Super Sets Couplets
4 sets of 10 reps
Hack Squats @ 185lbs
Jumping Lunges
90 Seconds Rest
2 minutes Rest
4 Sets of 10 reps
Squats @ 135lbs
Dumbbell Calf Raises 55lbs - one leg at a time
80 seconds rest
2 minutes Rest
4 sets of 12 reps
Bungiee Step forwards
Weighted HamString elivated hip thrust @ 25lbs plate
70 Seconds rest
2 minutes Rest
3-4sets 12,12,10 reps
Partner pull - 4 times
HamString push-ups - 3 sets
60 seconds rest
2 minutes Rest
Weighted walks 60lbs each arm
Sideway highknee walk face mirror wall
Sideway highknee walk face weight rack wall
High knee forward walk
High knee backward walk
Good to be in with Daniel. My elbows are still on fire. If this is not better soon I need to go get x-rays.