Triplets and Couplets
3 sets of 12 Reps
Pull-ups (thumbs out - wide grip moving to narrow each set)
Barbell Curls - Wide to Narrow grip
45 Seconds rest between triplet
90 Seconds rest before next couplet
12-8-12-8 = Light/Heavy/Light/Heavy
KB Curls - 45/55/45/55
Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Press - 45/60/45/60
45 seconds rest between couplets
90 seconds rest
4 sets of 10
Spider Curls
Diamond Push-ups
45 Seconds rest between couplet
90 seconds rest
Reps 6-6-6-6
Skull Crushers - w/ Super Curl Bar - moving hands out each set
14 - Normal -thumbs out
12 - Low
10 - High
8 - Normal - thumbs in
6 - Slow
4 - Slow Smash - thumbs out
2 - Slow Smash - thumbs in