Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Heavy bag, KB Swing, Burpees, Rowing machine, Lever Pulls, SDLHP

4 Rounds
Exercise on the min
Heavy Bag
KB Swing @ 55lbs
Rowing machine
Lever Pulls
SDLHP's @ 55lbs

Emily did 3 rounds of this with me.  Fasted for 21 plus hours today.  Trying to clear out the crappy diet from this last week plus.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Stationary Bike, crunches, push-ups

Stationary Bike - 30 min fat burn setting 85 rpm average.

500 Crunches- unbroken

25 Push-ups

Back from St. Louis, legs stiff from Friday's workout and travel.  Back getting better but still sore.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Body Squats, Adapted back extensions

For time:
150 Squats
  75 Adapted back Extentions
120 Squats - did 10 extra
  60 Adapted back Extensions
  90 Squats
  45 Adapted back extensions
Total reps -
360 - Squats
180 - Extensions

Splits for each exercise
150 Squats - 5:00
  75 B.E. - 2:54
120 Squats - 6:21 did 10 extra
  60 G.E. - 2:07
  90 Squats - 3:33
  45 B.E. - 1:20
Total time - 21:18

Quads were absolutely on fire.  Extensions were like Supermans.  Used white roller under hips to allow more movement.
Not exactly sure what I have done other than moving the huge rocks the other day.  My back is on fire.  The only time it has not really hurt in the last few days was during the workout tonight.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Heavy bag, largest cage box jumps, jump rope, ring push-ups, GHD's, Med ball vertical throw explosions

3 Rounds
2 Minutes heavy bag
10 Largest cage box jumps
200 Single box jumps
20 Ring push-ups
20 GHD's
2 minutes rest

1 - 8:12
2 min rest
2 - 8:33
2 min rest
3 - 8:33
Total time w/ rest - 29:21

5 min rest

50 Med ball vertical explosive throws - full squat A to G @ 20lbs ball
Broke in sets of 15 reps, roughly 1 min between sets, then 30 seconds rest at 45 reps, did last 5 to hit 50.

Must be more tired than I thought.  I planned for 5 rounds, did 3.  Was racing clock then moved to rep and round completion.  Though I was so slow there is not much of a change.  Typing this 12 hours later.  Not sure why but my back is feeling pretty crappy.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Heavy bag, Ninja Jumps, St. Louis ball slams, dip rack pad slap sit ups, rowing machine

5 Rounds
On the minute
Heavy Bag
Ninja jumps - 10 jumps per round
St. Louis med ball slams 30 -32 per round
Dip rack pad slap sit-ups 22 to 28 per round
Rowing machine 22 to 24 per round

Complete each station for on minute flowing from one exercise to the next.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Anna designed WOD

3 Rounds
75 Bicycles
35 Weighted lunges - 10lbs each arm
5 Iron Crosses - 10lbs each arm
20 Push-ups
30 Squats
55 Butterfly Sit-ups
10 Turkish get-ups - 10lbs dumbbell
100 Flat abs
1:00min Plank
20 Jumping Jacks
1:30 rest

1 - 10:55 forgot jumping jacks
2 - 11:17 did this and last set jumping jacks
3 - 10:22 got it done right this round
Total time w/ rest- 35:35

Empty trailer of rocks - very large rocks

12/21/15 had to get truck fixed. Two hard bike rides

Rode from repair shop to home then home to the repair shop an hour plus later.  Timed them but forgot to hit stop both times.  Over 20 minutes each time.  Need to track mileage.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Med ball push-ups, Med ball overhead lunge, Butterfly sit-ups

10 rounds for completion
10 - Med ball push-ups
10 - Med ball overhead lunge
20 - Butterfly sit-ups

Did for completion. No time, did not rest flowed from one round to the next.

12/19/15 Brush Clearing by road

Friday, December 18, 2015

Power Cleans, Thrusters, Bar facing Burpees

7 rounds
7 - Power Cleans @ 95lbs
7 - Thrusters @ 95lbs
7 - Barfacing Burpees

1 - 1:05
1 min rest
2 - :56.47 trying to stay w/ Daniel
:51.4 sec rest
3 - 1:02
1:48 rest trying to stay w/ Daniel
4 - 1:08
1 min rest
5 - 1:21
1 min
6 - 1:17
2:00 rest
7 - 1:08
Total time w/ rest - 15:42

Rest was to be 1-1-2-1-1-2

Funny I went 1:08 after both 2 min rests.  This one I liked but it put the hurt on me.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Push Press, Bar over push ups, GHD's, .5k Row on Tommys rowing machine

Finally - back in with Daniel

4 Rounds
10 Push press 95lbs
10 Bar over push ups
10 GHD's
.5k row = should be 500 meters, never used one of these
1 min rest

1 - 4:01
2 - 3:35
3 - 3:21
4 - 3:43
Total w/out rest - 14:40

Feet kept coming out of the straps.  Daniel broke his rower during round 2.  We actually had an 18 min break fixing it after round two.  Ha!  Man I am still sore from the Thrusters.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

400 meters, tallest box jump, GHD's

600 meter warm up run

AMRAP 20 minutes
400 meter run
10 Tallest cage box jumps
20 GHD's

4 Full rounds, 150 meters of the 400 on round 5

Round splits
1 - 5:15
2 - 4:53
3 - 4:42
4 - 4:18
@ 19:09
5 - 150 meters in - :51 seconds
@ 20 minutes

I could tell I was not warmed up enough.  Splits got better and better as I progressed.  Yesterday has put the hurt on me.  I have gotten more and more sore and stiff as the day progressed.  This was probably some of the speeding up too working out the yuck.  Legs hips and knees are pretty sore and achy.
I did like the flow and movements.  The difficulty of the box jumps was good.  I had to concentrate and push to get these done right.

Monday, December 14, 2015

SDLHP, Thrusters, Toes-to-bar

5 Rounds
25 SDLHP @ 45lbs
25 Thrusters @ 45lbs
15 Toes-to-bar
1 - 2:05
1min rest
2 - 2:16
1min rest
3 - 2:51
1:30 rest
4 - 3:12
2min rest
5 - 3:13
Total time w/ rest - 19:09

Heart rate check after
30s - 180+
1:30 - 170
3:00 - 150 +
5:00 - 140
10:00 - 130+

This one was rough.  Prescribed w/ no rest.  Don't think I could have finished with out rest time.  Holy cow I was on fire.  Had to talk my self into last 2 rounds and convince myself finishing was my goal.  Legs had tremors during and after.  Oooff!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

12/9/15 Single arm dumbbell power snatches, single arm over head squats, L-pull-ups

3 Rounds
10 - Dumbbell power snatch - left arm - 35lbs
10 - Dumbbell overhead squat - left arm - 25lbs
10 - L-pull-ups
10 - Dumbbell power snatch - right arm - 35lbs
10 - Dumbbell overhead squat - right arm - 25lbs
10 - L-pull-ups
1min rest

1 - 3:46
2 - 3:05
3 - 4:48
Total time w/ rest - 13:41

Man this was rough.  I suck at over head squat.  Fell off the planet last round.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

12/7/15 - Front Squat, dip rack pad slap sit ups, KB Swings

Front Squat A to G
10 x 75 lbs
10 x 95 lbs
10 x 75 lbs
10 x 75 lbs
10 x 75 lbs

50 x Dip Rack Pad Slap Sit-Ups

KB Swings
10 x 35lbs
10 x 40lbs
10 x 45lbs
10 x 50lbs
10 x 55lbs
10 x 55lbs
10 x 50lbs
10 x 45lbs
10 x 40lbs
10 x 35lbs

Wanted some movement tonight.  My back has not necessarily been hurting but has been sketchy to say the least.  Not sure why.  Very light squats tonight.  Back felt awful during these.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, Abs

30 plus minutes on and off hitting heavy bag.
Jump rope on breaks.
Sets of 200 to 300 jumps


Abs 1 min each exercise
Flat abs
Obliques rt-30sec/lt-30sec
Skopec's rt-30sec/lt-30sec
Figure 4's rt-30/lt-30
Mason Twists

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bench Press, Turkish get-ups, Butterfly sit-ups, Body Squats

Bench Press very narrow grip
10 x 135
10 x 155
8 x 175
2 x 205
2 x 225
10 x 135

30 x Turkish get-ups
1 - 3:03 think I might have done 12 here.
2 - 3:41
Took 1 min here to help Kate D. on punching bag
3 - 2:58
Total time - 10:52

5 min

4 Rounds
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Body Squats

1 - 1:07.04
2 - 1:11.41
3 - 1:11.26
4 - 1:04.00
Total - 4:33.71

Did a year to date workout today.  Did this one December 1st last year.  Shoulders have been a problem since spring so I have not been doing bench.  Kept a very narrow grip to save shoulders.  Liked the burn on the last workout element.  I think I did 2 extra on the Turkish get-ups with the first set.