3 Rounds
100 Yards walking lunge, trail knee touching the ground
20 Yards Hand Stand Walks
50 KB Swings 1 pood (35lbs)
1 min rest
1 - 3:45
2 - 3:52
3 - 4:26
Total time - 13:45
Been so long since I have done anything substantial. This was great. By the last round I was weaving all over the place. Good to get one in today. Thanks Daniel.
Rest 10 min
40 yard Hill sprints with log
2 sets of 5 rest while Daniel did his rep up and down hill at soccer field. 5 min rest between set.
Used the log I used to run hills with in High School and College. Pulled her out of the shed and Daniel and I knocked the dust off it today.
Monday 5/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 57
4 years ago