Monday, April 30, 2012

Pull-ups, Bench Press, KB Swings, Wall-Ball

4 Rounds for time:
5 Pull-ups, Chin passing over bar to neck
10 Bench Press 135lbs
20 KB Swings 1 Pood (35lbs)
30 Wall Ball 20lb ball
1 - 2:17.22 Unbroken
2 - 3:18.74 Slow on bench and broke wall ball up 17-13
3 - 3:40.40 Solid on bench, broke up wall ball 17-13
4 - 3:23.72 Slow on bench, UNBROKEN WALL BALL!
Total time - 12:40.08

Finished this one and was in the Cross-fit flop on the floor.  Got a great burn.  I wanted to stay under 3 minutes a round but that did not happen big time.  I guess I should be happy I stayed under 4 for every round.  

Still in save my back mode.  Trying to do exercises that do not stress my back.  I had a ton of kids to work on tonight so Daniel got a head start and was doing something different anyway.  He was finishing as I came in and started warming up.  He had to get home to mow because this week is going to be nuts.  The KB swings at 1 pood were way to light.  I was happy I chose this weight because it worked me just a bit but there was zero stress on my back.  Also very nice to feel that 35lb KB swings felt like next to nothing.  When I first started this mess 2 years ago that was about as far as I could go.  This latest spell has taken some of the steam out of me.  I am very apprehensive now about any lifting.  I want to power clean very badly but I know it is just not a good idea. I have babied my back for 2 weeks.  I am feeling pretty good the pain has begun to subside but there are still days I have as Vicki calls it my John Wayne walk.  I was in so much pain 2 weeks ago that I was very afraid I had digressed back to where I was 4 years ago.  I guess GOD sent me this message to humble me a bit.  I had been backing down a bit on how hard I pushed in WOD's.  However I had also been pressing a bit on how much I had been lifting weight wise.  I also had been feeling so good I had been doing some things that I knew I should not do with my back.  Oh well.  I had been on a good roll with my number of WOD's per month.  I just have to scrap this one up to trying to make the right decision.  12 WOD's for the month is pathetic but I believe it was probably the best thing.

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