Monday, February 29, 2016

Stationary Bike, Push-ups, Crunches

30 minutes stationary bike
500 Crunches
50 Push-ups

Calf is still hurting pretty badly.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Prep-WOD for first day of Track

Tabata set up
20 seconds on 10 seconds off 2 sets and then 30 seconds rest.  One man on one exercise one man on another.
Air Sprint/Jumping Pull-ups
St. Louis Slams/High Knees
GHD's / Rest
Bags and ladder follow the leader
Wall walk / Body Squat
Heavy Rope/Speed skate
Supine pull/Push ups
Goblet Squat/Rack push
Gasser down and back / rest
Tire Slam / Step ups
DOT drill / Jumping Jack
Sled Push down and back / Rest
Toes to bar / KB Swings
Dead Lift @ 135lbs / Box jumps

During the sled pushes on my second run second drive with my left leg my left calf popped.  I can only hope that it is strained and not torn.  I have already iced and elevated but it is throbbing.  I finished the workout only skipping the box jumps.  Pretty solid WOD.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Worked on deck all day

I am whooped!

2/26/16 after school, heavy bag work, Jump Rope, Toes to bar

3 Rounds
Heavy Bag work
Jump rope singles 100/ TTB/100/TTB and

Did this to music.  Full song on heavy bag then 2 songs for toes to bar and jump rope singles and Toes to bar.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dumbbell Hang clean, GHD's, Supine Rows, Full Crunches feet on ground, Lunges, Burpee Pull-ups

4 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
10 GHD's
10 Supine Rows
50 Full Crunches/sit-ups
25 Lunges
10 Burpee Pull-ups
1 Minute Rest

1 - 3:50
1:00 rest
2 - 4:07
1:00 rest
3 - 4:03
1:00 rest
4 - 3:54
Total - 18:55 w/ rest

Great to finally be in w/ Daniel again. Great WOD.  Took heart rate at 10 seconds after finish and I was at 185.  At 1 min I was at 150.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

PM Stationary Bike, Push-ups, Crunches

25 Push Ups
300 Crunches
25 Push Ups
30 min Stationary bike above 86 rpm's at lvl 6
25 Push Ups
300 Crunches
25 Push Ups

5am Stationary Bike 30 minutes Fat Burn Setting

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Stationary Bike, Crunches

20 Minutes Stationary Bike lvl 6
500 Crunches
20 Minutes Stationary Bike lvl 6
500 Crunches

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bike and Abs

11 mile ride with the girls.  Em ran 3 then Anna and I rode another 8.

500 crunches

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope

40 minutes
Heavy Bag Combos
4 sets of 100 Jump Rope

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bench Press, KB Swings, SDLHP's, Goblet Squats, Abs

Bench Press
10 x 135
5 x 185
4 x 225
4 x 225
3 x 225
2 x 225
10 x 135

2 sets
10 x KB Swings @ 55lbs
100 x sit-up/crunch
10 x Goblet Squat @ 55lvs
10 x SDLHP
50 - 25/25 Rt side across Lt side across sit ups

2/16/16 Armageddon - on the sissy side

I've been sick so I just cut back and flowed at a pretty even pace.
50 Pull-ups - 3:32
50 Toes-to-bar - 6:45
50 Front Squats - 5:40
50 Burpees - 7:17
50 Rope Climbers - 1:49
50 sec Wall-sits - 1:10 - 50 seconds but this included walk to the wall
50 Push Press - 2:12
50 sec Plank - 1:41
50 Wall Ball 20lb ball - 5:44
50 Push-ups - 2:28
50 Crunches - 2:08
50 Body Squats - 2:45
TOTAL TIME - 43:16

I have still not been on top of my game.  I wanted to get something done but not put my self in the world of hurt this one puts you in.  As it was I was feeling pretty crappy.  Good to watch the boys hitting this one and see the improvement from year to year.

Monday, February 15, 2016

30 Minutes Stationary Bike

30 Minutes Stationary Bike

Fat Burn Setting
88 RPM plus average

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Stationary Bike

Fatburn setting 30 minutes

Average rpm over 85.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Fartlek fun

5 mile Fartlek with the boys.  Did a new set of intervals today.  1 mile warm up, 3 x 45 sec surges w/60 seconds rest, then 2 minutes rest then 3 x 30 sec surge w/60 second recovery, then 3 minute rest and repeat.  Bike got a flat on the front tire with about 1.75 miles left.  I was able to pedal for about 400 plus meters or so then the tire went off the rim.  My legs were fried at this point from pedaling.  I got hacked because I had to time recovery and the surges so I had to stay moving and up with the boys no matter what.  I jumped off the bike and started to run with the bike on my shoulder because it would not roll.  Jacob took a picture with about 1 mile left coming down the big hill on Red Barn loop.  
The video is from behind the baseball field on the hill coming up to the high school on the bus route.  I was going to throw the bike in the back of Jacobs truck because they had taken off on there recovery after the last surge.  I was hacked because I wanted to run it all the way in but I was getting beat.  The boys back up to me but go past me.  I look Nathan in the eyes and he says on your not getting in.  I then here the music ramp up and it is the start of the ROCKY theme.  I got juiced and fired up the hill.  31 second blast up hill with the bike on my shoulder.  It sucked but we all had a great time today.  Great way to finish off a week.  Not to mention I was sick last Friday through Wednesday this week.  Thursday and today were not much better.  


Saturday, February 6, 2016

3 X 15 MINUTES of 21 - 15 - 9

Done as a BLAST!
15 minutes to complete - any extra time is rest
21 - 15 - 9 of
Double unders - I doubled number and did singles
KB Swings @ 55lbs

Split - 2:17
Rest - 12:42

15 minutes to complete - any extra time is rest
21 - 15 - 9 of
Box jumps - tall blue wooden boxes

Split - 4:38
Rest - 10:21

15 minutes to complete - any extra time is rest
21 - 15 - 9 of
Thrusters @ 95lbs
Toes to bar

Split - 6:30
Done at - 36:30

Sick again!  Came on Thursday night.  Loosing voice.  This was a solid designed workout.  The first two rounds were decent in difficulty.  Round 3 threw the hammer down.  Between being sick and this workout I am writing this 12 hours later and I am whooped.  After ACT I cam home and climbed in bed.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Parallel Universe

4 Rounds
1st and 3rd round
15 Regular Kiping Pull-ups
15 High knees
15 Box elevated push-ups
15 Safety bar step over
2nd and 4th
15 Side grip top of dip rack Pull-ups
15 Air sprint in dip rack
15 Push-ups on handles at bottom of dip rack deep decent
15 Step unders - under dip rack handles

1 - 1:21
30 seconds rest
2 - 2:16
30 sec
3 - 1:35
30 sec
4 - 2:36
Total w/ rest - 9:18

This was an interesting set up.  We tried to set up a mirror type exercise.  Surprisingly difficult.  The standard pull-ups element was way easier than the side grip pull-ups.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Rest day movement - Pull-ups, Goblet Squats, Plank, Push-ups

10 sets of 5 pull-ups changing grips

3 rounds w/ one of the kids just starting out
15 Goblet Squat @ 55lbs
1 minute Plank
10 Push-ups

5 min rest

Zercher Squats
5 x 95 lbs
5 x 115lbs
5 x 135lbs
5 x 155lbs
5 x 95lbs

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Burpees, KB Thrusters single arm, Box jump, KB Swings, Jump Rope

25 Minutes AMRAP
9 Burpees
5 KB single arm thrusters - Rt arm @ 40lbs
9 Box jumps @ 24in box
5 KB single arm thrusters - Lft arm @ 40lbs
18 KB Swings @ 45lbs
200 Single Jump Rope

5 Rounds
1 - 3:59
2 - 4:51
3 - 5:50 - 250 jump rope
4 - 6:00 - 300 jump rope
5 - 4:22 - 200 jump rope
25 minutes

Liked this workout.  The single arm KB thruster was a solid movement.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Pull-ups, Ring Push-ups, Toes-to-bar, KB Swings, Ball Slams

3 Rounds
5 Pull-ups
10 Ring Push-ups
15 Toes-to-bar
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
25 Medicine Ball Slams
2 minutes rest

1 - 2:15
2 min rest
2 - 2:30
2 min rest
3 - 2:34
Total time with rest - 11:21