Kids did a 2 to 3 mile warm up
Supposed to be 5 rounds a storm came in and I got 2 full and started 3.
What was prescribed
Kids 2 mile warm up
Boys 5 rounds Girls 4 rounds
800 meter run, I did 600 meters
20 Leg lifts
10 Goblet Squats - @ 55lbs
20 KB Swings - @ 55lbs
20 Sit-ups w/ a twist
10 Pull-ups
20 Tire slams 10 rt 10 lt
Kids were supposed to get 1 to 2 mile cool down.
Electrical storm moved in about mid workout. I was interrupted several times in my first 2 rounds so I was a bit behind. Ran 3rd 600 and had to start stopping kids as storm rolled in. Never got a chance to finish. Storm just kept building and rolling in.