Friday, July 6, 2018

Cardio CrossFit with summer kids - The Firecracker 5

Came up with a new one for today.
1 Mile Warm Up

The Firecracker 5

5 Rounds
500 meter run
5 - Burpees
10 - Tire Jumps
15 - Grasshopper Abs
20 - Jumping Squats
25 - Lever Pulls

When done with all the above.
25 Toes-to-Bar
100/100 Mirror Runs

1 to 2 miles Cool Down

Tilled Garden

Monday, July 2, 2018

Float trip!

Jen and I decided to float the Pomme today.  We floated roughly 8.7 miles today.  Max loop bridge to Francka bridge.  I’m shot.  Had to get out and push a bunch.  We had a good time.  Saw 2 adult bald eagles watching their baby learn to fly.  Absolutely amazing.

Ran 2 miles this morning at practice

We ran the new course this morning.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

PM Legs

Back Squats to a toe
5 x 135
10 x 135
8 x 155
6 x 175

3 Sets of the following Super Sets
10 x 40lbs Goblet Squats to a toe
10/10 x Suitcase carry Dumbbell Lunges 10rt/10lft @ 35lbs

500 Crunches

Finishing putting weight room together

Putting rack pieces on
Reloading racks with the weight plates
Assembling new Dumbbell Rack
Taking extra weight rack parts back to shed
General clean up and organization of weight room 

Heavy Bag, Jump Rope, Tire Sledgehammer Slams, Box Jumps

3 Rounds
2 Min Heavy Bag Combos
50 Singles Jump Rope
10/10 Tire Sledgehammer Slams - 10 right/10 left
10 Big Box Jumps