Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Burpee Bonanza summer

4 rounds
400 meter run / kids ran 800
10 hand release push up burpees
10 lateral jump burpees over bar
10 tire jump burpees
10 Burpee pull-ups

Had some fire the first 2 rounds.  Round 3 lateral jumps started to get me.  I was whooped by round 4.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

AM - B.O.B., jump rope, Ball slams

3 Rounds
3 Minutes - punching combos on B.O.B.
1 min - jump rope
1 min - Ball slams @ 20lb ball
Rest - carry a board of 2 x 12 x 10 around house

I had no fire what so ever this morning.  Workout sucked.  No fire, no motivation made this a miserable workout.  I kept telling my self, at least you are doing something because other than the fact I was sweating, I got little out of this one.

Friday, June 26, 2015

AM practice - "The Utility"

This mornings WOD.  I did 3 rounds and only ran 400.  I was still getting stuff set up for everyone while they were on the warm up and 1st round.

1 mile warm up - did not do

HS 4 rounds / MS 3 rounds
800 meter run
All holding dumbbells
10 - Bicycles
10 - Push press
10 - Calf raises
10 - Iron cross
10 - Good mornings
10 - Push-up high plank swings
10 - Weighted sit-ups
10 - Tire slams - if we have them they were out front
10 - Bench dips

When done with above
100 mirror runs each side
25 Toes to bar

1 mile cool down - did not do

1 big nap

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Two Parter - a few adjustments

Here is what we did today.  I ran the sprints and the 400's.  Did not do the other runs.  I posted the entire workout that the kids did.  We were all actually done by 7am.

800 warm up

The Two Parter

Soccer practice field
1 down and back 50m down 50m back
20 Goblet Squats
1 down and back
20 jumping lunges
1 down and back
20 KB Swings
1 down and back
20 double pump body squats
Took me - 4:56 to do this part

Transition run 1/2 or 1 mile

40 Hollow Rock
10 Hand Release Push-ups
400 Meter Run
40 Windshield wipers
20 Bench dips
400 Meter Run
40 Crunches
20 walking push-ups
Took me - 15:27 to do this part.
Total both parts - 20:30

Cool down
1/2 mile or 1 mile

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Boxing WOD - heavy bag, Tyson slams, jump rope, butterfly sit-ups

4 rounds - 30 seconds a station
This has a different feel but was fun.  I will post the best I can.  Partner WOD!

Man 1                           -          Man 2
Heavy Bag - go hard    -     Jump Rope
Tyson slams - L/R/C    -     Throwing the T.S.
Rest                              -      Rest
Jump Rope                   -     Heavy Bag - go hard
Throwing T.S.              -     Tyson slams - L/R/C
                   Butterfly sit-ups (1min)
                             2 minute rest

We switched each round Daniel started first round as man 1 then round 2 I was man 1.  We saw a clip of Mike Tyson and his trainer a few months back from the 80's.  His trainer threw a med ball into Tyson's mid-section.  This is what we did.  It was the roughest 30 seconds in the workout.  It was even tough on the guy throwing the med ball.  We had a good time with this one.  Set the counter at 30 seconds with a 3 second count down at end of each interval.  Worked well.
I have done a fat lot of nothing for the last 2 days trying to recover.  We went camping in Branson, went to see Jurassic World on Friday and Jonah Saturday.  Two rounds of mini golf Saturday with the family.  We had a great weekend!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Partner WOD w/ cardio kids

I ran a 600 to start
4 Rounds
10 - Partner Burpee / Plank holds
20 - Butterfly sit-ups w/ a high 5, alternate hands
10 - Push-ups w/ partner hand clap, alternate hands
Leap Frogs - length of weight room
10 - Tire jumps / partner doing bench dips

Kids ran 800 at start of each round.  I waited at weight room to be partners w/ anyone that needed one.

My body is trashed.  I struggled with every round.  I am going to take the next 2 days off.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Some new stuff

4 Rounds
10 - Barbell Push-up rows to straight arm behind back
16 - Dumbbell weighted Step-ups w/ a high knee drive/kick @ 50lbs each arm
22 - St. Louis Slams 20lbs ball
D/B - Inch worm hand/feet walk down, crab walk back - full length of weight room
1 min rest
1 - 6:12
2 - 6:46
3 - 6:03
4 - 5:06
Total time - 27:10

I am still sore from Mondays workout and I am sure some of Tuesdays.  I am beat.  I have a bit of intentional bug today.  Neither of us were sure what we wanted to do today.  I actually enjoyed this.  It was way tougher than Daniel and I were anticipating.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

AM CrossFit w/ Cardio kids

Kids did 800 warm up

We all did
Front parking lot
800 forward run
400 backward run
800 forward run
400 backward run
To weight room for:
3 Rounds
20 SDLHP @ 45lbs
40 Bicycle ABS
10 Turkish-get-ups

Kids then went back to front lot for:
Another set of 2 x 800/400's.

I took it easy this morning after last nights WOD.  Doing this made me feel better but I am still whooped.

Monday, June 15, 2015

MURPH adapted, 400 meter run, Pull-ups, Push-ups, Body Squats

400 meter run
Into the following
10 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Body squats
50 meter sprint
1 min rest - after each round but round 5.  Rested 2 min.
After 10 rounds are done
400 meter run

400 - 1:44
1 - 1:33
2 - 1:26
3 - 1:27
4 - 1:27
5 - 1:31
Rest 2 min
6 - 1:31
7 - 1:29
8 - 1:31
9 - 1:34
10 - 1:38
Total time w/ rest -  26:57
400 - 2:25
Total time w/ rest - 30:23

I am laying in bed posting this 6 hours later still not feeling right. My sprints were more like wobbly walks by round 4.  Fired through everything else.  Splits were pretty consistent.

I did the real Murph my second day of CrossFit, March 18th 2010.  It whooped my rear then and adapted it whooped my rear now.  

Friday, June 12, 2015

AM - Health class

Ran the kids through a ton of exercises.  Took about 30 plus minutes of constant change and movements.  I had a rolling sweat going the whole time.

AM - Campus CrossFit

I only did part today.  I am beat but wanted to do some.
I ran to the primary and did the 100 lunges and ran back to weight room.
I then ran to the Intermediate to help kids across the monkey bars.  Then ran back to the weight room.

I did not do any of the weight room elements because my health class was in the weight room today and I was showing them a ton of exercises.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

AM long ride with the kids

Still riding Jen's bike.  Little bike = sore knees.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Evening log removal at in-laws

After a long day and a rough workout we went over to the in-laws to chop up and move the huge logs to the trailer.  Got them to Sean's and unloaded.  These suckers were so big and heavy we could barely lift them.

Afternoon - Captain America WOD

Complete 5 rounds:

Static Pull or Chin Up Hold at top - 30 seconds
Max Strict Pull or Chin Ups - 6, 6, 6, 5, 6
Hold Top of Ring Dip - 30 seconds
Max Ring Dips - 8, 8, 9, 8, 7
Handstand Hold - 30 seconds 
Handstand Push-ups - 6, 6, 6, 6, 3 - these were more of 3 inch drop.  I can't do these at all

*Perform isometric hold for 30 seconds, kick down, shake out your hands and perform max reps of given exercise.
*There is no time component for this workout other than the 30 sec holds. 
*The goal of this workout is to develop stability in these movements through the use of isometric holds

Set up the watch on 30 second intervals
Started isometric hold the instant the watch first beeped and kept it until it beeped again
Shook out arms while the watch was beeping (it beeps for 10 seconds)
Did the burn out on the exercise
Rested 1 minute between sets
Rested for two minutes after each round
When I do it again, I think 90 seconds between sets and three minutes between rounds will work best. 

AM - Long ride with morning practice

Hit the bike pretty hard again at morning practice.  Covered roughly 8 miles.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

AM With Cardio kids - THE AB RIPPER

3 Rounds
400 meter Run
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
15 Dips
50 Sit-ups w/ a Twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall Climb

At Completion of the above
20 Rt side Tire Slams
20 Lt side Tire Slams
20 Toes to bar

Rough Splits from the 3 rounds, I did not really do the splits with accuracy.
1 - 7:35
2 - 9:00
3 - 9:12
Total time - 25:47

Did this with the kids.  I love this workout.  I always think I am going to drop the hammer on this one until I get into round 2 and round 3.

6/8/15 The ASSENDER

4 Rounds, 3 with weight vest and 1 with out vest
1 - Med Ball box jump burpee
2 - Pull-ups
3 - Burpee Pull-ups
4 - Barbell Burpees (man makers), @ 75lbs
5 - Thrusters - 75lbs
6 - Supine Rows
7 - Wall Balls
8 - Back Extensions
9 - Body Squats
10 - Sit-ups
2 min rest

1 - 3:16
rest - 1:26
2 - 3:01
rest - 1:35
3 - 2:54
rest - 1:34
4 - 2:42
Total time - 16:31

I shortened rest to stay with Daniel.  This was awesome.

Monday, June 8, 2015

AM Hard Ride

9 miles pretty hard.  Got a flat at the seven mile marker.  The ride back sucked and leaning over the Handle bars to keep pressure off the back tire.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

400 meter run, Barbell push-up Burpees(man makers), knee hold, rope climb, 50 meter sprint

4 Rounds
400 meter run
10 Barbell Burpees (man makers) @ 75lbs
20 second knee hold
1 Rope Climb
50 meter sprint
2 min rest shortened to stay with Daniel - roughly 1:30 to 1:50
1 - 4:04
2 - 4:03
3 - 4:01
4 - 3:57
Total w/ rest - 21:18

Great workout this morning.  I am beat down for some reason but this one was great.  James and his family are up for the big basketball tournament in town and staying at the house.  Jacob ran this morning at 6am with the boys.  While we were out we did this.  It was great Daniel, James and I were on the runs together.  Of course we suffered so fellowship was bountiful!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Grass bare foot run, push-ups, lever pulls, body squats, lunges

5 Rounds
Big loop on soccer field barefoot
15 Push-ups
20 Body Squats
30 Lever Pulls
20 Lunges

Running felt good again just controlled the pace.  Air was very humid and got very thick to breath.  Good workout though.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

AM - decent bike ride at morning practice

Kids are getting pretty spread out.  Had to pedal pretty hard for quite a bit.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Overhead lunge, Medicine ball back to back twisting passes, Air runs, Ab Slams, Burpees

4 Rounds
10 Overhead lunge w/ 45lb plate
20 Medicine ball back to back twisting passes
30 Air runs
6   Ab Slams (Holyfield Hammers)
6   Burpees
1 min rest
1 - 2:12
2 - 2:01
3 - 1:55
4 - 1:55
Total time w/ rest - 11:03

For the ab slams we got loaded on the GHD extended and partner hammered you on the stomach with blocking pad rounded edge.  Of course Daniel and I thought this was awesome.  This did not flow very well at first.  Once Daniel and I got in a rhythm and we started to enjoy the flow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

AM w/ summer training kids, day 1 weightroom

5 Rounds
I ran 400 kids ran 800
20 hand release push-ups
30 KB Swings @ 55lbs
40 Butterfly sit-ups

After - 25 Toes to bar
            100 mirror runs

5 was good for the guys.  It needed to be 4 for the girls and most everyone else.  I also upped the run from 400 to 800.  MS did the 400 run, 15 hand release push ups, 20 KB swings and 30 butterfly sit ups.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Pull-ups, Sit-ups w/ a twist, KB Swings, KB backward pull

10 Rounds
10 Pull-ups kipping
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
30 KB Swings @ 40lbs
1 KB pull down and back - pulling jogging backward
1 min rest 1st 6 rounds, 2 min rest last 3 rounds
1 - 2:28
2 - 2:20
3 - 2:19
4 - 2:14
5 - 2:17
6 - 2:23
7 - 2:20
8 - 2:21
9 - 2:17
10 - 2:09
Total time w/ rest - 36:07

Holy cow this one did not have any one element that was tough but was a slow steady drag.
By round 5 I could feel that I was needing more rest.  After round 6 Daniel yelled out he needed more rest.  We bumped to two min.  It might have been to much but it was to late I was hurting!  Good workout.