The Road Back
30 KB Swings - 35lbs
20 Wall Ball - 20lbs
10 Toes to Bar
1 min rest
1 - 2:04.15
2 - 2:04.31
3 - 1:56.97
4 - 1:55.39
Total time - 10:25.16
It has been 25 days since I last worked out. I promised myself I would not let this happen and it did. Just had my priorities on Coaching, and wife and kids, in the in the right place but just could not find time to get a WOD in. Hopefully I can get that changed. We shall see. Things have been pretty stressful lately. Trying to coach my kids to an amazing season, stress at work, Doing CPR to Nurse Kristy and wondering if she was going to make it and just life in general has me worn slick. From the Nurse Kristy incident on the 16th of this month I have lost 10 lbs. I was down to 185lbs last Thursday. This is not the kind of weight loss I am needing. Not getting to workout with Daniel or see Clayton or Ben in the weight room for fellowship even for a few minutes is wearing me thin. Time to get things together. State is this weekend, I pray for the best for my kiddos and to get things back in balance. I turn 40 in December. I vowed to be at 178lbs by then with working out. Don't think I can do that in a healthy way but I will get as close as possible. My back has been back to hurting with out regular workouts. Time to get right.
Monday 5/11 - OPT Repeats - Day 57
4 years ago