Saturday, December 31, 2016

Chest and triceps toaster, then short met con Thrusters, Medball box jump, GHD's, St. Louis Slams

Chest/Tricept Couplets
5 Sets of 10 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 6 reps

Bench Press w/ chains w/ 135lbs on bar
Dumbbell Flys starting incline and work to decline @ 40lbs

Chained Ring dips
KB Tricep extension @ 40lbs KB

Chained KB Nose Breakers - Tricep pull overs - 25lbs KB
Chained Elivated Ring Push-ups - rings at hip level, toes up on tallest box in full push-up position chain draped over shoulders/neck.

Ring chest flys two steps forward lean forward into push-up up position to go down upen arms into fly position.  I had to adapt to basically a push up.
South Paws - basically bent over position with extended arm pulling dumbbell across chest.  Switch sides.  @ 15lbs dumbbell

At completion of above

3 Rounds
10 Thrusters @ 95lbs
10 Med ball box jumps.  Small wooden boxes @ 20lbs
10 GHD's
10 St. Louis Slams
40 Seconds Rest

1 - 1:51
R - :40
2 - 1:52
R - :40
3 - 1:51
Total time w/ rest - 6:55

I was done after the Couplets.  This basically was survival mode.  Just shut the world out and went.

Typing this 6 hours later.  My arms are toast!  Not sure what I will be getting done tomorrow to start off the new year.  With this workout posted I will be one workout shy of my goal the last 2 years to average 20 workouts a month.  However, since starting this path 7 years ago the last two years have been my best in terms of consistency in numbers of days exercising.  Doubt I will have the fire to hit any kind of workout tonight to get my goal.  Either way I am very happy with this year.  Lots of great things in the family and jobs. We have been blessed.  Glory to GOD.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Torso Couplets

3 sets of 10 Reps per couplet
Did 10 GHD sit-ups after each individual set

Single arm Triceps extension left/right @ 25lbs

Wall ball @ 20lbs ball
Ball slams @ 20lbs ball

Spider curls @ 65lbs
Dumbbell Shoulder press @ 35lbs

Lawnmower Row @ 90lbs
Grenade Push @ 90lbs

120 total GHD sit-ups

Felt completely unmotivated today.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

AM Hard bike ride - 7 plus Hard miles

Girls ran 3 miles this morning.

I headed out after them so I could chase them down.  Caught them rode with them for a few min then headed out on the rest of the ride.

Covered over 7 miles pretty hard.  Woke up this morning and my calves were pretty sore from the hill repeats yesterday.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Bike ride warm up, 100 meter hill repeats, bike ride cool down

Rode to Blue Bird Park 1.5 mile warm up

Stretched and jogged around

4 x 100 meter hill repeats - very steep incline

1 - 19.96
R - 2:00
2 - 20.47
R - 3:00
3 - 19.98
R - 3:00
4 - 21.45

Wanted to do 6.  After 3 I was thinking 5.  Finished 4 and my hammys and gluteus told me I was done.  My heart was recovering just fine.  I was at 120 at 2 min.

1.5 mile cool down ride home

Monday, December 26, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

6 mile Fartlek ride with the boys

6 mile Fartlek ride with the boys

6 x 90 second surges 3 min Rest, 5 minutes rest after third surges.

Been a while since I have been on the bike.  I have been hitting legs pretty hard this week.  My legs were pretty fried early.  40 degrees and a steady misty rain the whole time.  Miserable for most activities but for a Fartlek it was great conditions.

12/22/16 PM - Went indoor rock climbing for our anniversary

It has been a while but we went to an indoor gym in Spfd had a great time.  Toasted Grip.

Hit the sauna at the hotel a few hours later.  20 minutes.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Jump Rope, Heavy Bag, KB Swings, Butterfly Sit-ups, Pull-ups

3 Rounds
100 Jump-Rope
1:30 Heavy Bag
100 Jump-Rope
20 KB Swings @ 55lbs
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
20 Pull-ups @ Kipping
4 min Rest

1 - 7:13
R - 4:00
2 - 7:00
R - 4:00
3 - 6:46
Total w/ rest - 29:01

Nothing to crazy pretty worn down from the last few workouts and finals.  I am finding that I am needing to come up with a warm up plan.  I am not feeling good in my 1st Rounds of workouts lately.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Narrow Bench, Incline to decline Dumbbell Flys, Weighted/chained ring dips, Shoulder press, KB chain triceps pullovers, Ringpush-ups each round drop move rings closer to ground

For each couplet 4 sets of 8 reps

Narrow Bench Press at 155lbs
Incline to decline Dumbbell Flys @ 55lbs

Chained Weighted Ring dips
Shoulder press @ 65lbs

Slight incline chain/KB triceps pull-over
Ring Push-ups - start w/ rings at chest level each set move rings closer to ground.  Last set 4 inches above ground.  Start with arms extended rings directly under Chest.  Drop into deep push-up position rings at shoulders.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

12/19/16 LEGS!

Each couplet was 4 sets of 10

Single leg dead lifts @ 65lbs - 10 one leg 10 the other leg
Weighted back extensions @ 35lbs

Weighted Lunges @ 40 lbs each arm 20 total 10 each leg
Weighted single leg calf raises @ 40 lbs 10 each leg

Partner drags.  Chain through weight belt.  Sprint down and back length of weight room.

Just did 3 sets of 10.
Front squat x 2 Back x 1 @ 135lbs
Weighted Single leg step ups 35lbs KB 10rt leg, 10 Lft leg

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Heavy Bag, Clean and Jerk Burpees, Double arm suitcase plate carry, Butterfly Sit-ups, Med ball overhead A Skips

3 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
5 Clean and Jerk Barbell Burpees @ 85 lbs
Down & Back Weighted carry over 3 small boxes length of weightroom 45lbs plate each arm
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
Down & Back over head Med ball "A" Skips, length of weightroom and back

1 - 5:47
R - 1:30
2 - 5:43
R - 1:33
3 - 5:26
Total 20:00.77

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Heavy Bag, GHD's, Jump Rope, Wall Slams, Ball Slams

4 Rounds
1 min Heavy Bag
10 GHD's
100 Jump Rope
10/10 Wall Slams @ 20lbs ball
10 Ball Slams @ 20lbs
2 min Rest
1 - 3:04
2 - 3:15
3 - 3:22
4 - 3:08
Total - 18:51

Didn't feel great tonight.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Medicine Ball Box Jump Burpees, GHD

3 Rounds - Did not time
10 Medicine Ball Box Jump Burpees @ 20lbs ball and large blue box
10 GHD Sit-ups crossing over the mid line when touching feet

Monday, December 12, 2016

LEGS - Zercher Squats, Front Squats, Back Squats, Hack Squats, Double leg broad jumps, Single leg bench Goblet Squats, Single leg med ball box jumps

2 Sets of 8 Reps
8 Zercher Squats @ 115lbs
8 Front Squats @ 135lbs
8 Back Squats @ 135lbs

4 Sets
10 Hack Squats @ 135lbs
8 Standing broad Jumps

4 Sets of 10
10rt/10lt Single Leg Goblet Squats @ 35lbs KB
10rt/10lt Single Leg Med Ball Box Jumps @ 20lbs box

Saturday, December 10, 2016

AM - Movement stationary bike, Treadmill walk/run, Decline sit-ups w/ a twist

20 minutes on seated stationary bike

10 minutes Treadmill walk/run/walk @ 15% incline 5 min run in middle

2 x 25 decline sit-ups with a twist

Friday, December 9, 2016

PM -WOD Pull-ups, Weighted Dumbbell step ups, Weighted sit-ups, Walking Lunges

10 min seated stationary bike warm up

10 Rounds
10 pull-ups
10 Weighted step-ups @ 45lbs each arm
10 Weighted sit-ups @ 25lbs
10 Walking Lunges

10 min seated stationary bike cool down

1 - 2:12
R - :30
2 - 2:15
R - 1:00
3 - 2:11
R - 1:00
4 - 2:09
R - 1:00
5 - 2:03
R - 5:00
6 - 2:02
R - 1:00
7 - 2:07
R - 1:00
8 - 2:00
R - 1:00
9 - 2:01
R - 1:00
10 - 1:47
Total w/ rest - 33:23

First 6 Rounds were pretty strict on the pull-ups.  Last 3 were basically kipping every rep.  Good WOD.  Weightroom at hotel is awesome!

Strange happening.  My right calf got the worst cramp I have ever gotten.  Worst part it was cramping all over.  The muscles were cramping in groups and shaking like crazy.  Took easily 5 min for me to get it to pass.  Looked like I had divots in my calf.

Quick Morning movement before MTCCCA

10 min Treadmill brisk walk @ 15% incline

300 Crunches
50 Push-ups
300 Crunches
10 x 20lbs dumbbell single arm extensions 10rt/10lft
50 Body Squats
10 min Treadmill brisk walk @ 15% incline
400 Crunches

12/7/16 - Heavy Bag Combos, Goblet Squats, Medball slams, Crunches, KB Swings

3 Rounds
1 minute Heavy Bag Combos
10 Goblet Squats @ 55lbs
10 Medicine Ball Slams @ 20lbs
10 Heavy Bag Carries
100 Crunches
10 KB Swings @ 70lbs
2 min Rest

1 - 5:00
2min Rest
2 - 4:47
2min Rest
3 - 4:48
Total time - 18:36

12/6/16 Single Arm Snatch, Single Arm Over Head Squat, Hanging Knee Swings to Chest

3 Rounds
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch Lft arm @ 35lbs
10 Single Arm Over Head Squat Lft arm @ 25lbs
10 Hanging knee raises R/L/C
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch Rt arm @ 35lbs
10 Single Arm Over Head Squat Rt arm @ 25lbs
10 Hanging knee raises R/L/C
1 minute rest

1 - 3:53
1 min
2 - 4:13
1 min
3 - 4:02

Overhead squats were rough on me.  Need heavier weight on the Snatch.

12/5/16 Upper body super sets

For each couplet 4 sets of 8 reps

Narrow Bench Press at 155lbs
Incline to decline Dumbbell Flys @ 55lbs

Chained Weighted Ring dips
Shoulder press @ 45lbs did sets of 16 because I only used bar

Slight incline chain/KB triceps pull-over
Ring Push-ups - start w/ rings at chest level each set move rings closer to ground.  Last set 4 inches above ground.  Start with arms extended rings directly under Chest.  Drop into deep push-up position rings at shoulders.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

12/2/16 Heavy Bag Combos, Jump Rope

30 minutes
Heavy Bag Combos on and off.  Jump Rope on breaks.

Jump Rope - 300

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Bench Press, Turkish Get-ups, Butterfly Sit-ups, Body Squats

10 x 135
10 x 155
8 x 175
3 x 205
2 x 225
10 x 135

30 x Turkish Get-ups
10 - 2:46
2 min Rest
10 - 2:31
2 min Rest
10 - 2:37
2 min Rest
Total time - 11:57

Did not Rest last 2 years really but did today.

8 min Rest - Talking to Conrad

4 Rounds
25 Butterfly Sit-ups
25 Body Squats
1 - 1:05
2 - 1:17
3 - 1:25
4 - 1:23
Total -   5:10

Had to hustle.  Ran book for MS Double dual in main gym.  Bolivar, Lebanon, Republic.

3 Years in a row same workout same date.