Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bench press, strict dips, alternating toes to bar, thrusters, heavy bag work

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
6 x 230
5 x 230
6 x 230
10 x 135

5 Rounds
15 strict dips - no bend in legs or hips
20 alternating toes to bar, rt side / lt side
5 Thrusters @ 135 lbs
1 min rest

1 - 1:37
2 - 1:54
3 - 2:21
4 - 3:47
5 - 2:56
Total time w/ rest - 16:39

15 minutes rest

Heavy Bag work
10 min - kicking
5 min rest
10 min - punching

Had one of the best rounds of bench press I have had in a long time today.  I am still using a narrower grip because of my shoulder still hurting.  With a more narrow grip I am very pleased.  Workout was rough as these seem to have been lately.  At least on me.  I fell off the planet split wise in round 4.  Round 3 was not much better.  Good of today was the new boxing gloves I got trading in the others worked great.  Punching and kicks were weak today.  Strength was way down by this part of the workout.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Box Jumps, Pull-ups, Jump Rope, KB Swings, Thrusters, Burpees, Heavy Bag work

4 Rounds of
All with Weight Vest on
5 Box Jumps - tall black box
10 Kipping Pull-ups
20 Jump Rope
20 KB Swings - @ 55lbs
10 Thrusters - @ 95lbs
5 Burpees
Round 1 - 60 sec
Round 2 - 90 sec
Round 3 - 2:30 sec

1 - 4:10
2 - 6:14
3 - 7:42
4 - 7:26
Total w/ rest - 30:33

10 min rest

10 minutes Heavy Bag punching combos - new gloves tore up my hands.  I will be taking them back.

5 minutes rest

10 minutes Kicking - alternating right and left

The first part of today was awful  That workout was more than I needed.  I think I just was not ready physically or mentally.  Kicking went much better today.  Right leg is getting stronger and left leg is progressing.  I hit the lower part of the bag with the metal safety bars to loosen the bottom of the bag to kick lower.  I need to do this before I punch too so I can save my wrists.  The base was packed so hard some places actually made the metal bar ping when I hit it.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Partner WOD, hit everything

Partner WOD
21 - 15 - 9
SDLHP - 55lbs
KB Swings - 55lbs
Ball Slams - 20lb ball
Heavy Rope Jump
3 - 2 - 1 - Partner harness pull

D - 21 - 4:31
R - 21 - 5:04
D - 15 - 3:41
R - 15 - 4:18
D - 9 - 2:27
R - 9 - 3:03
Total time - 23:05

Daniel and I discussed this before we started thinking it was going to be tough but not terrible.  Man were we wrong.  This one tore us up.  Both of us were on the floor during our recovery.  My splits were a bit slower than Daniels for a few reasons.  I had to walk to my start station after he finished his pulls.  I also just flat sucked at the heavy rope jumps.  I really struggled here today.  I got home and ate breakfast after moving a basketball goal for Vicki.  I sat down about an hour and a half after the workout.  I was feeling a bit tired.  I was asleep in a few minutes and was out for almost 2 hours.  Holy Cow!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bench Press, Turkish-get-ups

10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 205
5 x 230
5 x 230
5 x 230
10 x 135

50 - Turkish-get-ups @ 45lb KB

Splits @ every 10 get ups
1 - 2:24
2 - 2:58
3 - 3:45
4 - 3:28
5 - 3:43
Total time - 16:19

I did these w/ a 45lb KB.  I remembered how much I hate doing them with a KB by #8.  I use the KB when I have nothing else.  I need to remember this for next time.  Low back is still hurting.  My right shoulder is killing me.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Hard bike

3 plus miles with Jen and the dogs on hills
30 min later
Met boys for a steady state on trail
1.5 mile warmup
5 mile steady state
1.5 mile cool down

Just over 3 miles of this were at full tilt biking from the front to the back and back.  The end of the 5 miles the last 2 miles were as fast as I could go to catch the front group to get them their time.  My legs are shot.  My knees are pretty achey.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ring Push-ups, Front Squats

Ring push-up ladder
18 full rounds
16 of the 19th round

187 total push-ups

Rest 5 minutes

135lb front squat ladder

63 total front squats

For the ladder pattern, perform one rep the first minute, two reps the second minute, three reps the third minute, continuing as long as you are able. Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Back is still pretty sore.  Not horrible today.  I am feeling better daily but still having trouble with recovery.  Muscles are not feeling recovered in time spance that they normally would.  Squats were supposed to be body weight so I adapted.  I have put on a few pounds in the last few days.  I have gone from 187 to 194.

Friday, December 19, 2014

12/18/14 Short WOD Pull-ups, Single arm Snatch, High knees, Supine rows, shuffle maze

3 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 Single arm snatch, 30lbs, 5rt/5lt
20 High knees
10 Supine rows
1   Shuffle maze
1 min rest

1 - 1:37
2 - 1:37
3 - 1:39
Total w/ rest - 6:51

Low back is killing me.  Snatches were awful.  I can only guess that it is left over from this weekend. I have also been sitting a bunch grading finals.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bench Press, Thrusters, GHD'S

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
 8  x 205
  5 x 225
  5 x 225
  4 x 225
10 x 135

21 - 15 - 9
95lbs Thrusters

1 - 2:31
2 - 2:27
3 - 1:47
Total - 6:46

Legs are fried!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Burpees, Jump rope, Lunges, Butterfly sit-ups, heavy bag

3 Rounds
25 Burpees
150 Single Jump rope
50 Lunges
25 Butterfly sit-ups
1 min rest

1 - 5:52
2 - 5:41
3 - 5:06
Total w/ rest - 18:41

15 min rest

10 minutes heavy bag punching combos

3 min rest

8 minutes heavy bag kicking/kneeing practice

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Stretching, movement and hitting heavy bag

Long stretch and rolling out on the black roller, back and hips.

4 sets of 25 KB Swings at 55lbs
5 sets of 10 deep dips
5 sets of 10 deep GHD'S touching both arms touching floor and feet

Completed the above as a slow moving full recovery workout moving from one exercise to the next.
KB swings first
then dips
then GHD's

Wanted a total of 100 KB swings and 50 of dips and GHD's

15 minutes no break of steady punching heavy bag, working different combonations.
2 min rest
6 min of kicking heavy bag.  Alternating high and mid level kicks.  Some sets 10rt / 10lt, some alternating rt to lft.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Bench Press, A Bunch of Burpees

Bench Press
10 x 135
10 x 185
9 x 205
4 x 225
4 x 225
10 x 135

WOD w/ Daniel, dang good to work out together.  It has been to long.

5 Rounds for time of
50 Burpees - in wrestling room on mats
2 min rest between rounds

1 - 3:57
2 - 4:18
3 - 4:44
4 - 4:38
5 - 4:03
Total w/ rest - 29:44

Goal was to get under 5 min a round.  I got worried during and after round 3.  Heart rate was way up there but for both of us.  I would take it during the rest.  At 30 seconds I was 170 +.  By 1:30 I was at 130, so heart was ready.
This is the first WOD I have done in a while that my energy did not fall off.  I was very fatigued but it never just disappeared.  I did not feel bad either which is a change too.  I struggled cycling quickly but I was decently steady.  Rough one but a great feeling.  One I have needed for a while.

12/9/14 Ab ripper with out the run

Long warm up

3 Rounds
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Bench Dips
50 Sit-ups w/ a twist
20 Body Squats
50 Crunches
1 Wall Climb
1 min rest

1 - 5:26
2 - 6:08
3 - 5:51
Total time - 19:26

Still feeling like dirt.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Abs and stuff

2 Rounds
20 Pull-ups
20 Flat Abs
20 Wide Push-ups
20 Leg Lifts
20 Toes-to-bar
20 Ball-slams @ 20lb ball
20 Hand release Push-ups, military
20 GHD's
20 Dips
5 min break

I timed this but man I felt awful today.  Here are the times.

1st round - 7:01
5 min
2nd round - 7:09

I think I was ahead 2nd round of the first round split until I hit the leg lifts and toes to bar.  From that point on I was sucking worse than I had the whole time.  My body just felt drained today.  No energy and had to push pretty hard to just finish.  I have really been struggling for the last 3 plus weeks.  I have good days but overall I am not feeling well.  Sleep has been decent and nutrition has been ok, I have even been drinking more water.  I definitely have not been eating junk, but man I don't feel right.  I did have the respiratory something for a few days before Thanksgiving.  My energy has been ok but my body does not recover from work and workouts.  After helping move on Saturday, (which I did not work that hard), I was beat up.  Sore all over. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

12/6/14 moving the in laws

Drove the RV back to dad.  That seat hammers my back so I did not start off the day well.  I am still exhausted from the week of workouts.  We moved all the heavy stuff left in the storage lockers.  Once we were back we moved it all in the house.  Woke up this morning and my back is pretty sore.  Difference is it is sore all over.  Once I warmed up and rolled it out I am feeling better.  Interestingly my right bicep that was hurt a year or so ago has flared back up.  Not as bad as it was but still pretty achy.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Stretching and some mild movement

Today was my off day but I needed some stretching and movement.  Lots of rolling on the foam roller on the hips and back.
I also did some exercises.

5 sets of 10 deep slow GHD'S
5 sets of 10 deep slow dips

100 crunches
25 push-ups

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Med Ball box jump burpees, Tire slams. Partner harness pull

Partner WOD
10 Rounds for time of
5 Medicine Ball Box Jump Burpees
10 Tire Slams, 5 right 5 left
1 Harness partner pull length of weight room from garage door to office windows
One man was on while the other was resting and preparing harness.

1 - 2:32
2 - 2:43
3 - 2:31
4 - 2:34
5 - 2:39
6 - 2:32
7 - 2:41
8 - 2:36
9 - 2:38
10 - 2:28
Total time - 25:57

I am beat today.  The last few days have been rough.  Today was fun.  I think both Daniel and I got what we needed.  I will probably just stretch and do some abs tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Front Squat, Strict Pull-ups, Heavy KB Swings, Toes to bar, Lunges

Front Squat deep A to G
10 x 45
10 x 95
10 x 115
10 x 135
10 x 45

4 rounds for time of
10 Strict Pull-ups
10 Heavy KB Swings w/ 80lb dumbbell
10 Toes to bar
10 Lunges
1 min rest

1 - 1:22
2 - 2:02
3 - 3:04
4 - 4:58
Total w/ rest - 14:28

Rest 13 min

20 Burpees as fast as I could move
Total time - 1:19

I wanted to fry my grip and push heavy weight on the KB swings.  I got that done but might have pushed too hard.  I really hurt bad on this one.  The KB Swings were almost more than I could handle.  Doing them tired was not a great idea.  I really struggled with these.  In the last round I could barely lift the weight.  I lifted it felt a sharp pain in my abdominal muscle and dropped the weight.  I got very mad and was able to use the fury to finish the set.  Problem there sits.  I think I pushed my back to far.  I am typing this 5 hours later and my back is sore, and my body is drained.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Bench press, Turkish Get-ups, Butterfly Sit-ups, Body Squats

Bench press
10 x 135
10 x 185
  6 x 205
  3 x 225
10 x 185
10 x 135

For time:
30 Turkish Get-ups w/ 45lb bar
Splits at 10 reps no rest
1 - 4:33
2 - 3:59
3 - 2:53
Total - 11:26

5 minutes rest

4 rounds for time of
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Body Squats

Splits no rest
1 - 1:05
2 - 1:20
3 - 1:32
4 - 1:14
Total time - 5:13

Turkish Get-ups were tough but not bad.  I am still recovering from something.  By round 2 I knew the 4 rounds was going to hammer me.  I started to press on the squats and my times were slipping.  I was in the CrossFit flop for a minute or so.
Good news is my bench press is coming back.  The shoulder is still sore but I was able to string together a decent round today.  Not super happy but happy none the less that I was for the most part pain free on the reps.  I used a narrower grip today which seemed to help.