Friday, April 6, 2012


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of the triplet for time:
Dead-lift 1.5 times body weight 188 this am tried 285, back is killing me I tried this and when I got it up it was way to much.  I adapted to 225.
Bench press - Body weight 188 this am
Clean (Did Squat Cleans) - 3/4 body weight - 143, went as deep as I could go.
10 - 7:11
9 - 10:49
8 - 8:33
7 - 9:39
6 - 8:00
5 - 5:16
4 - 5:19
3 - 5:08
2 - 3:08
1 - 1:32
Total time: 1:04.41

My back was killing me today.  I felt it every rep of every dead lift and squat clean.  Not good.  I had to go so slow I just fell to pieces.  Sweat was pouring off me.  I really hope things start looking up because I am beginning to get frustrated with my back issues again.  Last time I did this was in 2010 and I was heavier.  I adapted the dead lifts to lighter than today and took about half the time I did today.  Cleans are usually or have been one of my strong points.  I have jacked something up.



Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight = adapted to Just over 200lbs to save back

Bench press: body weight = Weighed 192 this am.
Clean: 3/4 body weight = 144

As usual the deadlifts just took it out of me. I moved through them pretty well but it taxed me quite a bit. Bench press was solid, just a few breaks. From 6 down was unbroken. Squat cleans were legit 90deg. I focused on this because I adapted the Deadlift. They were steady and smooth but wore me slick.

Time = 33:44

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