Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day off

1000 crunches/abb exercises
100 push-ups

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pull ups per minute

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.

15 rounds plus 12

Total number of pull-ups 132

Monday, September 27, 2010

"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories) = Subbed in Burpees
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

-------------Round 1 ---- 2Round ---- 3 Round ---- Total
Wall Ball -----34 ----------30 ------------28 ---------92
SDLHP ------28 -----------21 -----------20 ----------69
Box Jump ---24 -----------21 -----------16 ----------61
Push Press --30 -----------26 -----------25 ----------81
Burpees -----13 -----------13 -----------14 -----------40
TOTAL -----129 ---------- 111 ----------103 --------343
Huge PR 54points higher

Workout went well. I was stinking scared because I had not done anything to speak of for the previous 10 plus days other than stationary bike. For my third work out back I was more than pleased. Daniel stayed late to time me on this one. I knew how much I missed having him around but having him there tonight was awesome. Thanks Brother!
I think I could have done a little more on this one but I have to be very happy with the effort. I did this one much smarter this time. I had the Push Press in the rack this time. Last time I had to take it off the floor. This made a huge difference in getting my reps done here. Overall just done smarter. My only weak point I would have to say was my box jumps. The SDLHP hurt my back with the bar. I struggle going as deep as I should but I more than make up for it on the top side. I was going to my chin. Which I busted on the bar once really good and popped it once or twice. I had a bad headache going into this from a very stressful day. I did not figure I was going to do very well.

This past July 21st just over 2 months ago
-------------Round 1 ---- 2Round ---- 3 Round ---- Total
Wall Ball -----30 ----------28 ------------24 ---------82
SDLHP ------26 -----------15 -----------18 ----------59
Box Jump ---25 -----------20 -----------15 ----------60
Push Press --20 -----------19 -----------18 ----------57
Burpees -----11 ------------9 -----------11 -----------31
TOTAL -----112 ---------- 91 -----------86 ----------289

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

Did not feel like I did this as well as I could have. I only biked 800 instead of my usual double of distance here.

1 - 4:54
2 - 5:30 Had to adjust back ext. this cost me time here.
3 - 5:05
Total = 15:29

12 rounds for time

DID THIS 9/25/10

For time: 15:28

25 Walking lunge steps = unblroken
20 Pull-ups = unbroken
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box = unbroken
20 Double-unders = subbed in 40 regular
25 Ring dips = unbroken, that was tough barely got up on the last one
20 Knees to elbows = broken, 12 - 8
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood = 55lbs = unbroken
30 Sit-ups = unbroken = butterfly no ancor.
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbells = Broken 10 - 5 - 5
25 Back extensions = Unbroken
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball = unbroken
3 Rope climb ascents = short rest between

No Crossfit for 10 plus days has really bothered me. Just have been to busy. This one went pretty solid. I tried listening to Jen's Ipod. That will be the last time I try that until I get some kind of arm strap. The plugs came out of my ears when it was in my pocket and when I tucked it in my belt line it kept falling out to the floor and unpluging. I spend more time messing with this than I should.
Bogged down on the Knees to Elbows could not string them together, went I think 12 - 8. My grip started to fail in the hang squat cleans. Had to break it up 10 - 5 - 5. That was crazy. I am guessing because of the time off. Grip was the issue on the Knees to Elbows.
I did the sit-ups as a butterfly legs. Soles of feet were together knees appart to ground. I know I could have shaved off time if I had ancored for sit ups on this one.
Did 55lbs on the KB swings. I still get a little nervous with the back using the 70lb dumbell because of grip and body position to use that for these.

I know I could have gone a tone faster today. Had a few weak spots. I did like this workout though. Great transitions from different body groups.

Stationary Bike

Stationary Bike

Stationary Bike

Stationary Bike

Friday, September 10, 2010


Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster

1 - 1:27
2 - 1:48
3 - 1:19
Total = 4:35

I blew through the first round feeling pretty good. Daniel posted a huge time and getting as close as I could was my goal. Realistically I was hoping to break 5. I got it done well under. I did the first round unbroken. Thrusters are usually my bain but all were unbroken. Pull ups on round two were 10/5, last round was 5/4.

With Carthage last night I was exhausted today. I just did not have the steam I normally had. I had a solid time but I think I could have gone much faster if I had been rested and had someone to push me. Emily was with me and did the best she could to keep me fired up. There is only so much a 7 year old could do. Thanks Emily.


50 Strict Pull-ups
100 Push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom
Run 5K Did not do
Did this late Wednesday night just did the pull-ups and push ups

Sunday, September 5, 2010


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight = adapted to Just over 200lbs to save back
Bench press: body weight = Weighed 192 this am.
Clean: 3/4 body weight = 144

As usual the deadlifts just took it out of me. I moved through them pretty well but it taxed me quite a bit. Bench press was solid, just a few breaks. From 6 down was unbroken. Squat cleans were legit 90deg. I focused on this because I adapted the Deadlift. They were steady and smooth but wore me slick.

Time = 33:44

Time = 32:49
Jen was body weight on Deadlift = 130
Bench press was 85lbs
Power cleans were not parallel but was 65lbs

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

With a 45 pound barbell, 21-15- and 9 reps for time of: Turkish Get-ups, Sots Press

With a 45 pound barbell, 21-15- and 9 reps for time of:

Turkish Get-ups, alternating arms
Sots press

This was my first time doing Turkish Get-ups. They suck! The 45lb barbell was tough. I did not break the Get-ups appart. They were straight through it was just slow gowing. I really struggled with this workout tonight. I blew through last nights this one was the opposite. Since I struggle with overhead squats the Sots press was murder. I had to do the sots press in sets of 5 except for the last round I did that one unboken. The good thing was I did have my squat position at a full parallel. Just had to be very wide with the feet.

1 - 11:09
2 - 9:41
3 - 4:54
TOTAL = 25:45

JEN With a 20lb dumbell on Get ups, and 25lb curl bar for press