Friday, May 31, 2013

Bench Press, Tire Slams, Farmers Carry

Bench Press Power Matrix for 230lbs
8 x 135
8 x 160
5 x 180
3 x 190
1 x 215
1 x 215
1 x 215
5 x 185
10 x 135

2 Rounds for time:
50 Tire Slams small bar, RT side
50 Tire Slams small bar, LT side
50 yard Farmers Carry 100lbs RT side
50 yard Farmers Carry 100lbs LT side
2 minute rest

1 - 2:53 Sledge Hammer both sides
2 - 1:14 Farmer Carry both sides 100lbs
REST - 2 min
3 - 2:56 Sledge Hammer both sides
4 - 1:12 Farmer Cary both sides 100lbs  
Total time - 10:17 with rest, 8:16 with out rest added in.

Daniel did weighted pull-ups while I benched.  Worked on new grip.  I did sets of 4 and 5 strict dead hang pull-ups before each round of bench.  Taking full recovery between bench sets.
Daniel and I kind of did the WOD as a partner WOD with him starting first and then me starting while he was farmer carrying.  My rest was 2:01 waiting for Danile on the Sledge.  Can't get much closer than that.  This one wore me slick on the slams.  50 reps a side is a bunch of swinging.

Crunches - 1000
Push-ups - 100

Total for the year
Crunches - 30,000
Push-ups - 3,000

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