Triplets 3 Sets of 10 Reps
Back Squat AtoG finish to toe
Weighted suitcase Dumbbell carry lunges 10 each leg
Crunches x 100
Weighted single Leg step ups 10 steps each leg
Single Leg ring Squats 10 each leg
Butterfly sit-ups x 30
Single Leg Goblet Split Squats Toe on Bench 10 each leg
Jump Rope Singles x 100
Obliques 25 right side 25 left side
When done with above cash out
3 Sets
30 Caber bar Hammer Grip Curls @ 45lbs
20 to 30 Caber bar overhead Triceps Extensions @ 45lbs
15 Dumbbell Shrugs @ 70lbs each arm
Legs are shot from all the running yesterday. Knees are pretty sore.