Saturday, January 31, 2015

Stationary Bike

30 min Stationary Bike
Fat Burn Setting

Friday, January 30, 2015

Crunches, walkin' miles

1000 crunches - unbroken

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thrusters, Spinning mat jump burpees, Inverted Ab rack toes touches/toes to bar, Gasser

5 Rounds for time of
5 Thrusters @ 135lbs
10 Spinning mat jump burpees
10 Inverted Ab rack toe touches / had to change to toes-to-bar the last 2 rounds
1 Gasser - office windows to garage door of weight room down and back x 2
Rest equaled work time

1 - 2:19
r - 2:19
2 - 2:19
r - 2:19
3 - 2:05
r - 2:05
4 - 2:00
r - 2:00
5 - 1:53
Total time - 19:23

Daniel did this the other day when I was sick except with power clean at I think 165lbs.  I avoid PC with my back so when he and I talked we figured thrusters would be the best sub.  I felt awesome yesterday but only being one day out of sick I did not do this.  Today I now have a runny nose and slight head cold type symptoms.  What the heck! I wanted to do this one today hoping that I would have the steam and this might push this yuck through my system.  I posted 3 to 5 rounds on the board to remind me to evaluate realistically how far I should push.  During round 3 I seemed to speed up and talked my self into round 4.  Daniel showed up at the end of round 3 and hung around for the final 2 rounds.  Thanks brother.  He told me I would negative split again on the last round and with him in my head and right by me I got it done.  I was slipping into another place during that last round, man I was hurting.  Glad I talked myself in to round 4 and Daniel showing up and telling me I was doing 5!!!!!!!  That is what brothers are for.  Took me to the edge. Interestingly having done heavy thrusters a few times in the last few months I felt great with these.  The rest was key and starting each round made a difference too.  I rolled through them and actually did the last round of these faster than the other rounds with no pauses just repped the out.  Happy there too.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bench Press, knees to chest, overhead lunges, push ups, ball slams

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
7 x 235
6 x 235
6 x 235
5 x 235
10 x 135

3 rounds
20 knees to chest
20 walking overhead lunge @ 45lbs
10 push-ups
10 ball-slams @ 45lbs

Splits - took them but I was not in a rush
1 - 2:22
2 - 2:18
3 - 2:01
Total - 8:41

I got the respiratory flu Sunday.  It took me down till Tuesday mid morning.  I was a bit cautious today and did not push to hard.  Bench press again was a progression.  I am just about to hit 235lbs 8 times.  I need to roll back at least 1 set right at the start to see how many times I can roll out 225.  I would like to rep it 10 times.  Something I have not done for a long while. Things for both Daniel and I have been progressing here quite well over the last few weeks.

My goal was to hit 20 plus workouts this month it is not going to happen with me being sick the last few days.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Grinder

3 Rounds
2 minutes each station w/ 30 seconds rest
Heavy Bag Punching
Weighted Step-ups @ 35lbs dumbbells
Mat maze - high knees down shuffle step back
Tire slams
Jumping Pull-ups
2 minutes rest

Final clock on this was 47:48.

I wanted a grinder of a workout, got it done.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Burpees, Iron cross, Knees to chest, Ball slams, flat abs, lunges

4 Rounds
10 Burpees
5  Iron Crosses @ 10lbs plates each arm
25 Knees to chest
20 Ball Slams @ 20lb ball
50 Flat abs
20 Lunges

Did not do for time just flowing decent paced completion.  I needed a day and Anna did death by sit-ups yesterday and wanted me to do a workout with her.  Had a sweat rolling by the end.  Good work Anna.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Goblet Squats, GHD'S

10 rounds
10 Goblet Squats @ 45lbs KB
10 GHD'S double hand touch on ground and swinging cross touch at top.

Just flowed with no break.  I did not time this specifically.
100 total goblet squats
100 total GHD'S

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The 7's, Bench press

Bench press
10 x 135
5 x 185
6 x 235
5 x 235
5 x 235
10 x 135

7 Rounds for time of
7 Push-ups
7 Squats
7 Sit-ups
7 Burpees
7 Lunges
7 Mason twists
7 Bench dips
1 - 1:33
2 - 1:45
3 - 1:58
4 - 2:09
5 - 1:54
6 - 1:56
7 - 1:35
Total time - 12:52

Wow I am posting this 5 hours after completion and I am beat!  Daniel and I did this with our weight vests on.  Added to another level of holy cow.  Good workout though.  Another great week of bench press.  6 at 235.  I know there were times in the past I could have done this but I don't think I have ever specifically done 6 reps of 235.  Pretty happy.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Thrusters, Toes to bar, Turkish get-ups

For time
21 - 15 - 9
Thrusters @ 115lbs

1 - 3:50
2 - 3:58
3 - 2:38
Total time - 10:27

15 min rest

20 Turkish Get-ups @ 45lb Bar


The Thrusters were awful today.  I was breaking them into sets of 5 after the first 10.  I almost was recovering during the toes to bar.  Had a great change today.  Jennifer came in to work out with me.  This does not happen very much with her marathon training so this was great.  She did the same workout.  Thrusters were at 55lbs for her and she used a 10lbs dumbbell for her Turkish get-ups.  As my splits show the workout was rough on me today.  I really struggled stringing together the thrusters.  Good solid burn.  I struggled pushing a good pace on the Turkish-get-ups.  I pretty much just worked through them.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Jump rope, One arm KB sit-ups, KB Swings, Ball Slams, Push-ups, Pull-ups, Heavy Bag

Fell apart this morning.  Either poor choices in exercises or I just was not ready for this.  I did not think it was going to be this hard.  Planed 5 rounds, got 2.
2 Rounds
100 Jump Ropes
50 Single arm KB sit-ups 25 left arm/25 right arm @ 35lbs
25 KB swings @ 55lbs
15 Ball-slams
10 Push-ups
5 Strict Pull-ups
1 min rest
Splits because I can't believe how bad they were
1 - 7:19
2 - 10:23
Total - 18:43

The weighted KB sit-ups are what hammered me with out a doubt.  Not just body but my right shoulder is killing me.  That exercise lit it on fire.  Back is very sore.  I seem to be struggling more and more.

10 min heavy bag - punching combos

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jump Rope, Weighted Sit-ups, Squats, Push-ups hand release, GHD'S, dumbbell snatch, sled push

4 Rounds for time of
50 Jump Rope
30 Weighted Sit-ups 25lbs plate
40 Body Squats
10 Hand release push-ups
20 GHD'S
20 Single arm Dumbbell Snatches 35lbs 10 each arm
1 Sled Push Down and back on concrete
2 min rest

1 - 4:32
2 - 5:33
3 - 7:19
4 - 5:55
Total time w/ rest - 29:20

I wanted a burner.  This one put it on me.  As usual I fell off the planet 3rd round.  I got it back together (kind of) 4th round.  Not super happy with the time slip but happy with the work.  I was dizzy and unsteady on my feet for a good 15 min after completion.  I know I am putting the hurt on when I have to take short breaks in the ab exercises.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Bench Press, Power Clean

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
6 x 230
7 x 230
4 x 230
4 x 230
10 x 135

The exercise I have the most fear of now days is the power clean.  One of my favorite exercises of all time and I am scared to touch it.  Today I wanted a little taste.  I did 6 sets.
2 x 95 lbs Squat clean
2 x 95 lbs Squat clean
2 x 115 lbs Squat clean
2 x 125 lbs Squat clean
2 x 135 lbs Squat clean

I was happy that the 135 still feels very light but I am scared to death of hurting my back.  I am having more regular pain the last year or so.  I am going to try and work my way back into this.
Today was one of the best rounds I have had of bench press in a very long time.  As usual my right shoulder was killing me but once I had the heavy weight on I was rolling.  Very happy here.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Pull-ups, Overhead walking Lunge, GHD'S, Ball-Slams

4 Rounds For time of
10 Pull-ups
10 Overhead walking lunge @ 45lbs
10 GHD'S
10 Ball Slams @ 45lbs
1 min rest

1 - 1:59
2 - 1:43
3 - 1:38
4 - 1:41
Total time w/ rest - 10:01

Wanted to heat up my body just a little bit.  I also wanted something pretty easy.  Got both things done.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Dirty Dozen and front squat

Front Squat
4 sets 
10 x 95lbs
10 x 115lbs
5 x 135lbs
5 x 155lbs did not feel good.
put 175 on and as I racked it to my shoulders my back felt awful.  Racked it back and quit.

For time:

25 Walking lunge steps - unbroken
20 Pull-ups - unbroken
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box - unbroken but slow
20 Double-unders 40 regular
25 Ring dips - unbroken
20 Knees to elbows - unbroken
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood = 70lbs - 16/14
30 Sit-ups - unbroken
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells - Forgot and just did cleans 1/2 to 3/4 squat. 9/11
25 Back extensions - unbroken
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball - 16/14
3 Rope climb ascents - These ate me alive!  I got to this at 16min.  I also stopped and put my sweat pants on so I did not tear up my leg. My arms and legs were shaking.  I just could not push here.

Total time - 18:20

Did not push super hard today.  Again worked hard but was patient.  Back was a bit sore as I warmed up and did front squat.  Once I was in, I did not have a bunch of trouble.  I was pleased as to how well the heavy KB swings went.  I broke some stuff up that I probably did not have to.  I could only find one other time that I had done this workout.  I could have sworn I have done it more than once.  

APRIL 28th 2011

For time:  14:51.23
This was a wierd one.  Like filthy fifty you seem to be flying along going for a good time and BAM you can't lift your arms.  Everything was unbroken until I hit the squat cleans.  That went 10/10.  When I hit the rope climb I was spent.  Took me for ever I wish I knew where I was when I finished the wall ball.  Oh well.  I know I could have gone way faster early on I felt really good.  Not sure why this hit me the way it did late.  Either way I finished and tomorrow is a day off.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Partner WOD - Punching Plate pulls, Heavy Rope Jumps, Box Jumps, Push-ups, L-Pull-ups

5 Rounds for time of
1 - Punching Plate Drag - 45lbs plate - length of weight room
15 - Heavy Jump Rope
10 - Box jumps - tall black box
15 - Push-ups - narrow (military)
5 - L-Push-ups
Rest while other man is on round - resetting plate drag

Daniel first then Ron
D - 1 - 1:50
R - 2 - 2:02
D - 3 - 1:41
R - 4 - 1:50
D - 5 - 1:41
R - 6 - 1:40
D - 7 - 1:27
R - 8 - 1:43
D - 9 - 1:20
R - 10 - 1:42
Total time - 17:01

Body is feeling pretty fatigued.  I was worried about doing anything super hard today. Both Daniel and I really liked the flow of this WOD.  We always thrive on these partner WOD's.  Occasionally we put together a suck one but today was on.  We both got faster as we progressed.  We both became more efficient at the punching plate drag which helped our splits too.  I did try and focus on good range of motion in all exercises.  It was a fight to get up on the box today.  I was covering the height well but I had to fire hard to get there, and I was landing with a thud on the top.  I had to focus on hipping through.  Cycling on these is so tough with having to step down.  I always loose time here, and will always.  For the first time in a long while I was able to push on the heavy rope jumps.  First two rounds I had to double jump but I got in a rhythm and fired them out after that.  L-Pull-ups were rough as usual.  Hope I can maintain this.  I have done pretty good getting in this month.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Fight Gone Bad - on the sissy side

Fight Gone Bad
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories) = Subbed in Burpees
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

------------Round 1 - 2Rd - 3 Rd - Total
Wall Ball ---27 -------26 ----25 --- 78  down 14
SDLHP -----27 -------20 ----20 ----67 down 13
Box Jump --20 -------20 ----20 ----60 down 1
Push Press -30 -------30 ----30 -----90  up 9
Burpees ----10 -------10-----12 ----32 down 2
TOTAL ----114 ---- 106 ---107 -- 327 down 25
Not bad considering I was very fatigued to start and pacing my self. 
I am happy with this result.  This blew my first total out of the 
water.  HA and I was gaming it.

Did this one after Kyle, Ryan, Seth, Jacob, Nathan, Kellen, Austin, Spencer hammered this one out.  With all the hard workouts I have done over the last few years this one just had not come across my plate in a long time, since April of 2011.  Nathan called and said he wanted to be on the floor in agony after a cross-fit the next day.  We hoped there would be bunch of guys throw their hats in and they did not disappoint.  I am pretty fatigued from the last few workouts but after watching the boys I had Anna time and track reps.  I worked and was tired but was fearful of pushing to hard with as fatigued as I am.  For the most part I got to a number and tried to stick with it.  My rhythm was a bit off in the wall ball and had a few problems there.  SDLHP's were hammering my back and I refuse to hurt my back in a WOD if I can control things and not.  So I error-ed on the side of caution.  I think if I could have used a 75lb KB instead of the straight bar so I could have kept the weight close I could have moved much better here.  Either way I am glad the boys threw down and inspired this.  I was happy I made an attempt.  I will do this again in a month or two and put the hammer down.  I also need to figure something out for the SDLHP.  Thinking of taping a 5lbs plate to the top or bottom of a 70lbs dumbbell.  This will hammer my grip though so I am not sure.  I might try it over the next few months.  Maybe a rope tied around the dumbbell in a loop with a piece of PVC with tape for grip for a handle.  Possibly with Carabiner clips around the handle of the weight? This might work better.  Just have to test.

APRIL 15th 2011
-------------Round 1 - 2Rd ---- 3Rd - Total
Wall Ball ----31 ------30 -------29 ---92  down 2
SDLHP ------33 ------26 -------21 ---80 up 11
Box Jump ---24 ------21 -------16 ---61 no change
Push Press --33 ------28 -------26 ---81  up 6
Burpees -----13 ------11--------10 ---34 down 6
TOTAL -----134 --- 116 ------102 --352 up 9
PR 9 points higher
Solid one today.  I told Daniel today there was no fear but dread of this one.  There is no hiding from Fight Gone Bad.  Truth be told I am pretty sure I could have done at least 10 points higher.  I am having the worst allergy season in probably 8 years and this week has been the worst.  Two track meets and late nights.  I am beat.  Daniel and I are just worn slick as is everyone else I am around.  I was just worried I would not equal last time since it was such a huge pr.  I got a call from Josh and he told me about a work out he did today and I got juiced!  Thanks for the fire Josh this helped me push through a few spots.  I dedicate this one to you brother.  Thanks to Daniel to for giving me times and keeping me going too.  Thanks boys.
Monday, September 27, 2010
-------------Round 1 - 2Rd - 3 Rd - Total
Wall Ball -----34 -----30 -----28 ----92
SDLHP ------28 ------21 -----20 ----69
Box Jump ---24 ------21 -----16 ----61
Push Press --30 ------26 -----25 ----81
Burpees -----13 ------13 -----14 ----40
TOTAL -----129 --- 111 ---103 ---343
Huge PR 54points higher
Workout went well. I was stinking scared because I had not done anything to speak of for the previous 10 plus days other than stationary bike. For my third work out back I was more than pleased. Daniel stayed late to time me on this one. I knew how much I missed having him around but having him there tonight was awesome. Thanks Brother!
I think I could have done a little more on this one but I have to be very happy with the effort. I did this one much smarter this time. I had the Push Press in the rack this time. Last time I had to take it off the floor. This made a huge difference in getting my reps done here. Overall just done smarter. My only weak point I would have to say was my box jumps. The SDLHP hurt my back with the bar. I struggle going as deep as I should but I more than make up for it on the top side. I was going to my chin. Which I busted on the bar once really good and popped it once or twice. I had a bad headache going into this from a very stressful day. I did not figure I was going to do very well.
July 21st 2010
-------------Round 1 - 2Rd - 3 Rd - Total
Wall Ball ---30 -------28 ----24 -----82
SDLHP -----26 -------15 ----18 -----59
Box Jump ---25 ------20 ----15 -----60
Push Press --20 ------19 ----18 ------57
Burpees -----11 -------9 -----11 -----31
TOTAL -----112 ---- 91 ----86 -----289
For my third work out back after 10 days off this one was rough. There were points that I wished my heart would stop after round 1 just so I would have an excuse to stop. I had Ashley Lawson time me so trying not to look like a complete sissy in front of my athlete probably helped keep me going. Thanks Ash.
The burpees killed my average on this one. On round 2 and 3 I took almost 30 seconds before I could even get the energy to start moving the bar. Rough one today. Back still hurting but feeling better. Using the white roller and hanging a bunch.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Pull-ups, Gobblet Squats, Ball Slams, Butterfly Sit-ups, Heavy bag work

4 Rounds for time of
10 Pull-ups
10 Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
10 Ball Slams @ 20lbs ball
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
30 Seconds rest

1 - 2:21
2 - 2:54
3 - 2:54
4 - 2:22
Total time - 12:33

Heavy Bag work
10 minutes punching combos
5 min rest
6 minutes kicking combos

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Burpee bonanza year two

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
5 x 230
4 x 230
4 x 230
4 x 230
10 x 135

4 rounds for time
10 Bar over Burpees
10 Burpee pull-ups
10 Burpee box jumps-rd 1&3, rd 2&4- med ball box jump burpees -  tall black box
10 Toes to bar Burpees
10 Burpees (standard)
2 min rest
1 - 5:48
2 - 7:04
3 - 7:56
4 - 8:06
Total w/ rest - 34:57

This was rough.  The 12lbs I put on over Christmas break hammered me today.  I was struggling.  We did this 1 year ago today.  We added a level of difficulty this year with the addition of the medicine ball box jump burpees 2nd and 4th round.  These were brutal and took roughly 1.5 times the amount of time the box jump burpees were taking.  This addition did not have a ton to do with my sucky time.  I was just slow!  Thanks for doing this one with me today Daniel.

Last time
1/6/14 - 28:36

Friday, January 2, 2015

Filthy Fifty - recovery day (HA!)

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood = 35lbs
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds bar
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double-unders - or 100 singles

I brought Anna and Emily in this morning to meet Ashlee and Veronica.  I am exhausted from the last few workouts.  V and Ash wanted a hard one today.  I was going to do something today but nothing this hard.  I did this today knowing if I pushed it would be to much.  I just flowed through the stations for completion.  I was sweating and tired but not stressed.  I think I could have done this several minutes faster and still not have worked that hard.  I must be in better condition than I am thinking. 

Total Splits
BJ- 3:12 did them slowly partner jumping with Ashlee
JPU- 1:14
KB- 1:46
LU- missed
K2E- 7:34 combined with Lunges
PP - missed
BE - 2:54 combined with Push Press
WB - 3:45
B - 6:02 faster than last year
JR - 1:03 exact same as last year
Total time = 27:33

Previous times:
1/2/15(this time) - 27:33 relaxed pace
1/2/14 = 24:48
2/3/13 = 23:14
1/23/12 = 26:31
7/6/11 = 33:42
12/15/10 = 23:30
4/16/10 = 25:54

Thursday, January 1, 2015


DEATH BY SITUPS (NEW PR "not really" feet were anchored this time) by 1 round plus some -

32 full Rounds plus 29 of round 33, and 528 in full rounds and with the extra 29 trying to hit 33 rounds, I was at 557 total Butterfly sit-ups.

I did not read the posts clear enough I did not see that the feet were not anchored.  Crud!  I was all fired up that I pr'ed today.  Not the case. 

1 sit-up the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third, so on until you are unable to complete specified amount in 1 minute.

31 Rounds = 496 Butterfly Sit-ups, feet not anchored.
Pretty much exactly like last time.  The first 18 or so rounds are pretty smooth.  Around 22 rounds things got tough and it happens all at once.  Having a goal from last time really helped.  I did not have a ton of time after the 30th round (i think 10 seconds), but I was determined to get 31 rounds.  Finished 31 rounds and had 4 seconds left. 
1 minute after I finished I had to run to the bathroom for a session of puking.  This one got me for a few days last spring.  We shall see. Good to start off the new year with a WOD and a PR. 


Death by Sit-Ups 30 Rounds = 466 Butterfly Sit-ups, feet not anchored. 1 sit-up the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third, so on until you are unable to complete specified amount in 1 minute.
The Death by sit-ups was tougher than I had anticipated. Rounds 1 - 18 or so were no big deal then it got tougher and tougher. By round 22 I was beginning to wonder if I had enough steam to get to round 30 which was my goal. I got to round 30 and had 10 seconds before I was to start 31. I thought I could get it done but I was hurting. I got one rep at the minute marker and realized there was no way. I was toast.