Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tilled Garden, Push-ups, Crunches, Body Squats

Tilled Garden for 2 hours (AGAIN)
150 - Push-ups
300 - Crunches
100 - Body Squats

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tilled Garden

Had therapy this morning for my arm and that put a damper on a workout this am.  Arm is pretty sore.  Tilled the garden for roughly 2 hours this afternoon.  Soil is as hard as a rock!

Sunday July 29th - BIKE

Got done with church and biked home.  Almost a 7mile loop.  Completed it in 24:51.  Back parking lot of church to High School finishing in the drive way coming into the garage.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wall-ball, Toes-to-bar, Shoulder Press, GHD's

5 Rounds for time:
20 Wall-ball, 20lbs
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Shoulder Press - 95lbs
10 GHD's
1 - 2:26
2 - 3:20
3 - 3:51
4 - 3:56
5 - 3:47
Total time - 17:22

Man I am tired!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Butterfly Sit-ups, KB Swings, Hand Release Push-ups, Lunges, Trunk Twist Knee Elevations, Grass Hoppers

4 Rounds For Time:
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
30 KB Swings
20 Hand Release Sit-ups
30 Lunges
30 Trunk Twist Knee Elevations
20 Grass Hoppers
1 - 3:58 Forgot to do grass hoppers
2 - 5:01 did the set of of grass hoppers here.
3 - 6:14
4 - 6:22
Total Time - 21:35 I think my watch had tons of splits on it from the last few WOD's  I had to add these splits up.

Daniel and I are both beat from yesterdays WOD.  The heat is pretty rough.  Even this morning I could feel the fatigue from yesterday and a bit of heat affecting me.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Deadlift - 1.5 body weight 285
Bench Press - body weight 190
Squat Clean - 3/4 body weight 142.5
1 - 6:12
2 - 7:31
3 - 7:23
4 - 6:58
5 - 6:42
6 - 5:53
7 - 5:03
8 - 3:23
9 - 2:16
10 - 48.84
Total time - 52:13.41
Second time doing this. My back was really bad last time. This time it was sore I tweaked it this morning setting up a barricade for the new puppies. Still a decent workout.  I think the heat got to me the round of 6. I was really dizzy.  This is crazy I guess my back is having a big effect on me with this workout.  Also the dead lifts are a factor now doing the real weight.  The first time and second time I did this the dead-lift was way down.  That still should not slow me down as much as it has I would not think.  I would love to hit this when my back is feeling great again.  Looks like all the weights were the same on my first effort at 33:44 except for the Dead-lift, it was down by 85lbs.  I did notice in my notes that I went parallel my first time and the last two times have been full deep squats pretty much A to G.



10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of the triplet for time:
Dead-lift 1.5 times body weight 188 this am tried 285, back is killing me I tried this and when I got it up it was way to much.  I adapted to 225.
Bench press - Body weight 188 this am
Clean (Did Squat Cleans) - 3/4 body weight - 143, went as deep as I could go.
10 - 7:11
9 - 10:49
8 - 8:33
7 - 9:39
6 - 8:00
5 - 5:16
4 - 5:19
3 - 5:08
2 - 3:08
1 - 1:32
Total time: 1:04.41

My back was killing me today.  I felt it every rep of every dead lift and squat clean.  Not good.  I had to go so slow I just fell to pieces.  Sweat was pouring off me.  I really hope things start looking up because I am beginning to get frustrated with my back issues again.  Last time I did this was in 2010 and I was heavier.  I adapted the dead lifts to lighter than today and took about half the time I did today.  Cleans are usually or have been one of my strong points.  I have jacked something up.



Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight = adapted to Just over 200lbs to save back

Bench press: body weight = Weighed 192 this am.
Clean: 3/4 body weight = 144

As usual the deadlifts just took it out of me. I moved through them pretty well but it taxed me quite a bit. Bench press was solid, just a few breaks. From 6 down was unbroken. Squat cleans were legit 90deg. I focused on this because I adapted the Deadlift. They were steady and smooth but wore me slick.

Time = 33:44

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tire Slams, GHD's, Body Squats, Dumbbell Push-ups

5 Rounds for time:
20 Tire Slams, 10 rt side, 10 left side, alternate bars
10 GHD's
20 Body Squats
10 Dumbbell Push-ups
1 min Rest - rest was roughly 56 seconds
1 - 1:54
2 - 1:58
3 - 1:46
4 - 1:52
5 - 1:30
Total time with rest - 12:50
Calf is still on fire.  I have been icing and taking aleve.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Toes to bar, dips, shoulder press

35 toes to bar 35 weighted dips 35lbs 35 shoulder press Worked on deck. Daniel and Sean came over to help hang the facia board.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bench Press

135 - 10 reps
185 - 10 reps
205 - 6 reps
225 - 5 reps
245 - 2 reps, one was flat back and the second was a slight arch.  Not happy with the arch so I stopped.  I think I could have gone 3 at least.
205 - 3 reps
185 - 5 reps
135 - 10 reps

Good round today.  Just wanted to do something.  Calf is killing me.  Arm is just a bit sore.  I have to work on the deck the next two days so I just am is survival mode.

July 14th, Wall Ball, Toes-to-bar

For Time
50 Wall-ball - 20lb
25 Toes-to-bar

40 Wall-ball - 20lb
20 Toes-to-bar

30 Wall-ball - 20lb
15 Toes-to-bar

20 Wall-ball - 20lb
10 Toes-to-bar

10 Wall-ball - 20lb
5 Toes-to-bar
1 - 2:25
2 - 3:43
3 - 3:15
4 - 2:04
5 - 51.44
Total Time - 12:20

Posting this two days later and my abbs are still on fire!  GREAT WOD.  Good to be back with Daniel day 2.  Needed this one.  Hands are still toast from blisters at camp and grip from yesterdays KB swings.

July 13th, KB Swings

one minute on one minute off for 10 minutes
30 KB swings 2 pood (70lbs)
Complete 30 swings in a minute and if not done in a minute assess a penalty of 100 SDLHP for each round not completed. 
I am apparently toast after camp.  I finished round 1 and then was done I could not get more than 20 done in a round after that.  I also can't really do SDLHP with my arm hurting.  I did ROPE waves for 6 Rounds at 15 seconds a round.  I did finish all my reps for the KB swings before I did the penalty.  So I did get all 150 Swings.

July 12th

Biked 18miles Did Dawt Mill with the kids looped several times.

July 11th

Cross fit
1 Round
20 KB Swings 35lbs
20 SDLHP 35lbs
4 Rounds
20 KB Swings 55lbs
20 SDLHP 55lbs

120 Push-ups broke into rounds
700 Crunches sets of 100
Calf did feel decent on these but I did not activate it.

Kayaked 7 miles on the North Fork river

PM Biked 3 miles on hills

July 10th

AM Biked 7 Miles on hills, sat in Spring for 10 minutes
PM Biked 10 miles on Hills

July 9th

AM Biked 8 miles on Hills
PM Biked 8 miles on Hills

July 8th West Plains Camp

Biked 8 miles on hills

July 6th

30 Burpees
2 Big Laps Soccer Field
30 Snatches (Dumbell 35lbs)
2 Big Laps Soccer Field (on second lap last 200 meters I felt a pull in my left calf and as far as I can tell tore the muscle as is goes under the gastrocnemius.  I am toast.  I am posting this a week and a half later and I am still in major pain.
Finished my push ups - 30
Finished my snatches - 30   

Not a good day.  I was jogging at a decent pace but not pushing my self at all when the calf went.  This is a first.

July 4th Hiking and cave tour

We hiked to Blue Spring, Hiked around Alley Spring and went to Round Spring and toured the cave.  Dave Toby was there and gave us the tour.  The cave was awesome.  2 hours of a lantern tour.

July 3rd Long Canoe Ride with the Family

We went to Eminence MO and floated the Jacks Fork river.  Amazing.  The girls did awesome.  I gave them some paddling lessons and they put it to the test on a few turns with rough water.  They did amazing.  A bit of swimming and rock jumping into the water.  Amazing day with the girls.  I was very proud of them.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bench Press, Dead Lift, Tire Slams, Pull-ups, Run 400

Started With Bench Press
10 x 135 
5 x 185 
5 x 205 
5 x 215 
5 x 225 
10 x 135 
4 Rounds for time:
10 Dead-lift, hex bar 225lbs
20 Tire slams right side, used my new 10lb sledge
10 Pull-ups, arm still hurts but had to do something.
20 Tire slams left side 10 Sit-ups, butterfly as usual
400 meter run roughly, around soccer practice field starting and finishing inside weight room.
1 minute rest
1 - 5:19.29 
2 - 5:13.75 
3 - 4:51.12 
4 - 4:20.86 
Total time - 22:49.73
Great WOD today. Arm is still hurting but I could not stand not doing pull-ups. Just kept them to a minimum. Bench felt great. No spotter and still did 225, 5 times. I will have to look but I can't remember doing 225, 5 times since starting cross fit. If I had a spotter I probably would have tried another set at 235. Either way great day. Hot as the blue blazes out there even at 8:15 am when I did this. I think it was already 85 degrees.