Heavy Power Clean to a 1 rep.
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1
210 x FAIL
Have to be happy here. Back has been a mess and I have not done this much for a long time. However this was not a squat clean. The workout called for Hang Clean. I just can't do that with my back. Motion jars to much. Super happy.
NEXT Deficit Dead-lift, in cage stood on 1 level high bumper plates (SUCKED)
Progression 3 reps x 3 rounds with 2 min recovery
Warm up - 250
3 x 275
3 x 280
3 x 285
These were terrible. Used a belt. Back did not hurt but I just could not get the bar going.
For time:
30 Power Clean at 165lbs (supposed to be hang clean but I had to come off the floor each time)
50 Pistol Squats - 25 each leg, used rope for stabilizer. (still suck at these)
200 x 45lb SDLHP
1 - 4:34
2 - 6:50
3 - 7:09
Total time - 18:34
Power clean took for ever having to come off the floor each time. But also felt good to just do power clean. Pistol squats hammered me. I am typing this 24hours later and my legs still hurt. SDLHP's were solid.
Crunches - 500
Push-ups - 100
Total for year
Crunches - 17,000
Push-ups - 2,100