.  We were all exhausted by the time we got back to camp.

6/28/17 camping workout

AM - Several mile hike on hills at camp ground - Echo Bluff
PM - 
2 Rounds
50 KB Swings @ 45lbs
50 Isolated Push-ups holding on to a log
50 Butterfly Sit-ups

PM - Round Spring Cave Tour and more hiking and site seeing

6/27/17 AM CardioCrossFit "The Two Parter"

6/26/17 PM Chest / Triceps

6/26/17 AM Ride

Don't usually post bike rides.  Went 8 this morning park/Skopec loop.  Man my legs are shot from the last few days.

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Super Sets Couplets

Everything 4 sets of 10 reps
2 minutes rest after each couplet and after each set

Back Squat @ 135lbs
Thick Bungee Starts - Start in lunge position and step forward

Hack Squats @ 135, 135, 155, 165, 185lbs
Wall Ball Lunges - Start in deep lunge position and accelerate up to thrust wall ball to 10 ft mark, catch wall ball while dropping back into lunge position.  Alternating legs.

Bridge w/ 25lbs plate on hips
Large Blue Box Jumps

Toe on bench split single Leg Goblet Squats to toe 10 each leg. @ 35lbs KB
Partner Pulls Backward run length of weight room

After each couplet round (4) sets Complete an ab set from below

5 sets of 20 Bicycles and 4 sets of 20 mountain climbers
50 Hollow Rocks
1 minute x 2 Side Plank RT/LT
1 min x 2 Sets Cry Baby's

I did better than I thought I would for as fatigued as I am.  Two leg workouts in 40 hours.  Holy Moley.  Not mention all the leg work in the CrossFit Friday Morning.  Sheesh!

Friday, June 23, 2017

PM Biceps and Triceps

Triplets and Couplets Strict Rest

First set - Triplet
4 Rounds of this triplet
14 reps of these sets
Pull-ups - wide - medium - normal grip
Barbell Curls - wide - medium - narrow grip - 75lbs
45 Seconds rest between sets

90 seconds rest before next triplet

4 sets 12 reps - 8 reps - 12 reps - 8 reps - light / heavy set up
Smash Curls - 45lbs/55lbs
Skull Crushers - w/ Dumbbell this time
Alternating reverse elbow in rows leaning forward on incline bench
45 Seconds Rest between sets

90 seconds rest before next couplet

3 Sets of 10 reps
Rope Curls w/ 45lbs plate on barbell
Overhead Tricep Press @ 60 and 65lbs
30 seconds rest between sets

90 Seconds before next couplet

3 sets of 8 reps
Seated Recline bench Curls - Thumb out on way up Thumb in on way down @ 20/25lbs
Diamond Push-ups w/ chain around neck
30 seconds rest

90 seconds Rest before last exercises

Laying down Dumbbell Triceps Extensions @ 15lbs probably could have used 20lbs
Right arm first then left arm
10 Single arm normal
10 Single arm across chest
10 Single arm palm down Extensions

90 seconds

Barbell Curls @ 75lbs
7 - regular
7 - slow
7 - shoulders to hips
7 - legs to hips

As with last time first set was rough.  Good workout though.

Campus CrossFit

Kids did 800 meter warm up.  A few did 1 mile.
Primary Playground - Rode Bike
100 Lunges
Weight Room
20 KB Swings - I used 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100
Intermediate Playground - Rode Bike
1 Set monkey bars - I did the whole ring around the tall circular set
Pull-ups HS - 10 MS - 5
Weight Room
20 SDLHP - I used 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100
Far Soccer Goal - Ran
25 Jump and touch top of goal alternate arms
Weight Room
20 KB Swings - I used 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100
High School Flag Pole - Ran
Push ups 10 narrow 10 wide 10 narrow 10 wide
Weight Room
20 KB Swings - I used 55lbs
50 Crunches - I did 100

Kids did 800 or mile cool down

No Toes to bar today for kids

I did 20 Toes to bar

Yesterday's bungee partner Pulls whooped me.  I was toast for this one this morning.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

PM - Partner WOD w/ Daniel - bungee chord pulls

We did 10 x 70 yard pulls on the football field.

We each had on a harness with 5 of the big bungees attached.  Man this was a rough one.  First 5 were 60 second rest.  Then 5 min rest.  Last set of 5 we took 90 seconds rest.  We were both hurting.  By number 8 I did not think I was going to be able to finish.  30 seconds after my last interval I was just over 200 beats per min.

Great workout.

AM - 7 mile Hard ride on hills - red barn loop

Good hard ride on red barn loop.  Legs toast after 7 mile hill.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Shoulder Sets

4 sets of 10 Ribbons - 25lbs, 35lbs, 35lbs, 45lbs plates

5 sets of 6 Reps
Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press
90 seconds rest between set

4 sets AMRAP (max 20 reps)
Dumbbell Shrugs (heavy)
60 seconds rest

4 sets of 10
Lat Shoulder raises - chain each arm
Dumbbell Laying supermans
Incline reverse Flys chest on incline bench
45 seconds rest

4 sets of 10
Double arm Landmine Press @ 45lbs each bar - these about did me in.
KB SDLHP w/ chain wrapped through to floor standing on small box
Y's Dumbbell Shoulder Press
30 seconds rest
3rd set on these was rough by 4th set I had to get fighting mad to get through the landmine Press

AM 8 mile hard bike ride - 4 min ab set

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

PM Partner WOD with Daniel

30 Seconds Blast of movement 60 Seconds of Rest
Set timer to chime at 30 Seconds
15 Rounds
1 - Ball Slams
2 - Bicycles
3 - Aerodyne Stationary Bike
4 - Side Crunches
5 - Heavy Rope Jumps
6 - Sit-ups w/ a twist
7 - Wall Slams Rt/Lt 15sec each side
8 - Ring Mtn Climbers
9 - Bar Over Burpees
10 - Toes to bar
11 - Thrusters @ 95lbs
12 - Russian/Mason Twists
13 - Tire Slams w/ Sledge Hammer
14 - Crunches
15 - Heavy Bag Blast

Just what the Dr. ordered.  I came in feeling miserable.  By the end I left feeling better than I had all day.  Daniel is great at putting these together.

AM CardioCrossFit The Threes

Kids did 1 mile warm up

Rounds MS - 4 HS Girls - 5 Boys 5 or 6
600 meter run
3 Burpees
3/3 Turkish-get-ups @ 45lbs Barbell
9 Body Squats To Toes
12 Iron Crosses @ 10 lbs plates
15 Jack Hammers

When done with above
20 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

1 to 2 mile cool down

6/19/17. Chest / Triceps

Superset Couplets

Couplet 1 - 12 reps
4 Sets - Dumbbell Flys - flat to incline bench 55, 60, 65, 65
3 Sets - Ring Supine Rows - Chest - Neck - Eyes
45 Seconds Rest after each Couplet/superset

90 Seconds rest before next Couplet

Couplet 2 - reps - 12, 10, 8, 8
Chain over shoulders to floor - Dips
Wide spaced Ring Pull-ups - these sucked
45 Seconds rest after each Couplet/Superset

90 Seconds rest Before next Couplet

Couplet 3 - reps - 10, 10, 10, 10
Ring Flys
Rope Rows - Barbell had 45lbs plate on
45 Seconds rest after each Couplet/Superset

90 Seconds rest before next Couplet

Couplet 4 - reps - 8, 8, 8, 8, 8
Ring Push-ups with chain
Lawn Mowers alternating arm leaning on bench
30 Seconds rest after each Couplet/Superset

90 Seconds rest before next Couplet

2 sets
20 Sand Bag Push-ups - Drag Sand bag under Body at top of Push-up
40 KB Swings @ 45lbs - we only did 1 set of Swings- push ups sucked it out of us.
No Rest

Saturday, June 17, 2017

AM movement

Body has been pretty beat up this week since Thursday put me in a hurt lock.

Came in this morning for some deep stretching.  Used Softball and roller on piriformis muscle.  Helped with the soreness and pain.  Did some bear crawl sand bag drags.  Hit heavy Bag and worked with Emily on the boxing hand gloves.

Friday 6/16/17 CardioFitness Partner WOD

Kids ran 1 mile warm up - I ran 600 meters
MS 3 Rounds HS 4 Rounds
800 Meter Run - I ran 600 meters
10 Partner over Burpees - Partner in Plank Position
20 Partner Full Sit-ups with a high five clap at top
10 Partner Push-ups alternating hand claps
5/5 Frog Jumps
10 Tire Jumps - Partner is completing bench dips

When done with above

25 Toes to bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

1 to 2 mile cool down

I did the workout but was basically a partner for who ever needed one.  I think I did 5 Rounds

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Boxing sets / Legs

Warm up - boxing with hand pads - working Combos

Super Set Couplets - 14 - 8 - 10 - 6; Light / Heavy / Light / Heavy
Single Leg Dead Lifts
Dumbbell Lunges

At end of Super Set we cashed out with a burst of Right/Left haymakers in gloves with partner holding hand pads
15 each foot forward so 30 total

Super Set Couplets 14 - 8 - 10 - 6
Lateral Goblet Squats 15lbs/20lbs alternating
3/4 Squats to a toe lift holding weight from that set.

At end of Super Set we cashed out with a burst of Right/Left haymakers in gloves with partner holding hand pads
20 each foot forward so 40 total

Hot this afternoon.  I was struggling to stay up and motivated.  I am home now roughly 1 hour later and I am beat.  Right hamstring is hurting pretty badly.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Partner WOD - Heavy Bag Carries, Med Ball, GHD and Dumbbell Plank Hold

Med ball over weight rack bar @ 20lbs
Weighted heavy Bag High knees over hurdle carry and bench maze.  Each round used a lighter bag until last round no bag.
Med ball over weight rack bar
First round partner in GHD position hold
Second set partner in Dumbbell feet elevated on bench Plank

D - 39.85
R - 44.88
D - 41.85
R - 42.28
D - 47.09
R - 44.61
D - 43.50
R - 41.96
D - 35.99
R - 36.59
Total time - 6:58
6 min rest
D - 41.61
R - 41.18
D - 39.89
R - 38.36
D - 44.90
R - 43.13
D - 43.10
R - 39.64
D - 34.45
R - 31.45
Total time w/ rest - 19:36

Great workout.  Done very fast.  Both of us had 160 plus heart rates after each set.  Daniel and I had fun with this.  Great design Daniel.

Am Cardo Crossfit

Kids 800 or 1600 warm up

The Decender
1200 meter run I ran 600
20 SDLHP @ 70lbs
30 Bicycles - I did 100
20 Push-ups (narrow)
800 I ran 600
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
30 Bicycles - I did 100
20 Push-ups (wide)
20 SDLHP @ 70lbs
30 Bicycles - I did 100
20 Push-ups (hand release)
400 I ran 600
20 KB Swings @ 70lbs
30 Bicycles - I did 100
20 Push-ups (narrow)

When done
30 Toes to bar
100rt/100lt Mirror runs- 10lbs plate

Kids 1 mile cool down.  Humidity and heat spiked.  It was a good flowing workout and a good one to do on the first really warm day.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Body Squats, Lunges, Toe raises, Crunches

200 Body Squats
200 Lunges
300 Toe raises
600 Crunches

Did while cooking dinner.  Broke into Sets.

6/10/17 Yard work. Grandpa brought over his Tractor lots of dirt moving.

Lots of dirt moving.  Stump moving and digging out.  Amazing what that little tractor can do.  Two weekends at least of back breaking work done in a day.

Friday, June 9, 2017

CardioCrossFit - Grass Run

Kids did 1 mile warm

Middle school 4 Rounds High School 5 Rounds
Barefoot big Loop of soccer field - roughly 600 meters
15 Push-ups
20 Body Squats
30 Lever Pulls
20 Lunges

After completion of above.

25 Toes to bar
100rt/100lt Mirror Runs

Kids did mile to two mile cool down.

I hope I am coming out of my funk.  Last few workouts have felt surprisingly good.  Energy seems to be staying up.  Yesterday was brutal but I am ready for it.  This is the stuff that has been whooping me.  Well everything has been if I am honest.  Felt pretty good today.  I took splits.  They seem slow.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

New Bicepts/Triceps

3 sets of 14 reps
Isolated Dummbell curls - lean forward on bench - hold Dummbells together
45 seconds rest between sets 90 seconds between super sets
3 sets of 12
Barbell Curls @ 75lbs
Skull Crushers @ 75lbs
Supine Rows on rings
45 seconds rest

Couplet Supersets
3 sets of 10
Seated reclined Dumbbell Curls @ 20lbs
Standing Overhead Dumbbell Triceps press 60lbs
30 seconds Rest

3 sets of 8
Rope Curls
Narrow Grip Bench
30 seconds rest

After finished with super sets the following

3 sets single arm Triceps ext
10 Single arm laying extensions
10 Across Body laying Extensions
10 Palm down laying Extensions

28 Barbell Curls
7 Normal
7 Slow
7 Legs to 90deg
7 Shoulders to 90deg

This was rough stuff.  Daniel and I were nervous as jack rabbits before we started.  We must have had a sense of what was to come.  This thing put the smack down on us in the first set and we kept going. By mid way through our arms were so swollen they were hard to the touch.  We were both red lined by the end of first set.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Warm Up
4 sets of 10 Plate hold around the worlds.  Start at chest and rotate around shoulders to behind head and back to chest.  25lbs/25lbs/35lbs/45lbs plate.

Shoulders Super Sets

3 sets 10 reps each exercise per arm - 1 min rest after each superset
Arnold Press 35lbs dumbbells - Superman Punches belly down on bench @ 20lbs dumbbells - Standing Dumbbell Punches @ 20lbs dumbbells

3 sets 12 - 10 - 8 reps 30 seconds rest after each set
Seated Lateral Raises @ 20lbs / Seated Front Raises @ 20lbs

1 minute rest after this superset for rest in to the next

3 sets 10 - 10 - 8 For seated Press / 10 reps for Shrugs
Seated Shoulder Press @ 30lbs / Dumbbell Shrugs @ 50lbs/70lbs/70lbs each arm

Cardio class - Ab Ripper!

Kids did 1 mile warm up
I set up benches, and tires for Slams

3 Rounds
400 meter run
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Bench Dips
50 Sit-ups w/ a twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall Climb

After done with above

25 Toes to bar
20/20 Tire Slams

Kids did 1 to 2 mile cool down

Team stretch

I posted last year that first round went well then the last 2 Rounds were awful.  No so this year.  I have been dragging the last few weeks.  My low back is on fire as well.  Today back is still on fire but  I was steady through the rounds.  Did not hit me till the body squats last round.  Did not struggle just did not have the zip I had the first 2 Rounds.

Splits - kind of

1 - 9:22
2 - 9:23
3 - 9:31
Total time - 28:16

6/5/17 Lunges, Weighted Butterfly Sit-ups, Tire Flips, Medball Mason Twists, Back extension dumbbell punches, seated single arm shoulder Press, Foot elevated in rings air mountain climbers, plank position pizza cutters

4 Rounds
10 - Barbell reverse walking lunge w/ 25lbs bumper plate
10 - Weighted Butterfly Sit-ups w/ 25lbs plate touch behind head and touch ground between legs
4 - Tire Flips and Jump across Tire
14 - Medball mason twists @ 20lbs med ball
14 - Back Extensions dumbbell Weighted punches 7 each arm
14 - Seated dumbbell shoulder Press 7 each arm
30 - Mountain Climbers w/ Feet in rings
1 min Plank position alternating arm pizza cutter movement

Splits Kind of
1 - 3:53
1 minute ab Pie Cutter plank
2 - 3:47
1 minute ab pie cutter plank
3 - 4:08
1 min ab pie cutter plank
4 - 3:34
Total time - 19:00

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bear Crawl / 200 meter run

Heavy Bag Combos and Jumprope warm up

10 Rounds for time
50ft Bear Crawl-Sand bag drag
200 meter run

Round Splits
1 - 1:36
2 - 1:15 watch hit the bag on the crawl and stopped.  Started starting the run.
3 - 1:49 ran farther - had yesterday in my head.
4 - 1:46
5 - 1:44
6 - 1:44
7 - 1:42
8 - 1:44
9 - 1:41
10 - 1:35
Total - 16:40

Heavy Bag Combos 6 min steady grind cool down activity.


I liked it.  I was dragging that last 2 Rounds.  Great workout!  Something new.

6/2/17 Push Pull - Biceps Triceps

Super Set Triplets and Couplets

Triplet Super Set - This set out the hammer on me.  Came out of the Curls dizzy!
3 Sets of 6 Reps
Barbell Curl - Heavy - @ 95lbs I think
SKULL Crushers @ 75lbs I think
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press @ 135 lbs I think - this was to FAILURE
60 Seconds Rest after the completion of each triplet

90 Seconds Rest before next Super Set

Couplet 3 Sets of 8 reps
Spider Curls
Seated Dumbbell Triceps Press
60 Seconds rest

90 Seconds Rest before next Super Set

Couplet 3 Sets of 10 Reps
Rope Curls With Barbell 45lbs Plate
Triceps Kick back with dumbbell alternating arm
60 Seconds Rest

90 Seconds rest before next Super Set

Couplet 3 Sets of 12 Reps
Alternating incline bench Dumbbell Curl
Cable Triceps Kick backs ring and strap over rack weight tied at bottom

We were both toast by the end of this one

6/2/17 Cardio fitness workout #2

Kids did 1 mile warm up I did 800

4 Rounds for girls and Middle School 5 Rounds for Boys
MS reps.                                            HS reps
400/800.    Run.                                 800 meter
       15       Hand Release Push-ups.    20
       20       KB Swings.                       30
       30       Butterfly Sit-ups.               40

After finished with above.

25 Toes to Bar
50/50 Mirror Runs

1 to 2 mile Cool Down